Mentor Frequently Asked Questions about Placements
1. Why do Paramedics need to do hospital placements? Page 2
2. What experiences are included in Paramedic placements? Page 2
3. Who organises Paramedic placements? Page 2
4. Can students negotiate their own placements? Page 2
5. My student has child care considerations, can this be taken
into account for their placements? Page 2
6. What happens if my student has an emergency that prevents
them attending a placement? Page 2/3
7. What shifts can Paramedic students work on placement? Page 3
8. How many hours a week should students work on placement? Page 3
9. How are Paramedic students prepared for placements? Page 3
10. Who do I speak to if I have concerns about a student
on placement? Page 3
11. Who do I speak to if my student has concerns whilst on
placement? Page 3
12. What happens if my student is ill on placement? Page 3
13. What happens if my student needs a day off during placement
for childcare or an appointment? Page 3/4
14. How do I complete the assessment documentation? Page 4
15. What happens if my student doesn’t achieve all their learning
outcomes? Page 4
16. To what level do I sign off my student? Page 4
17. What practical experience have students undertaken prior to
starting their placement? Page 4
18. What mentor support is available? Page 4
19. How do I induct my student? Page 4
20. What level of mentor do the Paramedics need? Page 4
21. Why has the Paramedic training programme changed? Page 4
22. Why has the time in theatres been reduced? Page 5
23. Why do the IHCD paramedics have the same placements as
the student paramedics in placement when they don’t get extra
support after their placement? Page 5
24. Should students wear an ID badge? Page 5
25. Should the students wear uniform on placement? Page 5
26. Do the students have an honorary contract? Page 5
27. Do we have any contact details for support with my student? Page 5
1) Why do Paramedics need to do hospital placements?
Paramedic training combines academic classroom based learning with practical experience. Hospital placements are an essential element of the professional training. It is designed to allow the student time to experience dealing with patients in a live environment with adequate support and control mechanisms. Hospital placements also ensure the opportunity for students to work with multi professional groups, and provides an insight into the NHS and health related services.
2) What experiences are included in Paramedic placements?
Students are allocated a number of different practice placement experiences with a health care setting, and broadly speaking these are:
· A&E
· Operating Theatres
· Midwifery & Paediatrics
3) Who organises Paramedic placements?
A collaboration has been established between YAS Practice Placement Team (PPT) and Leeds Metropolitan Faculty of Health Placement Unit (FHPU). Acting on behalf of PPT, FHPU source placements from across NHS Yorkshire and Humber and build the placements into locality based pathways. The collaboration will then work together to allocate the pathways, ensuring that all the necessary criteria is taken into account and that the placements are suitable and quality assured.
4) Can students negotiate their own placements?
There is a huge amount of negotiation, planning and liaison across the Yorkshire and Humber region that needs to take place to ensure that all students training to be health care professionals can access suitable, quality assured placements. This requires appropriate links and dialogue with key personnel in hospitals who have an overview of all students accessing placements. Individual negotiations can often be disruptive and in some cases can jeopardise the overall provision of placements, as well as placing an unnecessary burden of contact on already overworked hospital staff. Therefore this is NOT PERMITTED.
5) My student has child care considerations; can this be taken into account for their placements?
YAS operate a family friendly policy and therefore wherever possible PPT try to take into account constraints with dependants. However, students on practice placement must try wherever possible to fit in with the shift pattern of the practice area.
6) What happens if my student has an emergency that prevents them attending a placement?
In the case of an emergency, e.g. bereavement or illness, which prevents the student from attending their placement, the student needs to notify PPT at the earliest opportunity, preferably in writing outlining the circumstances and the requirements. PPT will do everything possible to support the student into another placement opportunity, but this must be arranged by FHPU.
7) What shifts can Paramedic students work on placement?
Students can expect to work their placement hours over a 24 hour period, mirroring that of their mentors, and students are able to work across a seven day week, however students with caring responsibilities can be accommodated on placement to work reduced hours, with gained permission from YAS.
8) How many hours a week should students work on placement?
Over the placement period students should work an average of 37.5 hours a week. If students have 2 placements in some weeks then they may work more than the average, and some weeks they may work less. Hours are stipulated for each placement area as a guidance as to how long the student may need in order to fulfil the competencies for each area. Students may also be given longer in some departments in order to achieve more than 1 area of competence e.g. 1 week in MAU may cover the Older Adults, Allied Health and Mental Health elements also. From January 2010, IHCD Trainee Paramedics will need to complete 160 hours on placement, however this should be covered easily over the 5 weeks for placements.
9) How are Paramedic students prepared for placements?
Students are provided with a Placement Allocation Sheet, which informs them of their placement dates and mentor contact details. Students are advised to make contact with their placement area before their commencement date and to ask about the uniform policy, car parking and anything else that they are unsure about.
10) Who do I speak to if I have concerns about a student on placement?
If your concern is of a clinical nature then please raise this with your Practice Learning Facilitator who will take the necessary course of action. This action may include discussing your issue with the Placement Co-ordinator at YAS or the Faculty of health Placements Unit.
11) Who do I speak to if my student has concerns whilst on placement?
As above. The student should be directed to contact the YAS Practice Placement
12) What happens if my student is ill on placement?
Students should follow the YAS sickness reporting policy. They also need to inform the Hospital Placement area that they are unable to attend the shift at the earliest opportunity, and they need to inform the PPT.
13) What happens if my student needs a day off during placement for childcare or an appointment?
If the student is willing to be flexible with their shifts then they may be able to negotiate a shift swap within the placement area (i.e. swap a day shift for a night shift). However, please do not allow students to deviate from their allocated placement dates as this will result in an overlap of Paramedics in the same department, causing serious problems.
14) How do I complete the assessment documentation?
You will need to write a paragraph about what the students have managed to
experience during their time in your department. They don’t need to achieve all
the competences in every department.
15) What happens if my student doesn’t achieve all their learning outcomes?
Students do not need to achieve every outcome in all of their placements, however it is important that mentors document the opportunities that students have had whilst on their placement. Note that this may cover more than one placement element e.g. Older Adults may be covered in A&E.
16) To what level do I sign off my student?
The placement period is not formally assessed. The mentor is documenting the
opportunities that the student has been exposed to and is making a judgement as to
whether the student is suitable to enter a further period of supervised practice.
17) What practical experience have students undertaken prior to starting their placement?
Students have already completed a years training, including both theory and
practical application of knowledge. All students have been signed off as
competent under simulation before they are able to access hospital placements.
18) What mentor support is available?
If you feel that you need the support of a Paramedic Tutor then this can be
arranged via FHPU or via your local PLF. Mentor support documentation will
soon be available via the PPQA website. You can access this by logging on to and viewing professional documentation.
19) How do I induct my student?
Students will have a heath and safety check list in their student assessment
documentation. It is important that you introduce the students to any policies or
procedures that are specific to your placement area.
20) What level of mentor do the Paramedics need?
The mentor needs to be a registered healthcare professional, ideally with a
Mentorship qualification, however this is not essential.
21. Why has the Paramedic training programme changed?
There are now two methods by which a paramedic may be trained; the original IHCD (Institute of Healthcare Development – BTEC Level 3) method and the university method which comprises of either a Foundation Degree (FdSc) or Diploma in Paramedic Science (only the FdSc students are placed via YAS, the diploma students complete placements whilst in their full time studies).
The programmes have changed to reflect the evolving role of the paramedic and the evolving NHS as a whole. Paramedics now have further opportunities to progress within the wider health service and not just within pre-hospital roles.
22. Why has the time in theatres been reduced?
The time spent in theatres has reduced to allow further placements in other specialised areas. Also the criteria for placements has altered in the sense that students are no longer required to demonstrate skills such as cannulation and intubation a specific number of times; they are now required to demonstrate safe practice and technique as deemed by their placement mentor(s).
23. Why do the IHCD paramedics have the same placements as the student
Paramedics in placement when they don’t get extra support after their
IHCD students commence placements at the very end of their course and so successful completion results in their immediate addition to the HPC (Health Professions Council) register and thus immediate Paramedic status.
Student paramedics on the FdSc Paramedic Science programme access their placements during their second year of their course, and upon completion of their placements they still have outstanding pieces of work to complete so they continue to have access to support as they are continuing to practice as students. Student paramedics can only register with the HPC after the university board grants their award.
24. Should students wear an ID badge?
The trainee paramedics should wear their Yorkshire Ambulance Service ID badges at all times whilst on placement.
25. Should the students wear uniform on placement?
Each hospital has their own policy on what students should wear whilst on placement so the students are advised to seek advice from the mentor/department regarding uniform when they make contact prior to starting placement.
26. Do the students have an honorary contract?
The student Paramedics have undergone all the necessary checks with Occupational Health and CRB to meet the conditions of the honorary contract. All students should have signed an honorary contract prior to commencing placements.
27. Do we have any contact details for support with my student?
If you have any queries regarding the allocations of your student please contact Leeds Metropolitan University Faculty of Health Placement Unit (FHPU) on 01138129233.
For queries regarding clinical issues with your student please contact your PLF in the first instance.
Yorkshire Ambulance Service Practice Placement Coordinator – 07824 540169.
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