Men will never change - not their actions nor their attitudes toward women. Even if through constitutional and legislative means, man then surrenders or shares equitable political and economic responsibility with woman, his genetic warrior instinct and subsequent dysfunctional family unit mindset, will hinder him from sincerely validating a woman's worth in the universal scheme of things.

Throughout the vast majority of the animal species, evolution or nature, if you believe, seems to have granted the male, superior physical endowments which was meant as a means of protecting the family unit; however, man's innate fear and lack of spiritual insight has corrupted this use of power. Brought about by an addiction to power, such corruption tends towards intellectual arrogance which leads to the attitude - "I am the boss and I can do anything I want to do ". As a result of self-deception in man, physical, emotional and sexual abuses have become prominent in many cultures. Unfortunately, the physically weaker divisions of our civilization end up suffering the brunt of these violations.

In such a physically challenging world, where fear is a constant factor, women survive despite their smaller physical stature. In the harsh marathon of survival, men should be awed by the courageous performance of women as they too suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.

Women should be men's HEROES! Instead of feeling sometimes intimidated by women's surprising strengths, men could transfer the hero worship saved for their sport's icons to these gutsy survivors. After all, the Michael Jordans and Wayne Gretzkys are all strangers to whom some men obviously do not mind feeling inferior; but these women are their mothers, sisters, wives and daughters.

Consider this analogy as we perceive life as a horse race, with man and woman as the contestants. Expecting a fair set of rules, the woman leaves the starting gate fully thinking that she can compete fairly and attempt any maneuver the man is allowed. She proclaims her right to be free and supposes herself to have freedom of choice, but constantly finds herself hindered by a society governed by a male power structure who presumes to tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her life.

Even with the accompanying psychological doubts and emotional stresses, women who have aspired wholeheartedly to any level of intellect, creative talent, or athletic endeavor, succeed with all the abandon and satisfaction of a male "victor".

As the horses reach the first turn, the woman encounters puberty and the thirty nine year curse or menstruation, another handicap of which she had no choice but to accept and endure, through a whole gamut of added physical inconveniences. But somehow with added inner strength she bears the physical ill effects and still is able to contribute to her daily bread, just like her lucky male counterpart. Even if a woman is lucky enough to have genetically escaped the misunderstood symptoms of the recently notorious premenstrual syndrome, the majority of women will still at some time awaken to their biological clock and become pregnant.

At this next turn in this cosmic race course, added psychological burdens, such as excess weight and back strain, come into play along with certain illnesses brought about by hormonal changes. For a variety of reasons, there are some tough skinned men who go through life daring pain; but as a healthy strong man, I would not volunteer to have an eight to ten pound object shoved out of any orifice of MY body! And having been forced by morality and mother love to have one baby, why would any woman freely choose to go through this painful experience time and time again.

Since all of us must sleep one-third of our lives to maintain normal health, lack of sleep adds to every phase of stress. A mother nurturing her ever dependent off-spring sacrifices her physical and mental health. While lucky hubby sleeps, she has to still care for the baby, or be preparing to care for the baby.

In most cultures, the major division of child rearing falls to the woman even while she still continues like everyone else to maintain her own life and needs. Till the offspring leaves home and resumes their own lives, the responsibility and the worry are weighed heavily on the female parent. In our society the success of then child is credited to the father and conversely the downfall or failure of the progeny is blamed on the mother.

When child bearing ebbs, the shadow of menopause looms large in the woman’s life with many medical and health shortcomings, like hot flashes, headaches, insomnia, mood swings and more.

Even with all these disadvantages and physical handicaps the female of the human species , on the average, LIVES LONGER; NOW TELL ME WHO DO YOU THINK IS SUPERIOR?