Mentor Resources – How to
Flying StartLearning
Programme / Aim of this unit / Learning Outcomes
Communication / Be able to communicate confidently and competently with patients, carers, colleagues and other agencies using a range of skills and approaches in increasingly complex situations / 1. Utilise a range of skills that support effective communication within any healthcare setting
2. Appraise the methods used by the multi-professional team to provide effective communication
3. Identify your continuing learning needs in relation to communication skills
Activity / The aim of this unit is that you will be able to communicate confidently and competently with patients, carers, colleagues and other agencies using a range of skills and approaches in increasingly complex situations.
The skills which you should now be able to demonstrate are, the ability to:
- utilise a range of skills that support effective communication within any healthcare setting
- appraise the methods used by the multi-professional team to provide effective communication
- identify your continuing learning needs in relation to communication skills
Flying Start
Programme / Aim of this unit / Learning Outcomes
Clinical Skills / Demonstrate the ability to apply clinical skills in a range of settings of increasing complexity / 1. Apply these clinical skills to increasingly complex situations within practice
2. Reflect upon the clinical skills you and others contribute to the provision of care. Identify your continuing learning needs in relation to clinical skills development
3. Demonstrate an evidence-based approach to your clinical skill development
Concluding Activity / The aim of this learning unit is to supportyour ability to demonstrate howyou applyclinical skills in a range of settings of increasing complexity.
This concluding activity requires you to reflect on your overall learning within this unit, and how much you have developed as a practitioner in your first year in NHS Scotland. Write a portfolio entry which demonstrates your ability to:
- apply clinical skills in increasingly complex situations within practice
- reflect on the clinical skills your and others contribute to the provision of care
- demonstrate an evidence-based approach to your clinical skill development
Flying Start
Programme / Aim of this unit / Learning Outcomes
Teamwork / Understand, respect and value the roles and contributions of all members of the health and social care team. Gain confidence in reflecting on your contributions to patient care and teamworking / 1. Work effectively and efficiently within a multi-professional team/s
2. Demonstrate the use of networking and collaboration as a means to facilitate multi-professional communication and socialisation
3. Demonstrate and value a professional understanding and attitude towards other professional groups and support staff
Concluding Activity / From your learning make a summary entry in your portfolio about what you have learned from this section, and how this will influence your continuing development as a team member. Consider:
- your understanding of the roles within your team
- benefits to patient/ client care due to improved team working
- your ability to work collaboratively within practice
- any changes in your team working skills as a result of networking/ collaborative working
Flying Start
Programme / Aim of this unit / Learning Outcomes
Safe Practice / To function safely and effectively as a accountable practitioners working within local and national governance frameworks / 1. Demonstrate accountability and decision making in relation to safe and effective practice
2. Apply local policies and procedures within your practice to deliver safe and effective care
3. Reflect upon your own, and others, contributions and responsibility to provide safe and effective care within NHS Scotland
Concluding Activity / The aim of this unit is to allow you to function safely and effectively as an accountable practitioner, working within local and national governance frameworks.
The skills which you should now be able to demonstrate are:
- accountability and decision making in relation to safe and effective practice
- the application of local policies and procedures within your practice to deliver safe and effective care
- reflection upon your own, and others, contributions and responsibility to provide safe and effective care within NHS Scotland
Flying Start
Programme / Aim of this unit / Learning Outcomes
Research for Practice / To enhance the ability of newly qualified practitioners to gather and present evidence of applying research skills and knowledge in the workplace / 1. Integrate information from a variety of sources which supports evidence based care
2. Understand what evidence is and how to use it
3. Make changes in your daily practice so that evidence is a routine part of clinical decision making
Concluding Activity / The aim of this learning unit is to enhance your ability to gather and present evidence of applying research skills and knowledge in the workplace.
Following a period of reflective practice, consider your overall activity and learning within this unit and make a portfolio entry which demonstrates how you will be able to:
- integrate information from a variety of sources which supports evidence based care
- understand what evidence is and how to use it
- make changes to your daily practice incorporating evidence as a routine part of clinical decision making
Flying Start
Programme / Aim of this unit / Learning Outcomes
Equality and Diversity / Recognise and value diversity within your healthcare setting to ensure positive behaviour towards patients, carers, colleagues and the wider health and social care team / 1. Identify the impact of different cultures, values and choices upon the delivery of healthcare provision
2. Understand, respect and value all factors contributing to a positive experience of receiving healthcare for patients and families
3. Demonstrate how working collaboratively with the multi-professional health and social care team can improve the patient journey
Concluding Activity / The aim of this learning unit is to enable you to recognise and value diversity within your healthcare setting to ensure positivebehaviour towards patients, carers, colleagues and the wider health and social care team.
The skills which you should be able to demonstrate the ability to:
- identify the impact of different cultures, values and choices upon the delivery of healthcare provision
- understand, respect and value all factors contributing to a positive experience of receiving healthcare for patients and families
- demonstrate howworking collaboratively with the multi-professional healthand social care team can improve the patient journey
Flying Start
Programme / Aim of this unit / Learning Outcomes
Policy / To understand the policy and organisation context of health and social care in NHS Scotland / 1. Understand the policy context within NHS Scotland
2. Identify local strategies that are designed to enhance patient care
3. Understand the process of consultation I NHS Scotland
4. Know how to contribute to influencing service provision within your healthcare setting
Concluding Activity / The aim of this unit is to enable you to understand the policy and organisational context of health and social care in NHS Scotland.
The learning outcomes should have led you to be able to demonstrate that you:
- understand the policy context within NHS Scotland
- can identify local strategies that are designed to enhance patient care
- understand the process of consultation in NHS Scotland
- know how to contribute to influencing future service provision within your local healthcare setting
Flying Start
Programme / Aim of this unit / Learning Outcomes
Reflective Practice / 1. To deepen your understanding of reflective practice and it’s potential impact on the quality of care delivered
2. To inform your personal and professional development particularly within the wider context of the clinical practice setting / 1. Use reflection to illustrate your personal and professional strengths
2. Work reflectively in the health and/or social care team
3. Reflect routinely on your everyday practice with patients and/or clients
4. Seek regular feedback on how you respond to the diverse needs of patients and/or clients and their families
Concluding Activity / The aim of this unit is todeepen your understanding of reflective practice and its potential impact on the quality of care delivered and toinform personal and professional development particularly within the wider context of the practice setting
Following a period of reflective practice, make a portfolio entry which demonstrates how you will beable to:
- use reflection to illustrate your personal and professional strengths
- work reflectively in the health and/or social care team
- reflect routinely on your everyday practice with patients and/or clients
- seek regular feedback on how you respond to the diverse needs of patients and/or clients and their families
Flying Start
Programme / Aim of this unit / Learning Outcomes
Professional Development / To embed the skills of lifelong learning into the everyday practice of newly qualified practitioners in order to maximise their confidence and capability within NHS Scotland / 1. Value and embed continuing professional development activities as a lifelong learning process to improve your knowledge and skills
2. Assume responsibility for your Continuing Professional Development
3. Demonstrate growing confidence in developing others
Concluding Activity / The aim for this unit is: ‘To embed the skills of lifelong learning into the everyday practice of newly qualified practitioners, which in order to maximise their confidence and capability within NHS Scotland.’
You should now be able to evidence your ability to:
- value and embed continuing professional development activities as a lifelong process to improve your knowledge and skills
- maintain a reflective record of evidence demonstrating the outcome of learning from a range of activities
- demonstrate growing confidence in developing others
Flying Start
Programme / Aim of this unit / Learning Outcomes
Career Pathways / For newly qualified nurses, midwives and allied health professionals to have acquired the knowledge and skills to embark on a structured career in NHS Scotland / 1. Explore the possible short and longer term options for your career development
2. Understand the role of NHS KSF in assisting your career pathway
3. Develop the skills to effectively manage your career
4. Identify the available resources to assist your career pathway
Concluding Activity / The aim of this learning unit is for you to acquire the knowledge and skills to embark upon a structured career pathway in NHS Scotland.
Reflecton the activities you have completed within this unit and how these haveincreased your awareness of the importance of owning and managing your own career pathway. Thelearning outcomes you should now be able to demonstrate are to:
- explore the possible short and longer term options for your career development
- understand the role of NHS KSF in assisting your career pathway
- develop the skills to effectively manage your career
- identify the available resources to assist yourcareer pathway