Mendon-Upton Regional School District
150 North Avenue
Mendon, MA 01756
Miscoe - 508-634-1588 – Memorial School- 508-529-6212
After School Program
The Mendon- Upton After School Program, offered by the Mendon-Upton Regional School District, isa school-based answer to after school care, enrichment activities, and community interactions. We are located at both Miscoe and Memorial school and provide care for students K- 6 grade. Mendon-Upton After School Program is committed to providing a dynamic, stimulating and safe environment that respects the rights and needs of every child.
Mendon-Upton After School Program:
- After School care from the end of the school day until 6pm Monday- Friday.
- The program accommodates as many families as possible; however, slots are filled on a first-come, first served basis. MUASP maintains a small student to staff ratio; available space dictates program size. Certain days of the week may close quickly; resulting in you being placed on a waitlist should the program be filled at the time we receive your registration
- Tuition has been established for the ten (10) month period, August- May, and has been divided equally over that time in the tuition schedule. Payments are calculated by your child’s schedule.
- Only one change of schedule will be permitted after you register. Any further schedule changes will incur a $25 change of schedule fee. All requests for change must be in writing and cannot be guaranteed.
- All fees and tuition payments are non-refundable and non-transferable.
- MUASP opens on the first day of school for students entering grades 1-6. MUASP for Kindergarten students will begin on the first day that all Kindergarten students are present.
- We cannot accept schedule changes between the week prior to school starting and the first two weeks of school beginning.
- Schedule Changes may be submitted in writing during the first week of school, and will be effective October 1, 2017. All schedule changes made after the first week of school must be submitted in writing at least 2 weeks in advance.
- A 30-day written notice is required to remove your child from the program.
- The program will offer select vacation weeks and early releases during the school year. There will be a separate registration for school vacation weeks.
- Summer Fun Program: This program is open to all children entering grades K through 6. The Summer Fun Program meets Monday- Thursday, from 8:30 am- 4:30 pm. Enrollment is available for 1 to 4 days per week. Separate registration is required for the summer program.
Registration for Mendon-Upton After School Program is a 3-step process:
Step 1: Complete registration forms
Step 2: Return completed forms to the school with first tuition payment. Your child’s spot is not held until the first payment is received. You will pay 10 monthly payments. August (first payment with registration) through May 15th (last payment due)
Step 3: Read and review the Before and After School Handbook, as well, as the behavior and homework agreement with child. The behavior and homework agreement needs to be signed by both a parent and child and returned before the start of school. Any medical action plans and medicine needed are required before the start of school.
Completed forms can be returnedto your child’s school Attn: Lana Laczka or mailed to:
Mendon/ Upton Regional School DistrictContact Information:
150 North AveLana Laczka, Director of Programs
Mendon, MA 01756508-529-6212
Tara Scansaroli, Billing Coordinator 508-634-1585508-634-1588
After School Program Fees
2017-2018 School Year
PAYMENT FEE SCHEDULENumber of Days Attending
Monthly Payment / Due Date
Five (5) days per week / $300.00 / 1st payment due at registration
(then monthly payments
Sept. 15, 2017 through
May 15, 2018)
Four (4) days per week / $275.00 / 1st payment due at registration
(then monthly payments
Sept. 15, 2017 through
May 15, 2018)
Three (3) days per week / $225.00 / 1st payment due at registration
(then monthly payments
Sept. 15, 2017 through
May 15, 2018)
Two (2) days per week / $150.00 / 1st payment due at registration
(then monthly payments
Sept. 15, 2017 through
May 15, 2018)
Mendon- Upton Regional School District
After School Program
2017-2018 School Year
Child Information:
Student’s Name: ______
Grade in the Fall:______
Home Address:______
Bus Number they ride if not attending program: ______
Check Days Needed:
Time: / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayAfter School
Parent/ Guardian Information:
Parent/ Guardian:______Parent/ Guardian: ______
Relationship to child:______Relationship to child:______
Home address:______Home Address:______
Home phone:______Home Phone:______
Cell Phone:______Cell Phone:______
Business Name:______Business Name:______
Business Address:______Business Address:______
Business Phone:______Business Phone:______
Hours at work:______Hours at work:______
Email Address:______Email Address:______
Can Either parent(s)/ Guardian(s) pick up at any time? Yes/ NO
Are there any individuals who should not have contact with your child? Yes / NO
Child Information:
Sex: M FDate of Birth: ____/____/____ Primary Language:______
Allergies/ Special Diet:______
Chronic Health Conditions:______
Special Limitations/ Concerns:______
Is student on an IEP or 504 plan? Yes ______No ______
*Parents must supply an updatedMedical Action Plan and necessary medication prior to the start of the school year and your child starting the program. *
I give permission for a staff member to administer the EpiPen needed for my child’s allergy or medical condition.
Parent/ Guardian Initals:______
I give permission for my child’s allergy or medical condition to be shared with all staff members that come in contact with my child. Parent/ Guardian Initals:______
I authorize the staffs in the MUASP program that are trained in the basics of first aid to give my child first aid when appropriate. I understand that every effort will be made to contact me in the event of an emergency requiring medical attention for my child. However, if I cannot be reached, I hereby authorize the MUASP to transport my child to the nearest medical care facility and to secure necessary medical treatment for my child. Parent/ Guardian Initials:______
Additional Information:
Child’s Physician/ Clinic: ______
Health Insurance Coverage:______Policy Number:______
Additional Pick UP Information: In case of emergency or unforeseen circumstances, I give permission for any of the following individuals to be contacted and my child/children may be released to them. At least one local contact is required that is in the Mendon/ Upton area or within 15 minutes of your child’s school.
Full Name: ______Full Name:______
Relationship to child:______Relationship to child:______
Work Phone:______Work Phone:______
Home Phone:______Home Phone:______
Cell Phone:______Cell Phone:______
Check the Following:
______My Child may be photographed/ videoed at the MUASP.
______My Child may not be photographed/ videoed at the MUASP.
(At no time will your child’s full name be used in conjunction with their picture unless prior consent has been granted.)
I would like my child to participate in the Homework Club: (circle one) Yes/ NO
( Homework/behavior agreement must be completed and returned by everyone.)
Please provide passwords for online homework, so we can assist your child with logging on. IE: go math, IXL, Wonders, Lexia, Raz-Kids, Kids A-Z
Program: ______Program: ______
Username: ______Username: ______
Password: ______Password: ______
Program: ______Program: ______
Username: ______Username: ______
Password: ______Password: ______
Please read and initial to acknowledge that you understand and agree with the following:
I understand and agree with the above policies and procedures.
Parent/ Guardian Initials:______
I have read the MUASP Handbook.
Parent/ Guardian Initials:______
I agree to follow all policies and procedures as stated in the handbook.
Parent/ Guardian Initials:______
Parent/Guardian Signature:______
Mendon- Upton Before/After School Program
Homework/Behavior Agreement
I ______being the parent of ______agree that my child must follow all school rules while in attendance at the after school program. A time slot has been set aside each day in order for your child to take advantage of finishing their homework before going home. We offer this time so that your child may relax and have free time at home. If your child opts not to participate in homework time, they are not to disturb those who are working. An alternate activity will be offered to those who choose not to do their homework. If your child does not obey the rules of the after school program, the program has the right to suspend thechild from the program. If your child has been told the rules and agrees to this contract they must sign below and return this form along with the registration paperwork. Your child must be respectful, kind, display good manners and always keep hands to themselves. They are to be respectful to all staff at all times.
A Code of Rights and Responsibilities for Before/After School Students
1.)We all have a right to a peaceful and orderly environment.
- We do not pester, stalk, bully, or dare other students. We do not use bad language or indecent gestures.
- We do not “hover” continually in someone’s space or jump into an activity without asking first.
- We do not cut in line, play out of turn, or take more than your share.
- While indoors, we do not shout, scream, or run except in the gym.
- We Do use phrase like “Please”, “Thank-You”, “May I” “Excuse Me” and wait our turn for all activities.
2.)We should respect everyone’s right to feel good about themselves.
- We do not call anyone by negative names or intentionally insult people.
- We do not make insulting remarks about a person’s race, religion, or size.
- We do not cause someone else to be uncomfortable; weAre kind to others and try to mention their better qualities.
3.)We should respect everyone’s right to feel safe from harm or harassment.
- We Do not hit, punch, kick, bite or prod anyone for any reason
- We do not imply violence or threaten violence. (That means we do not bully or scare people on purpose.)
- We do not touch anyone who does who does not wish to be touched.
- We do try to manage conflicts peaceably or ask for staff help with any difficult situations.
4.)We should respect other people’s property.
- We do not take or “Borrow” property without permission.
- We do not break or damage someone else’s property including school property on purpose.
- We DO take care of our equipment, games, supplies, and help to keep our school neat and clean.
Children will be expected to abide by this code.
Infractions, depending on their severity, frequency, or intention, could result in a warning, a time out, a parent call or pick-up, suspension, or removal from the program. Tuition paid will not be refundable if a child is asked to leave for disciplinaryreasons. When an infraction occurs, it is our goal to work with the child and parent to prevent further behavior problems; however we must always consider the safety of the other children in the program.
I have read, or my parents have read me the rules listed above. I understand that while I am attending the program I must treat the staff and my classmates with respect. I will not use offensive language, and will not hurt anyone on purpose. I also expect to be treated with respect and when someone violates my rights I expect the staff to listen to my concerns and take action.
Childs Signature
I have read the code of rights and responsibilities listed above. I have reviewed them with my child and I am willing to work with the staff if and when a violation occurs. I am also aware that repeated violation of the rules may result in removal from the program.
Parents Signature
Mendon-Upton Regional School District
Before School Program
After School Program
Summer FunProgram
Mendon-Upton RegionalSchoolDistrict
Before, After School & Summer Fun Program
TheMendon-Upton Regional School District offers a Before andAfter School Program at the MiscoeHill SchoolinMendon,andMemorialElementary SchoolinUpton.Theprogramisaself- supportingprogramoffering anenrichingexperiencetothosechildrenneeding supervisedcarebeforeand attheendoftheirschoolday.Theprogramisgovernedby theMendon-UptonRegionalSchoolDistrict, and requiresthatallchildrenattendingtofollowschoolrulesasnoted intheir schoolhandbook.Ifyou needtospeaktosomeoneregardingthisprogram,pleasecontactProgramDirector,LanaLaczkaat 508-634-1588 (Miscoe), 508-529-6212 (Memorial) or
508-887-1773 (cell) or via email at . Assistant Director, Sabrina Piche can also be reached at: .
BeforeSchool Program
TheBeforeSchoolProgram,atMemorialElementary SchoolandMiscoeHillSchool,willoperate Monday throughFriday startingat7:00a.m.forallchildreninKindergartenthroughGrade6.Pleasenotethat this program will not be open during school vacations, holidays, or during schoolcancellations/delays.Breakfastwillnotbeserved.Thestudentsthatattend thisprogramhavefunplaying games,usingtheplayground,andmaking newfriends.Thistimecanalsobeusedforstudentstoworkon homework assignments.
AfterSchool Program
TheAfter SchoolProgram,atMemorialElementarySchoolandMiscoeHillSchool,willoperateMonday throughFriday startingatthedismissalofschool through6:00p.m.Thisprogramisofferedtostudentsin KindergartenthroughGrade6. Pleasenotethat this program will notbeopen duringschoolvacations,full releasedays,holidays, unscheduled early release,orduring schoolcancellations.StudentsattendingthisprogramfromClough ElementarySchoolwillbebussedtoMiscoeattheendoftheday.TheAfter SchoolProgramoffersafun, safe,enrichingandwellsupervisedenvironmentforchildrenofvariousages.Childrencanutilizethis timetobeginhomeworkassignmentsandenjoyavariety ofactivitieswhichincludesports,movies, board/computergames,storytelling,nature experiments,dramatic play,artscrafts,differentparties throughouttheyear,and somefieldtrips.Atthebeginning of enrollmenteachparentandchildwillneedto readandsigntheirhomework/ behavioragreement. Each student will be required to return this agreement. Thestaff recognizestheuniquenessandimportance of eachchild,andstrivestocreateexperienceswhereineach childcanlearntomakechoices,discovernewpastimes,andexplorenewideasinanenvironmentwhich issafe,supportive,andcreative. AllstaffareCPRandFirstAidcertified. Childrenaretobepickedup nolaterthan6:00p.m.There willbeachargeof$1.00perminuteafterthistime,dueatthetimeofpick- up. PleaseNote: Snackswillnotbeprovided. Asnackshouldbesentineachdaywithyour child. We are a “Nut Free Zone” please provide nut free snacks.
The SummerFunProgram,willbeheldattheMemorialSchool for six weeks.The fee for this program is $50.00 per day and the hours are8:30a.m.-4:30p.m.,Monday throughThursday. Everyweek there isadifferenttheme thatourdailyactivitiesrevolvearound.Thechildrenwillhavefundoingexcitingprojects, going swimmingandattendingvarious field trips. Program will not reimburse for students being absent. A separate registration is required for the summer program.
Parent Responsibilities:
- Parents are to notify the program if their child will not be attending for any reason.
- A note should be sent to the student’s teacher regarding their After School schedule.
- Written notification mustbe received if someoneotherthan theparent will be pickingupa child.
A child willnot be released to anyoneotherthan aparent without prior notification.
- Sign-out sheet must be initialed when pickingup achild.
- Parents must put in writing if a child has allergies, dietary restrictions or existing medical conditions and send in an updated action plan yearly. Please refer to the School Handbook regarding illness and the administration of medications.
- Parents must agree that their child will follow good manners, keep their hands to themselves and be kind and respectful to others.
- Photo identification is required at time of pickup.
- Label all of your child’s belongings.
- Parents must park in a parking spot with your car engines off. This is for the safety of everyone.
RegistrationProcedures – Before & After School Programs
RegistrationtakesplaceinFebruary of eachyear.Your firstmonth’spaymentisdue atthetimeof registration.The receiptofthispaymentwillreserve aspaceforyourchildintheprogram.Atwoweek notificationisrequiredforanyschedulechanges,aswellasa30day notificationinwritingifyouplantowithdrawyourchildfromtheprogram.Parentswhofailtogivenotice willbe liablefor thatmonth’s tuition.There isaminimumcommitmentoftwodaysperweekforyour childtoattendtheAfterSchool Program.Ifyouwishtochangethedaysofenrollmentforyourchild,youmustgiveadvancenoticeof thischange.Adding daystotheseprograms mid-yearwilldependonspaceavailability.Eachchild enrolling inthe After SchoolProgrammustsignahomeworkagreement uponenrollment.Thisagreement statesthatthechildwillfollowalltherulesofthe program,anddotheirhomeworkduring thedesignated homework time.
Financial Assistance
Ifyou areseeking financial assistance forthese programs, pleasesendyourrequest, in writing,toLana Laczka, MURSD, 150 North Avenue, Mendon, MA 01756
When claiming childcare on Taxes
The federal taxnumber forthe district is04-6006528.
TheBefore andAfterSchoolProgramsstrivetoestablishanenvironmentthatfocusesonchildren controllingtheirownbehavior.Wecannotallowany childtodisrupttheprogramtotheextentthathe/she isputting othersinjeopardyby requiringconstantone-on-oneattentionor inflicting physicaloremotional harmonthestafforotherchildren.Whena disciplineproblemdevelops,thestaffwillattempttoredirect thischildtoanappropriateactivity wheneverpossible.Thestaffwillseparatethischildfromthegroupif he/sheismisbehaving,andthestaffwillexplaintothechildwhyhe/sheisbeingdisciplined.Thechild willbe asked torejointhe groupwhenhe/she feelsready.Ifa childismisbehaving,a staff membermight decide to takeawaythechild’s choiceof activityforthe day. Ifachild continues to misbehave,ameeting between theDirector andthe child’s parents shallbeset up to work out a resolution.Infractions, depending on their severity, frequency, or intention, could result in a warning, a time out, a parent call or pick-up, suspension, or removal from the program. Tuition paid will not be refundable if a child is asked to leave for disciplinaryreasons. When an infraction occurs, it is our goal to work with the child and parent to prevent further behavior problems; however we must always consider the safety of the other children in the program.
Tuition, Billing, andFees – Before & After School Programs
Tuition is based on a 10 month school year. The first months’ payment is due at registration, with 9 additional monthly payments due from September 15th to May 15th. Tuition over 2 months late will result in the student being removed from the program immediately. For any billing questions please contactTara Scansaroli .