CENWP-OD 12 March 2009


Subject: Final minutes for the 19 February 2009 FPOM meeting.

The meeting was held at NOAA Fisheries in the Mt. St. Helens Room. Portland OR. In attendance:

Last / First / Agency / Office/Mobile / Email
Benner / David / FPC / 503-230-7564 /
Bettin / Scott / BPA / 503-230-4573 /
Dalen / John / FFU / 541-374-2208 /
Fredricks / Gary / NOAA / 503-231-6855 /
Hausmann / Ben / USACE / 541-374-4598 /
Hevlin / Bill / NOAA / 503-230-5415 /
Kiefer / Russ / IDFG / 208-334-3791 /
Klatte / Bern / USACE / 503-808-4318 /
Kruger / Rick / ODFW / 971-673-6012 /
Langeslay / Mike / USACE / 503-808-4774 /
Lorz / Tom / CRITFC / 503-238-3574 /
Mackey / Tammy / USACE / 541-374-4552 /
Meyer / Ed / NOAA / 503-230-5411 /
Moody / Greg / USACE / 509-527-7124 /
Richards / Steven / WDFW / 509-545-2050 /
Scott / Shane / NWRP / 360-576-4830 /
Stansell / Robert / FFU / 541-374-8801 /
Swenson / Larry / NOAA / 503-230-5448 /
Tackley / Sean / FFU / 541-374-8801 /
Wills / David / USFWS / 360-604-2500 /
Zyndol / Miro / USACE / 541-506-7860 /

Hausmann and Kiefer were on the phone.

1.  Reviewed and approved Agenda and December and January Minutes. Final copies of the minutes were sent to FPOM on 27 February 2009.

2.  Action Items

2.1.  [Nov 08] IHR Sacajawea sub-station transformer. ACTION: Bettin to draft the FPP change form detailing the unit operation needed to keep the system operating correctly. STATUS: Bettin still working on it.

2.2. [Nov 08] WDFW fish count lights. ACTION: Stephenson will draft a write-up detailing what the fish counters are seeing and what they are requesting. It should include what are they seeing, how improvements will be assessed, etc.

2.3. [Dec 08] BON PH1 Grizzlies. Fredricks would like a timeline for the proposed work. ACTION: Hausmann will contact the engineers and present a schedule to FPOM in March.

2.4. [Feb 09] Switchgate seals at BON and JDA. ACTION: Hausmann to contact Small Projects, Mike Adams. JDA anticipating installation of new seal by 1 April.

2.5.  [Dec 08] Galvanized grates. ACTION: Cordie will have another set of water samples taken from the ladder in March, after the ladder has been watered-up.

2.6.  [Dec 08] NWW spill response plans. ACTION: Dykstra to review the NWW spill plans.

2.7.  [Jan 09] Entrance gate elevations/openings. ACTION: Wills commented that he created a table for sill elevations and openings for each project. He offered to provide it to FPOM for consideration in clarifying each Project’s entrance gate sill and required opening. STATUS: Wills sent a table to Moody when he asked about gate elevations at MCN south shore fishway.

2.8.  [Feb 09] Entrance gate elevations/openings. ACTION: Wills had questions about the MCN south shore entrances. Moody will find the answers and provide Wills’ completed table to Mackey or Klatte.

2.9.  [Jan 09] Review all spill tables for completeness. ACTION: RCC will make sure complete tables are either included in the FPP or readily available for the Control Room operators.

2.10.  [Jan 09] Overview. ACTION: RCC to include the link to the change forms in the Overview.

2.11.  [Jan 09] BON Table BON-1. ACTION: Bays 1 and 18 should say open 6” not 4”.

2.12.  [Feb 09] BON ITS. ACTION: Schwartz will draft new ITS language needs to include the automated gates.

2.13.  [Jan 09] Appendix A. ACTION: NWW to tighten up research and testing language for all Projects, but especially LGS RSW language. STATUS: This is completed. RSWs are now spillbay weirs (SBWs).

2.14.  [Feb 09] BON PH2 collection channel grating. ACTION: Hausmann will check with the Structural Crew to find out what kind of fasteners will be used.

2.15.  [Feb 09] BON spill patters with Bay 17 being set on dogs. ACTION: PM-E to determine the dog closest to the appropriate spillbay setting. The proposed pattern will be sent to FPOM.

2.16.  [Feb09] FPC new data collection program. ACTION: Benner to find out if the old system is still usable in the event the new system does not work.

2.17.  [Feb 09] MCN dewatering screen monitoring. ACTION: Dykstra and Eby review Swenson’s memo, provide comment and move this forward.

2.18.  [Feb 09] BON ITS Unit 1 chain gate position. ACTION: Langeslay will follow up to confirm the Unit 1 chain gate will be fully opened.

2.19.  [Feb 09] BON Fish unit outage. ACTION: Bettin will check into the need and the requirements for getting the work done. Can the work be done at night? Can it be done sooner?

2.20.  [Feb 09] BON Fish unit outage. ACTION: Hausmann will check with Jon Thomas about doing the work at night over more days.

2.21.  [Feb 09] BON BGS pre-season inspection. ACTION: Hausmann to check on if divers can be in sooner rather than later? Can the divers be in the water with the crane holding the bulkhead?

2.22.  [Feb 09] FPP Appendix L comments from the Region. ACTION: FPOM will provide comments through Mackey. For now, they will be posted on the FPP website

2.23.  [Feb 09] FPP change forms. ACTION: FPOM will review the change forms and provide comments to Mackey by 25 February. Mackey will finalize the FPP and send to RCC for printing by COB on 26 February. STATUS: finalization of the FPP will be delayed until after the 12 March FPOM meeting due to the number of comments from Regional Agencies.

2.24.  [Feb 09] Lamprey at IHR and JDA. FPOM recommended torpedo screens with airburst systems. ACTION: Zyndol and Moody will take that recommendation back to their Projects.

2.25.  [Nov 08] Screen removal for lamprey passage. ACTION: Clugston and D. Fryer to look at the temporal passage, impacts to salmon if the screens are pulled, etc. STATUS: Completed and included in the 2009 FPP Appendix A MCN special ops.

2.26.  [Jan 09] Update all fish tables with the new dates. ACTION: Martinson will update BON and JDA juvenile fish tables. STATUS: completed on 29 January.

2.27.  [Jan 09] Update all fish tables with the new dates. ACTION: FFU to update NWP adult tables. STATUS: completed.

2.28.  [Jan 09] MCN 2.1.2. ACTION: NWW will provide a change form for the changes made to section MCN 2.1.2 (the section was deleted). STATUS: Completed by FPC- Benner.

2.29.  Jan 09] MCN ESBS removal. ACTION: NWW will update the ESBS removal dates. STATUS: Completed on 29 January.

2.30.  [Jan 09] MCN unit priority table. ACTION: NWW will include a unit priority table. STATUS: Completed on 29 January.

2.31.  [Jan 09] LWG Table-5. ACTION: NWW will draft a change form for the changes to Table LWG-5. STATUS: Completed on 29 January.

2.32.  [Jan 09] TDA spill pattern. ACTION: Ebner will update the TDA spill patterns. STATUS: patterns being developed at ERDC. Should be finalized by 1 March.

2.33.  [Nov 08] MCN dewatering screen monitoring. ACTION: Mackey to ask Swenson about status. STATUS: To be discussed under item #7

2.34.  [Jan 09] BON B2CC. ACTION: The date for opening the B2CC needs to be decided and included in the FPP. STATUS: to be discussed under item #11

2.35.  [Dec 08] BON spill response plan. ACTION: Cordie to send TDA/JDA spill plan to Mackey. Mackey will send it to FPOM for review. Hausmann will incorporate the appropriate sections into the BON plan. STATUS: to be discussed under item # 15.

2.36.  [Jan 09] Appendix L. ACTION: FFU will add diel fish passage graphs for every project. These graphs will go into Appendix L (a new appendix). STATUS: discussed under item #16.

3.  .Updates. (Klatte/Moody)

3.1.  JDA south turbine pump rehab. Buy parts and specs for all three pumps this FY, install parts and get one pump each year completed, FY10-13.

3.1.1.  OPM Kim Oldham assures the District the work can be completed. If stimulus money comes in, a PM will be assigned to this project and all parts will be purchased. This is a high priority for the District.

3.2.  BON Sturgeon event. A fish memo was sent on 24 January.

3.2.1.  The Region expressed concern about this happening again. They asked about putting a clearance on the pump. The BON Chief of Ops drafted protocols for the Control Room operators to follow. Lorz would like to see a final memo from the Project on how this type of event will not occur in the future.

3.2.2.  Bettin suggested keeping sturgeon out of the ladder, AWS and draft tubes. Wertheimer suggested the sturgeon may be seeking shelter from the sea lion. Bettin doesn’t believe the sturgeon are migrating. Bettin commented that sturgeon are predators on salmon too. Langeslay commented that sturgeon eating shad doesn’t seem as bad as sea lions eating sturgeon. Wertheimer commented that keeping sturgeon out of the AWS and draft tubes might be worthwhile.

3.3.  BON PH2 collection channel repairs. Due to eight sturgeon found in the AWS conduit, the Project dewatered the north monolith and associated AWS, to look for fish. One juvenile lamprey, two suckers, and two sturgeon were removed from the north monolith. Four mid-sized sturgeon, one adult lamprey, four juvenile chinook, 29 sculpin, ten suckers, one smallmouth bass, and six stickleback were removed from the AWS.

3.3.1.  Hausmann commented that the AWS drains are worse than the grizzlies for sturgeon. Fredricks shared his concern that the grates are fastened down with something that will last. He said TDA uses straps rather than clips and that seems to work well. His concern was that these grates are blowing off and it’s not because of silt and debris but due to rotting clips. ACTION: Hausmann will check with the Structural Crew to find out what kind of fasteners will be used.

3.4.  BON navlock overhaul scheduled to start 07 March.

3.5.  B2CC maintenance. A notification was sent out on 2/2. B2CC repairs will be delayed until after spill season.

3.6.  BON spillbay 15 hoist. Broken hoist currently over Bay 17 for easier access. The gear box has not yet been repaired. No funding currently in place so the gear box won’t be ready for the 2009 spill season and may not be for the 2010 spill season. FPOM would like the gate dogged as close to the position for the 100 kcfs pattern as possible. ACTION: PM-E to determine the dog closest to the appropriate spillbay setting. The proposed pattern will be sent to FPOM.

3.7.  BON TIE Crane repairs. Contractor had wrong material, claimed they couldn’t find the spec material. Contractor is suggesting heat curing to bring boom up to spec. USACE weighing options but hope to have a workable crane by June. The contractor and USACE are only communicating through formal letters so communication is slow and cumbersome.

3.7.1.  TIES task group said no TIES for 2009. Project will use the 65-ton crane to clean VBSs but debris will still be dropped back into the gatewell.

3.8.  BON ITS mods. The ITS bulkheads were installed on 18 February. This is to facilitate the installation of the automated gates.

3.9.  BON DSM2 water-up scheduled for 24 February.

3.10.  BPA unit outages. Scheduled outages attached to the agenda. No one had any issues with the proposed schedule, other than the BON outages.

3.11.  Installation of MCN ESBSs by 16 April. Screens to be installed between 6-16 April

3.12.  SMP condition metrics. Benner said there is a memo on the website.

3.12.1.  Fredricks was concerned that there would be a back up system for the transport program in case the new system has start-up bugs. Fredricks asked if WDFW is ok with the new program. No one has had a chance to use it so no one is sure if they are ok with it. Will the old system still be workable?

3.12.2.  Dykstra had requested a wrap-up meeting, but M. DeHart had cancelled. The SMP metrics group would like a final meeting. There was discussion about why DeHart may have cancelled the 6 February meeting. The general feeling was that a final meeting is needed and DeHart shouldn’t cancel a Regional meeting. She needed time to get a product, but now everyone needs to be in the room to check out the final product. Lorz commented that he didn’t think that would be a problem. After much discussion as to an open day, Benner was asked to contact DeHart to see if the morning of 24 February would work.

3.12.3.  ACTION: Benner to find out about the old system, if it is still workable and when an open day for a wrap up meeting might be. He called DeHart and reported back that she indicated all answers are in the memo she sent and it’s available on the website. She would also like all questions in writing. Benner also indicated DeHart was not big on the idea of a meeting. Dykstra was invited to check out the program anytime.

3.12.4.  FPOM decided that those who wanted to check out the sytem could meet on the morning of 24 February at FPC.

4.  LWG ESBS installation delay. (Moody) Three priority units will be outfitted with screens by 24 March. The rest of the units will be completed by 30 March. Bettin asked why we don’t delay the install for lamprey. Hevlin replied that the District is gathering information but they are not ready to make a decision for this year. FPOM say ok with three priority units by 24 March, with the rest to be ready by 30 March.

5.  LMN BPA transmission and power outage. (Moody) Work going on today and tomorrow.

6.  Lamprey in the IHR turbine cooling water strainer and JDA strainer. (Moody, Zyndol)