Notes of a meeting held at 2.00 p.m. on Tuesday 2nd September2008 in Committee Room 1, StrathclydeHospital, Motherwell
Present: Colin Sloey (Chair), Fiona Gairns, Karen Spiers, Gael McDougall, Eleanor Wilson, Mia McLaughlin, Calvin Brown, Craig Cunningham, Karen Robertson, Dennis McLafferty, Tom Bryce, Mari Brannigan,Gary Tanner, Jennifer Borthwick, David Boyd, Annie McGeeney, David Shields, Kenny Small, Craig Cunningham,
- Apologies: Jim Wright, Frank Fallan, Kevin O’Neill, Ann Marie Newman, Alison McMullan, Joyce Mouriki, Stephen Boyd, Duncan Clark
- Notes of Previous Meeting
The notes of the meeting held on 16th July 2008 were accepted as a correct record.
The format of future agendas for this meeting will be timeously circulated in one e-mail, attachments will be in order as follows, agenda, minutes of previous meeting, progress reports and then new items and papers. Each agenda paper will be marked on the corner with a number that reflects where on the agenda the item will be discussed, Stephen Boyd shall co-ordinate this.
Papers for circulation will be accepted by Stephen Boyd no later than 5 working days prior to the meeting, otherwise the author will have to prepare copies and present the paper to the meeting, giving the reason for not meeting the deadline for circulation.
Action: S. Boyd
- Matters Arising
i)Mental Health Workplan Update
The Workplans are to be a regular reportable item to the Service Improvement Board meeting, each workplan lead will be expected to present on a quarterly rotational basis, Fiona Gairns and Stephen Boyd will co-ordinate. Current workplans are to be re-circulated to members of this group for noting.
Action: F. Gairns, S. Boyd
ii)ICP Development
Karen Robertson spoke to the papers circulated prior to the meeting.
A meeting has taken place with Alison McMullan and Linda Findlay to determine the input from the Lead Clinicians across the steering group and sub groups. Discussions will take place with Dr Memo Langa, on his return from leave, to identify a clinical lead to chair the generic ICP sub group.
The ICP Coordinator post willnow be advertised externally as no applications were received from internal staff. The post shall sit within the Practice Development Centre at Wishaw General, Karen Robertson will be responsible for setting the objectives and workplan of the post holder.
Action: K. Robertson
iii)Mental Health Collaborative
Tom Bryce gave some feedback.
The candidates short listed for the Mental Health Collaborative Managers post with drew their interest prior to interview, this was due to their success with post applications for elsewhere. Tom Bryce and Robert Peat are to meet to identify an interim plan to ensure the Collaborative agenda is being progressed.
Action: T Bryce
iv)Evaluation of Assessment and Treatment Model
Craig Cunningham advised that the evaluation is now complete for the Hairmyres site and it is currently in circulation for comment.
The Adult Clinical Leadership Group are to consider how the model will progress across the Wishaw General and Monklands site
Tom Bryce informed the meeting that the Acute Inpatient Forum steering group has now been established, they have proposed the development of a local group at each of the three acute sites which would also support the advancement of the model.
v)Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Service (CRHTS)
Craig Cunningham advised that the five Band 5 post and three Band 3 post have all been recruited, HR are managing the process that will identify the Band 7 staff from the PAT service. The service will commence on the 1st October 2008
A meeting which took place with the consultant staff on Monday 1st September was reported to be positive.
vi)Development of In Patient Forum
Tom Bryce discussed as in item iv). Next meeting is being organised to take place in October.
vii)Achieving Race Equality Across Primary Care Mental Health Services 2008-2011
Colin Sloey advised the meeting that the bid presented by Sandra Shafii on behalf of NHS Lanarkshire and partners was unfortunately unsuccessful, although it had reached the final stages of the process which was encouraging. Colin Sloey congratulated Sandra and the Group on their efforts.
- Sub Group Delivery Plans
The reporting format for the sub group delivery plan progress reports will be a one page report detailing the progress report and exception report, Fiona Gairns will develop a template for use.
It is essential that the leads ensure their reports reach Stephen Boyd by the circulation deadline.
Action: F. Gairns, S. Boyd
Fiona Gairns gave progress report in addition to the workplan previously circulated. Full Business Cases for Caird Houose and Coathill will be presented to the Capital Investment Group on 5th September.
Caird – Build to commence March 2009, 18 month completion
Coathill – Build to commence December 2008, 1 year completion
Torrance House – extension of lease, 5 years, opportunity to review in 3years
Bellshill Main St – lease extended, 5 years
Bellshill Community Health Clinic – work progressing, completion end of October
Torrance House – accommodation refurbishment for addiction staff being addressed with stakeholders
MonklandsHospital – draft report from clinical sub groups work expected end of September. Colin Sloey insists that communication and engagement are critical to the service/clinical model development. A progress report is to be made available for next meeting
Action: F. Gairns
Hartwoodhill – extensions to buildings will take 10 – 12 weeks to complete, MWC will return in October to view
OAP beds – case profile being completed on needs led basis. A progress report is to be made available for next meeting
Action: T Bryce
Airbles Road – installation of phone lines will complete work. Staff will then be accommodated in an integrated manner, sharing office space where available
Integrated Day Service for Older People – Band 6 Coordinator post has been appointed
Caird House – suggestion that Caird House should be decanted during demolition and construction work at Caird to be considered in an option appraisal process. Fiona Gairns to lead
Action: F. Gairns
ii) SIB Workplan
Antidepressant prescribing – Evaluation complete, funding secured to develop model and service provision
Suicide – training strategy and trajectory to be made available for next meeting. Phil McMenemy to be consulted on GP engagement with training
Action; T . Bryce
Readmission – Base line data being collated by Laura Morrison. Progress report required
Action; T . Bryce
Dementia – ongoing communication with GPs, Mia McLaughlin to link with Calvin Brownto progress any communication issues
Equality Tool SRI – held over until Kevin ONeil in attendance.
Peer Support – draft job description for Acute Inpatient Worker with the Acute Inpatient Forum.
Depression & Psychological Therapies – Psychological Therapies Group established. Meeting the 18 week referral to treatment is a standing agenda for the group.Jennifer Borthwick has been invited on to a National group chaired by Tony Wells.
Eating Disorders –recruitment to post underway.
- Finance Update
Gael McDougall advised that she is to meet with each CLG to establish current staffing W.T.E, ensuring consistency with the Mental Health Strategy and financial frameworks. Colin Sloey requested that Karen Robertson join Gael to revise the data collected against the national drivers and with professional workforce planning tools.
Each CLG are requested to identify financial priorities so that competing priorities can be identified to allow Gael to produce a financial plan for consideration by this meeting.
Craig Cunningham is to provide a financial framework for the Crisis Home Treatment
Action: C. Cunningham
- HR Update
Kenny Small apologised for any difficulties members of this group may have encountered during the redesign of HR services.
The workforce development tool, previously circulated, was described as a tool to aid service redesign, review workforce planning and to ensure that workforce skills are deployed equitably. The membership of the group agreed and will use the tool for that purpose.
- Mental Health Partnerships
Integrated Mental Health Service - Jennifer Borthwick advised the next meeting of the service model sub group is on Monday the 8th September, an update will be available for the next meeting.
- Mental Health Service Improvement Board Briefing
Calvin Brown advised that the first issue of the briefing bulletin had been circulated in July and he is currently working on the next issue
- Early Onset Dementia Business Case
Mia McLaughlin spoke to the paper previously circulated. Colin Sloey remarked on the comprehensiveness of the document and has requested that some additional information be provided to complete the paper.
Action: M. McLaughlin, E. Wilson
- The Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act
Karen Robertson spoke to the paper previously circulated and advised that Roy Watts and herself were progressing the work along with colleagues from NLC and SLC. Guidance for health staff is being developed and a paper is being prepared for the Corporate Management Team. Jim Grierson and Jackie Mitchell have completed training for trainers course in relation to the Act
- A.O.C.B
Financial Framework
Colin Sloey suggested that the next meeting focus around the assessment of the financial framework. Service developments requiring investment are to be considered. The group agreed to take the Nominal Group Technique approach to each of the cases presented, Colin Sloey to circulate information on the technique prior to the next meeting which will commence at 9am – 12 noon
Mental Health Resources 08-09
Colin Sloey advised that the Scottish Government Partnership Funding, to meet the Mental Health Act requirements, amounts to £477,000. Gael McDougall to provide breakdown of what money is being spent at the moment, local authorities shall also identify their spend, for the intentions of a meeting with all parties to discuss
Older Peoples Performance Review
Eleanor Wilson tabled a paper highlighting the performance of Older Peoples Service. An action plan to meet the issues highlighted is to be developed in association with adult CLG and General Managers
- Date and Time next meeting 9 am – 12 noon Wednesday 15th October in Committee Room 1, StrathclydeHospital