Membership Registration Form for Organisations and Groups
Thank you for taking the time to register your interest in Healthwatch. By completing this form you are asking us to keep you informed about our activities.
Eligibility to join Healthwatch
Any voluntary,community or not for profit organisation or group who can demonstrate charitable or social objectives can join Healthwatch. You do not need to have charitable status or be a constituted group to be a member. To ensure Healthwatch remains independent, statutory local authority and NHS organisations involved in commissioning or providing health and social care services are ineligible for membership.
Contact details:
Postcode / Telephone
Mobile / Email
Group/organisation type:
Voluntary CommunityService User Group
Charity Other please state______
Please tell us about your particular areas of interest and/or expertise in health and social care locally
How did you hear about Healthwatch?
Word of mouthLeaflet/Poster in local Venue
Local PressSearch Engine
Local Event/MeetingSocial Media
Through another organisation please state if known______
Other please state if known______
Can you help us share information about Healthwatch with your own networks and contacts? Yes No Don’t know
If we send you information about Healthwatch can this be circulated to your networks via?
FacebookTwitterMail shot
Special format e.g. Braille, Audio please state ______
We want to make sure that Healthwatch is fully representative. By answering the following questions you help us to understand how well we are representing your community.
In which areas does your organisation/group work (Please tick all that apply)
MiddlesbroughRedcar and Cleveland
All of these
Does your organisation represent any hard to reach communities or those defined by the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) as disabled*?
(*Someone who has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day to day activities)
Yes No Don’t know
If yes, pleasetick which communities you represent:
People with Sensory impairmentsPeople with Physical impairments
People with Mental Health IssuesPeople with Learning Disability
TravellersBlack and Minority Ethnic (BME)
Lesbian Gay Bisexual & TransgenderChildren and Young People
Older People Armed Forces
Other please state ______
Approximately how many members do you have? Not known
Do you collect/hold Equality Data about the members of your group or organisation?
Yes No Don’t know
The information on this form will be stored and processed using a computerised database for the purposes of administering Healthwatch Redcar and Cleveland, run by the Pioneering Care Partnership (PCP), Carers Way, NewtonAycliffe, DL5 4SF. We may contact you in the future to check the accuracy of this information. However, during this period you are reminded that PCP can only keep information about you up to date if you inform us of any changes.
Confidentiality Disclaimer
PCP will treat the information you give confidentially, under the principles of The Data Protection Act 1998 and The Freedom of Information Act 2000. We will share information with our external funders and evaluators only where necessary for monitoring and evaluation purposes. We operate an ‘open file’ policy should you wish to view the personal information the organisation holds please speak to a member of staff.
Please sign below to say that you have read and understood this statement, and agree to PCP using the information you have given on this form.
I have understood and agree to the above confidentiality disclaimer:
Signed: ______Date: ______
If an email address has been provided, we will assume that this is the method via which you want to receive updates.
Please return this form to:
Healthwatch, Catalyst House, 27 Yarm Road, TS18 3NJ