/ ASCLS-IA Board Meeting
Date: August 16, 2014
Time: 10:00 am
Location: Conference Room 1, Mercy Medical Center,
Des Moines, IA
Please bring: / Any committee reports
Agenda Item / Responsible Person / Time Allotted
Call to Order / Jan Frerichs / 5
Secretary's Report / Sarah Beerends / 5
Treasurer's Report / Neil Kumor / 10
President's Report / Jan Frerichs / 10
Region VI Report
Committee Reports / Kim Von Ahsen or Jan Frerichs
Committee Chairs / 20
A / State Annual Meeting / Jan Frerichs
B / By-Laws / Mick Williams
C / Governmental Affairs/Political Action / Theresa Fruehling
D / Historian / VonnieHinrichsen
E / Leadership Development / Sheila Dunn
F / Membership / Lindsey Davenport-Landry
G / NewsScope Editor(s) / VonnieHinrichsen/open
H / Nominations and Awards / Theresa Fruehling
I / P.A.C.E. Coordinator / Kim Von Ahsen
J / Promotion of the Profession / Jan Frerichs/Rachel Leemkuihl
Subcommittee: Career Recruitment / Beth Odell
Subcommittee: Professional/Public Relations / Open
L / Scholarship
Scholarship Fundraising Project / Sarah Beerends
M / Webmaster / Kim Von Ahsen
Old Business: / 20
New Business: / 30
/ ASCLS-IA Board Meeting
Date: August 16, 2014
Time: 10:00 am
Location: Conference Room 1, Mercy Medical Center,
Des Moines, IA
Board Members Present:
Jan Frerichs, President
 President – Elect
Theresa Fruehling, Past President
 Sarah Beerends, Secretary
 Neil Kumor, Treasurer
 Susan Higgins, Board Member 3nd Year
 Mona Parekh, Board Member 2st Year
Janet Whitney, Board Member 1st Year
 Ellyn Houdeshell, First Year Professional
Student Forum / Other Member’s Present:
 Mick Williams, Bylaws Chair
 Yvonne Hinrichsen, Historian/ NewsScope
 Tara Sorensen, Membership
 Sheila Dunn, Leadership Development Chair
 Lindsey Davenport-Landry, Membership
 Kim Von Ahsen, PACE/ Webmaster
Call to Order
Meeting called to order by at
Secretary’s Report
Minutes from the  Winter x Spring  Summer  Fall were reviewed with:
 Following Changes:
 No Changes
Hearing no further additions, changes, or deletions to the Secretary’s Report;
The minutes were accepted by President as  printed/posted  corrected
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer’s report was reviewed with:
 Following Changes:
 No Changes
Hearing no further additions, changes, or deletions to the Treasurer’s Report;
The Treasurer’s Report was accepted by President as  printed/posted  corrected
President’s Report: Jan Frerichs, President
PURPOSE: To update the board and membership on activities at all levels.
  1. Membership is currently 140 members. If you have not done so, please renew your membership.
  2. Open leadership positions – president elect, student board member, and help with Newscope. Vonnie needs folks to write articles and/or case studies.
  1. Rho Sigma award was presented to Renee Setina of Mo. Renee has been active at the state, region and national level.
  2. Region Vi fall board meeting will be at the Kirkwood Hotel in Cedar Rapids, date to be determined.
  3. Region assessment to states will stay the same.
  4. It is Iowa’s turn to have a student member on the Region VI board. I will be contacting program coordinators for suggestions.
  5. Lindsey Davenport-Landry was re-elected to a second term as Region VI treasurer.
  6. There as a discussion at the Region VI Caucus regarding the new membership bundling option and the financial impact on states. Right now, when an institution decides to go this option, the lab manager or director has the option to not pay for state dues.
  1. CLS Journal is now electronic only, the last hard copy was sent out.
  2. Elections:
  3. President Elect – Barbara Snyderman
  4. Region II Director – Nadine Fydryszewski
  5. Region IX Director – Sally Pestana
  6. Nominations Committee – Bill Hunt, Kyle Riding
  7. Judicial Committee – Ginger Weeden
  8. House of Delegates
  9. The following change to the by-laws was adopted: First year professional is in their first year of practice and is a member of the state board of directors. A new professional is defined as new to the profession (within 5 years) or new to ASCLS. States may opt to have a NP on their state board, but is not a requirement. The new professional is considered part of the delegation to national.
  10. The revised body of knowledge for MLS and MLT was also adopted by the house of delegates.
CONCERNS: No president=elect.
REQUEST FOR ACTION: I move that the board of directors work with the leadership development committee (Sheila Pitts, Chair) to develop a plan for state leadership development.
President’s report was reviewed with:
 Following Changes:
 No Changes
Region VI Report
Committee Reports See attached
A. Annual Meeting
PURPOSE: To update board and membership on spring meeting plans and activities
$10,109 was the estimated earnings from Spring meeting 2014. Neil Kumor would have exact amount received by check from CLMA.
  1. A joint meeting with ASCLS-NE , NE CLMA, and ASCP will be held on April 8, 9, and 10, 2015 at the Embassy Suites in LaVista, NE
  2. Meeting chairs and Jan Frerichs – Iowa and Roxanne Alter, Nebraska
  3. Will need to ask for volunteers to help with the meeting and to help with the contract.
Draft contract by NE – they want to only give us 20% of profits. We need to come up with a counter proposal.
B. By-Laws
C. Governmental Affairs/Political Action
PURPOSE: Inform and educate members of the society on issues effecting our profession.
Committee goals:
  1. Keep members informed about activities in Washington, D.C. which effect the profession.
  2. Inform members of legislative and regulatory issues at the State and National level.
  3. Fundraising ideas for PAC
Activities toward those goals:
  1. Participating in monthly conference calls for GAC and PAC
  2. Attended ASCLS National meeting
  3. GAC Updates:
  4. Federal Issues:
  5. VA:
  6. House to sign a bill July 30th and the Senate to follow to provide 15 billion in funding to the VA
  7. $5 billion to recruit and bring in new doctors; nurses and allied health professionals.
  8. Vets living > 100 miles from VA hospital allowed to go to private hospitals instead.
  9. Funding coming from emergency supplement spending
  10. Secretary has the right to hire or fire (Immediate firing allowed)
  11. $10 billion to facilities: hospitals; nursing homes, etc.
  12. Workforce Investment Act (WIA)
  13. Authorized through both houses
  14. SGR
  15. Additional cuts to fund the SGR
  16. Budget fix
  17. Additional cuts
  18. OIG
  19. Identified ‘schemes’/ perceived fraud through lab services
  20. Health Resources and Services (HEARSA):
  21. Lack of funding for allied health:
  22. Representative Joann Weis and Senator Landreu
  23. Champions for allied health; plan to push appropriations to allocate more funding for allied health in 2016
  1. Regulatory Issues:
  2. Laboratory Developed Testing (LDTs)
  3. 5 different Senators have written a letter to the OBD pushing for the release of guidance/ regulations
  4. CMS and PAMA
  5. Coding meetings
  6. PAMA working on CPT process
  7. CMS has to have a final rule in place by July 2015 (regarding the coding method for laboratory testing)
  1. PAC Updates:
  2. Issue- Evans & Katz and FEC regulations:
  3. Currently cost ~ $12,000 per year
  4. Elissa and Patrick did look for another firm around Washington, D.C., but could not find one who would handle the account at a cheaper rate.
  5. Current fundraising barely covers the cost of having Evans & Katz-
  6. Why have Evans & Katz?
  7. Multiple filings throughout the year concerning donations
  8. Tracking individual donations (anyone who donates over $200.00 per year needs to supply employment information)
  9. Understand and are current on FEC regulations; thus avoiding a potential fines or worse the Board of Trustees being sued for inaccurate filings
  10. Why have a PAC?
  11. Provides an opportunity for our lobbyist to attend functions in order to have a chance to discuss issues.
  12. Aids in having a voice on the hill (more than just once a year with the Legislative Symposium)
  13. Provides the opportunity to find ‘champions’ for the laboratory in both the House and Senate.
  14. Donated to the following members:
  15. Senator Mary Ladrew (LA)
  16. Congressman Eric Paulsen
  17. Congressman Raul Luiz
  18. Congressman Jim McGovern
  19. Board of Trustees:
  20. All chairs need to be elected: Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary (1 year term to finish current term)
  21. Quorum was not established; 1 individual short
  22. Voting will occur via email
  23. Majority of Board is new; hoping for fresh ideas
  24. As of the conclusion of the Annual meeting (National); PAC has raised over $10,000
  25. Region VI won the regional competition for the third year in a row
Ideas for continuing to finance the PAC
Investigating the possibility of other accounting agencies outside of DC
D. Historian
E. Leadership Development
F. Membership Recruitment (MRC)
G. Membership Services (MSC)
PURPOSE: This committee is responsible providing the Annual Spring Meeting
Committee goals:
1. Contact lapsed members about reactivating membership after list is updated for September.
2. Communicate with members regarding importance of membership
3. Provide membership retention up-dates to ASCLS-IA board
4. Transition student members to new professional status
  • Two National Sponsored Membership Programs
  • Get a Member
  • Give a Member (2 give a members done last year)
Current Membership 140 including 20 student 3/22/14

CONCERNS: Decreasing membership at the state and national level.
The time that the membership roster is corrected appears to be last uploaded in April?
REQUESTS FOR ACTION: Move ASCLS Iowa bring this to the region directors attention for further action.
H. NewsScope Editor(s)
I.Nominations and Awards
PURPOSE: The Nominations and Awards Committee prepares a slate of officers for upcoming vacancies in the society, and conducts the awards program for the state. This is a Standing Committee of the Society.
Committee goals:
1. Identify individuals for open positions on the Board
2. Identify individuals for positions on Regional and National committees
3. Review submissions for Award categories and select a winner
4. Obtain awards for the ASCLS-IA Spring meeting
Activities toward those goals:
1. Submit position descriptions to NewsScope editor for Fall edition
2. Publicize awards to be given and encourage members to submit nominations
3. Select winners from submissions with help from the Nominations committee
4. Encourage members to become more involved with the organization and to run for an office on the Board of Directors.
5. Hold elections at the ASCLS-IA Annual Spring Business meeting
President-Elect position is vacant; ASCLS-IA By-Laws state the following for open positions:
Article V- Officers
D.Filling of vacancies in office occurring between meetings of the Society;
Vacancies in office occurring between meetings of the Society shall be filled by the Board of Directors until the next annual meeting as specified in the SOP's of this Society.
Article VI- Board of Directors
C. A vacancy in an elective directorship shall be filled by the Board of Directors who shall elect a replacement by majority vote to serve until the next annual meeting, at which time the Society shall fill the position for the remainder of its unexpired term.
I move the Board of Directors appoint or decide on a candidate for President-Elect of ASCLS-IA, per ASCLS-IA By-laws.
J. P.A.C.E. Coordinator
PURPOSE: P.A.C.E.® is an administrative system serving as the quality assurance mechanism for continuing education programs offered to clinical laboratory professionals. P.A.C.E.® Committee maintains the standards of P.A.C.E.® approval for education programs sponsored and/or offered by ASCLS-IA.
Committee goals:
Provide continuing education for members and non-members including approval of education programs offered by entities other than ASCLS-IA.
Activities toward those goals:
  1. Received 2014 PACE provider renewal. Submitted all documents and invoice to Treasurer at for payment to ASCLS.
  2. P.A.C.E for the 2015 Annual state meeting will be provided by Nebraska. ASCLS-IA focus for the upcoming year will be P.A.C.E. credit as requested for Iowa based programs.
CONCERNS: No concerns.
K. Promotion of the Profession
Subcommittee: Career Recruitment
PURPOSE: To continue to promote the laboratory careers.
Committee goals:
1. Look for opportunities to promote the lab profession
2. Look for opportunities to speak to potential students to enroll in a laboratory program
3. Encourage them to pursue Clinical Laboratory Science as a career goal
4. Work with iStem committee to be a part of the Iowa State Fair Super Sunday, August 17.
Activities toward those goals:
  1. Asked for volunteers at the Spring meeting to work on Super Sunday at the Iowa State Fair
  2. Wrote an application to be an accepted professional group at the iStem event on Super Sunday. In July, I was notified of our acceptance to have a booth.
  3. Shared an invitation to fill shifts for this booth and have experienced moderate support.
  4. Delegated duties for the booth
  5. Jan Frerichs: circle words or other games for pre-teens
  6. Judy Jackson: poster games, coloring pages, puppets for younger children
  7. Amy Frank: Temporary tattoos and stickers for the younger children
  8. Karen Campbell and Amy Kapanka: handout about educational pathways for laboratory careers to be given to teens or adults.
CONCERNS: I would have liked even more people to volunteer to work at the State Fair. The shifts at the end of day are not filled adequately.
At this point most of the materials for the booth have been donated by the members, however should more expenses be incurred for last minute supplies, I would like approval for reimbursement for expenses that would most likely be from $10-30.
Subcommittee: Public Relations/Licensure
L. Scholarship
PURPOSE: To promote the profession through monetary support of students.
Committee goals:
Raise funds and maintain a budget item to continue to give scholarships.
Activities toward those goals:
  1. Raised funds at State meeting through gift certificate raffle and necklace sales (thanks, Judy Jackson for providing the necklaces!) We did very well- I think we raised about $400. (check with Neil)
  2. Gave 4 scholarships of $500 each for 2014.
Concerns: Keep up ideas for fundraising so we can keep giving at the same level.
Requests for action: No requests
M. Webmaster
PURPOSE: To maintain the ASCLS-IA website and other current technology social networking/communication applications. The website serves as an essential means of communication information to potential, new, and existing members about the activities of ASCLS-IA.
Committee goals:
Maintain an up to date website.
Activities toward those goals:
  1. Website
  2. No major updates or changes since last board meeting. In process to update with 2014-2015 Board and Committees
  3. 2015 Spring Meeting Website
  4. There will be no Spring Meeting website maintained by ASCLS-IA at this time based upon the planning of ASCLS-NE. With registration being done by CLMA Great Plains and Program by ASCLS-NE, my assumption and expectation is they will be responsible for electronic and/or paper brochures, etc.
CONCERNS: No concerns.
REQUESTS FOR ACTION: No Requests for Action
Old Business
New Business