Mentor Guidelines and Confirmation Form

Senior seminar is a unique learning experience for students at Highlands High School. Designed for talented and motivated students who want to shape their own learning, this program allows students to explore an area of career and professional interest while further gaining academic inquiry skills. Students demonstrate their learning through a documented research paper and an independent applied project. To achieve these goals, students spend time in professional settings that become their classrooms outside of school. Under the supervision and guidance of a professional mentor, students gain a first-hand understanding of their chosen area.

Every student needs support, guidance, and mentoring in order to have a meaningful and rewarding experience throughout the Senior Project. The role of the mentor is absolutely critical and can prove to be a truly rewarding experience. The purpose of this form is to explain variety of roles often taken by the professional mentor when participating in the senior project. It is not an exhaustive description of responsibilities because each mentor relationship will be a little different, however, these suggestions will provide some guidance.

What is the mentor’s major objective?

The mentor’s role is to assist a student in the exploration of opportunities and/or challenges in a professional field and to assist in the development of a senior project that attempts to solve a problem in this field. Typical mentoring and shadowing experiences range from 40-60 on-site hours throughout the school year.

What are some of the potential responsibilities of a mentor in order to achieve this objective?

§  Assist the student with topic selection as they seek an appropriate “learning stretch”

§  Assist students in establishing learning objectives

§  Challenge the student to think critically and solve problems collaboratively and independently

§  Provide appropriate field related shadowing experiences

§  Work with the student to check progress on project and provide technical assistance as necessary

§  Serve as an expert in the field of study allowing the student to interview the mentor as a primary source in the development of their research paper and presentation

§  Be available for consultation on a regular basis

§  Be available to work with student as he/she practices presentations

§  Provide students with feedback as appropriate.

§  Share materials and resources (when appropriate) with students as they work toward their project

§  Verify the student time log

§  Sit on the student board presentation in May, 2013.

§  Contact school personnel if student is not meeting expectations

What being a senior mentor is not

·  Asking students to make copies, answer phones or do other tasks not specifically related to the field

·  Serving as a mentor if you are a parent or close relative to the student

·  Supporting the student financially in the development of the project

·  Dictating the student’s project

For additional clarification regarding any concerns you may have, please call Rita Byrd at 859-815-2011.

An informational meeting for mentors will be held at Highlands High School this fall. You will receive a notification of this meeting from your student once the school year begins. We encourage you to attend to hear more about this opportunity.

Please retain this information for your records.

Mentor Agreement Form

Please complete the mentor section of this agreement

if you are willing to serve as a mentor.

Name: ______

Type of Business: ______

Address: ______

Telephone numbers: Office:______Home:______



Best time (s) to be contacted:______

For mentor to complete and sign:

I agree to serve as a senior project mentor to______

I will advise and assist with his/her mentor related Senior Project.


Mentor signature Date


For parent to complete and sign:

I am aware that ______will be serving as a Senior Project Mentor and give my permission for him/her to meet with my son/daughter to complete the senior project obligations.


Parent/Guardian signature Date


For school faculty to review and approve:


Senior Seminar Teacher Date


School Coordinator Date


Teacher Advisor Date