Memorandum Workshop
Friday 28 October 2016
Organizing Committee:
Dr. Nesrine Boujelben (ENIS)
Dr. Farah Bouhamed (ENIS)
Dr. Sahbi Moella (ISAAS)
Opening session:
Dr. Nesrine BOUJELBEN Tunisian coordinator of the IRRIGATIO project thankstheparticipants in the workshop and gave an overview about the multilateral treated waste water project lead by Italy and shared by Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Jordan. She highlighted the importance of this project in the field of reuse of treated wastewater in irrigation. The workshop was attended by the Jordanian delegates, Tunisian delegates, and interested conference participants
Workshop schedule:
15h00:Dr. Nesrine BOUJELBEN presententation: -Dr Nesrinegavemoredetails about the projects including a progress report and where the project is now.
15h30: Noureddine GAALOUL (Professor IRESA, University of Carthage) presented
The Tunisian experience in the reuse of treated wastewater (EUT) for rechargegroundwater recharge .
16h00: Mariem ELLOUZE (Maître Assistant from Sfax Biotechnology Center) presented
Risk assessment of pathogens in contaminated wastewaters: on irrigation.
16h15:Dr.Farah BOUHAMED (Post-Doctoral ENIS, Université de Sfax) presented
Effect of irrigation with treated wastewater on olive and strawberry: case study of Sfax. Dr. Farah give in depth details on the project procedures in cultivation of olive and strawberry , irrigation methods and the time table of when to start cultivation and when and what to monitor including the biological and the chemical indicators. .
16h30: Lamia BOUZIRI (Maître Assistant au CERTE) presented
Impact of irrigation with treated wastewater on the soil microbial diversity - irrigated areas of Nabeul-Hammamet.
16h45: Mariem GHARSELLAOUI (Institut de l’Olivier de Sfax)
Impact of irrigation by treated wastewater on the quality and composition of olive oils of the variety "chemlali".
17h00:Prof Madi Jaghbir(University of Jordan)presented the health impact assessment for treated waste water irrigation project, to insure the safety of the irrigated crops to consumer. Based on extensive literature review the important factors in this assessment will be identified and a model for such assessment will be adopted
17h15:Prof Emad Karablieh(Universityof Jordan) :presented An Assessment of the Economic Values of Treated Wastewater in Jordan Valley and showed the economic value of
Treated waste water use in irrigation
17h50-18h15: The floor was then opened for discussion. Were the audients showed interest in the project asking about the procedures,economy, health impacts and the chemical and biological monitoring of the project
18h:the closing session :Dr. Nissrin thanks the attendance for their time and the interest they show throughout the workshop .
In conclusion: This project is a good opportunity to exchange expertise and experiences in wastewater reuse between the five participating Countries. The results that would be obtained in this project will be compared to identify the variables controlling the crop quality and tooptimize the use of treated waste water in irrigation.
In Tunisia the project aim to study the effects of irrigation of olives and strawberries, in the region of Sfax, by treating wastewater, onto soil, plants and humans.
Dr. BOUJELBEN present also the main research activities in this project and specify the essential activatesto be executed by the Tunisian group.
She describes all analyses adopted in this project.She concluded that the importance of this project reside on the fact that using treated waste water for irrigation is a good solution in many countries where water resource is lacking (including the Maghreb countries, Asia ,and Africa...). This practice would in fact preserve water resources to be used for other uses, especially in adverse weather conditions (prolonged drought) and in areas with sacristy of water resources.
Professor Moneem KALLEL at Engineering school of Sfax and responsible of Laboratory of analyses ARSEN give some information about his expertise in this field of research.
Discussion was very rich and fruitful by the questions and answer given by all participant specially Prof Noureddine GAALOUL, Dr BOUZIRI, Prof Jalel BOUZID and by persons Who representCommission for Regional Development in Agriculture of Sousse.
Finally she thanked theleader of this project Prof. Massimo DEL BUBBA and all the partners of the project.
Photo session:
Dr. Nesrine Boujelben
Dr. Noureddine GAALOUL
Dr. Mariem Ellouze
Dr Farah Bouhamed
Annex: (The workshop Abstracts)
Reuse of treated wastewater in irrigation
Assistant at National Engineering School of Sfax TUNISIA
In order to preserve water resources, the reuse of treated wastewater for irrigation is an attractive alternative. The IRRIGATIO project aims to study the effects of irrigation of olives and strawberries, in the region of Sfax, by treating wastewater, onto soil, plants and humans.
Used in some countries where water resource is lacking (including the Maghreb countries, Australia, the USA ...), reuse of treated wastewater is seen as a better alternative. This practice would in fact preserve water resources, especially in adverse weather conditions (prolonged drought) or in areas of low availability of water resources in relation to different uses.
Treated wastewater reuse in agricultural has always existed and is now a widespread practice on the south of the Mediterranean, from Spain to Syria. Indeed, the Mediterranean is a region where water shortage is particularly felt. It is also one of the regions where agricultural reuse of municipal wastewater effluents is the most practiced. The excellent quality of the treated water obtained is suitable for many uses such as agricultural irrigation products consumed raw, industrial uses or municipal uses.
Tunisia is the first country of the Western Mediterranean to adopt the regulations in 1989 for the reuse of water. These are the Ministry of Agriculture and Health Authority (ONAS) who are in charge of looking for ways to improve the efficiency of the national water reuse policy.
Among the favored re-use, irrigation is largely predominant (71%). The other countries of the south of the Mediterranean, from Spain to Syria, recycle more often their urban waste water without treatment.
Lead by Prof. Massimo DELBUBBA
This project is realized in cooperation with five international partners:
Italy: coordinator Prof Maria Concetta BRUZZONITI and Prof E.COPPINI
Marroc: coordinator Prof. Nailla OUAZZANI
Algeria: coordinator Prof. Ahmed Khettab
Jordan:coordinatorProf. Emad Al-Karablieh
Tunisia: coordinator Doc. Nesrine BOUJELBEN
This project is supported by:
University of Florence, University of Torino and GIDA Company from Italy.
The development of this project will be governed by an organization of more work and research teams, based on the adopted thematic:
Team 1: study of different techniques of treatment and reuse of wastewater and sludge;
Team 2: responsible for the soil survey through farmland and typological study of cultures and appropriate plants;
Team 3: responsible for the establishment of the socio-economic survey.
This work will be spread over a period of 03 years and are held as follows:
1st year:
Choice of the study area;
Analysis of raw and treated wastewater: characterization and monitoring the evolution of the parameters analyzed;
Sludge analysis: characterization and monitoring the evolution of the parameters analyzed.
2nd year
Analyzing the byproduct of wastewater treatment: characterization and monitoring of the evolution of the parameters analyzed;
Soil and plant analysis before and after irrigation with varying different parameters
3rd year
Economic analysis and study of the project;
Implementation of the Final Report.
Overall, this project is to examine all the technical possibilities and socioeconomic forthe implementation of such irrigation techniques, essentially aims to:
1 / review and analyze the various physical-chemical parameters and microbiologicalcontent in purified water and the generated sludge, appearing to universal standardsthat exist, without harming human health or the environment;
2 / determine the effects of treated wastewater for irrigation, on chemical parametersand soil hydraulic properties over three years;
3 / check irrigation with treated wastewater can be considered a good source offertilizer for trees without phytotoxic effects;
4 / establishment of a social investigation, coupled with an awareness campaign, todeal with the negative image of the reuse of treated wastewater for irrigation insociety.
Effects of waste water reclaimed irrigation in olive tree growth, yield and leaf mineral elements at short term
Post doc follow ENIS
Tunisiais the most important olive-growing country of the southernMediterraneanregion; over 30% of itscultivated land isdedicated to olive growing (1.68 million ha) (Khabou et al 2007).
In Sfax (Tunisia), waters derivingfrom the treatment of a mix of industrial and domestic effluents have been used for the purpose of forage crop irrigation for 17 years. The aim of thisstudyis to evaluate the impact of thiswastewater irrigation on the metal contents in soil and to assess the risk of metaluptake by plants over the long term. waterscarcityis one of the major constraints for agricultural activities. The reuse of treated.Nineteen olive treevarietieswereplaced in the region of Sfax (Tunisia) irrigated by wastewaters and studiedintensively. The agronomicfollow-up of twoyearsdealtwith the production by tree and vegetativegrowth. The studyrevealed a significantvariabilitybetween the varieties, at the level of the parametersmeasured. For production, good performances wereexhibited by Chemlali and Koroneikiin 2005.
The objective of ourstudyis to verify if an irrigation with TWW canbeconsidered a goodsource of water and fertilizers source for ‘Koroneiki’ olive treeswithno phytotoxicityeffects.
Impact de l’irrigation par les eaux usées traitées sur la qualité et la composition des huiles d’olive de la variété “chemlali”
a Olive Tree Institute BP1087 Sfax 3000 Tunisia
b National school of Engineering,Sfax,Tunisia
c National school of Engineering, Gabes, Tunisia
En Tunisie, où les ressources en eaux de bonnes qualités sont rares le recours à la réutilisation des eaux usées traitées (EUT) pour l’irrigation des oliviers est une pratique qui peut contribuer à combler ce déficit hydrique. Malgré l’expansion de l’utilisation de cette qualité d’eau (EUT), plusieurs études ont porté sur l'effet de l'irrigation avec des eaux conventionnelles sur la composition de l'huile d'olive, alors que seulement quelques études ont pris en compte l'effet de la réutilisation des EUT comme une source d'eau d'irrigation sur les paramètres de qualité de l'huile. Cette pratique peut cependant affecter la qualité des produits agricoles.
Ce travail a pour but la détermination de l’impact de la réutilisation des EUT pour l’irrigation des oliviers sur les caractéristiques pomologiques des fruits, sur la qualité de l’huile et sa composition et la possibilité de sa contamination par les éléments trace et les mycotoxines. Les résultats obtenus nous permettent de conclure que:
-L’irrigation par les EUT n’a pas d’effet néfaste sur les caractéristiques pomologiques des olives.
-Les huiles issues de l’irrigation par les eaux usées sont plus sensibles à l'oxydation lorsque les olives sont stockées avant l'extraction,
-Les olives tombées recueillies à partir du sol irrigué avec des eaux usées fournissent des huiles de très mauvaise qualité et parfois contaminées par les mycotoxines et quelques métaux lourds.
-L’irrigation par les EUT a pour effet d'augmenter le pourcentage d'acide palmitoléique, linoléique (C18:2) et linolénique (C18:3) et diminue le pourcentage d'acide stéarique (C18:0) et oléique (C18:1).
-en ce qui concerne les composes mineurs de l’huile d’olive qui lui donne son importancenutritionnelle, thérapeutique et biologique, la présente étude montre que l’irrigation par leseaux usées affecte positivement la concentration des huiles en ces composés à condition que lesolives soient cueillies directement de l’arbre et qu’elles ne soient pas stockées (plus de 3jours) avant la trituration.
Mots clés: irrigation, EUT, olivier, huile, qualité, composition.