
General Information

After these records have been evaluated, the NHS five-member Faculty Council will compose a list of students who have met the basic requirements for service and leadership. This list of students will be distributed to all faculty members, principals and counselors for the character and classroom leadership evaluation.

Those students who meet all selection criteria will be voted on by the Faculty Council. In order to become a member of the National Honor Society, a student must receive a majority vote by this council.

Membership will be announced on March 14-18, 2016 followed soon thereafter by an Induction Ceremony. The induction ceremony is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, April 5th, 2016 at 6:30p.m.; this will be a semi-formal nighttimeaffair with parents invited, and will be followed by a reception in the Commons.

Additional information about the organization may be obtained by reading the NHS By-Laws and Appendices. These are accessible from the NHS website. It is a good idea to make a copy of the Activity Forms to have for college applications, etc.

You must be at least a sophomore and have been a student at KHS for ONE SEMESTERto be considered for membership.


FALL 2015

October 8th: NHS Informational Meeting during B block of lunch in room 2411 for all students who are interested in joining NHS.

Student Activity Packets will be available for students wishing to become members. Students will be able to download the packet from the NHS website ( or pick one up in Ms. Collins’ classroom, Room 2304.


January 14th:NHS Informational Meeting during B block of lunch in room 2411 for students who are interested in joining NHS this semester.

January 11th: First day Activity Packets may be turned infor those seeking membership for the 2015-16school year. Packets should be turned in to Ms. Collins in Room 2304.

February 12th: 3:00pm is the deadline to turn in Student Activity Forms. No forms will be accepted after this deadline! Forms must be turned in to Mrs Forys’ room, 2411.

End of February: Faculty Council Meeting to review Activity Packets.

March 14-18: Letters will be mailed out to all students who turned in an Activity Packet.

April 5th:NHS Induction Ceremony will be held at 6:30pm. A reception for the inductees and their parents will follow the ceremony. Cake and punch will be served for all who attend.

April 14th:Officer Informational Meeting - All members (included newly installed members) interested in running for officer for 2014-2015 must attend an informational meeting in Ms. Collins room, 2304, during Lunch Block A.

April 28th:NHS General Meeting & Officer Elections during Lunch A Block in the Auditorium. We will hold our officer elections at this time. (Mandatory for all new and returning members.)



Last First Middle

School ID number.:

Grade Level (Please circle) 10 11 12

Membership in NHS is an honor and a privilege extended by the faculty to

deserving students of KingwoodHigh School. Membership decisions

are made by the NHS Faculty Council, a group of five teachers who are

chosen by the principal. Students do not EARN the right to be in National

Honor Society; it is a privilege extended to them.

The attached Activity Form is to aid the Faculty Council in their decision making. They consider four categories: scholarship, service, leadership and character.

  • Scholarship is defined by having a minimum of a 4.0 cumulative GPA and having met the Texas state standards for on-level coursework. A 4.0 GPA is equivalent to 4 points. Additional points are awarded on a sliding scale for higher GPAs.
  • Service is divided into several categories and you must have points in at least three (3) of the categories.
  • Leadership is exemplified by holding offices in clubs, “K” awards on honors night, and other regional, state and national awards.
  • Characteris evaluated by teachers, who are sent forms by the sponsors. They consider attitude, integrity, behavior, and leadership. Additionally, you will not be considered if you have been assigned to more than one Saturday class or have had a documented cheating incident.

The minimum number of points required for Faculty Council consideration are as follows:

SophomoreJunior Senior

Scholarship 4 4 4

Service 5 7 9

Leadership 3 4 5

Character 5 5 5

In addition, a

Minimum Overall 20 25 30

NOTE:All the information provided on the attached Activity Packet must be verified by an ADULT SPONSOR’S signature. If your parent is the sponsor, the information must be verified by one other adult also. You are responsible for completing the Activity Packet and returning it along with this Activity Form to room 2411 before the deadline, which is Friday, February 12th, 2016. NO FORMS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE DEADLINE.Completion of these forms does not guarantee selection, nor does meeting the minimum standards. Also note that only completing the minimum number of points in each category does not add up to the minimum overall total.

Truth and honesty are certainly essential qualities for future NHS members; any information which has been intentionally falsified or deliberately misrepresented will prevent you from being considered for membership.

When you submit this form you are agreeing to the National Honor Society Selection process that includes the following: the Faculty Council’s evaluation of your student activity forms, the evaluation by your teachers, and a review of your conduct records. You and your parents must sign this form to indicate that you agree to being evaluated and that you agree to accept the decision of the Faculty Council in determining membership selection.

An active email account is a required necessity for membership to NHS. It is our main source for distributing pertinent information throughout the year.

By signing below, you are indicating that you have read this form, as well as the NHS Bylaws and Appendices, and understand the guidelines for becoming a member of KingwoodHigh School’s National Honor Society.

Student’s SignatureParent’s Signature

Phone Number: () Address:

Email: Zip



Name ______Grade ______

Category / Name of Activity / Grade
Level at
Time of
Activity / Sponsor’s Signature
And Phone Number
*Invalid without signature for each separate activity (not category) / NHS
KHS Class Officer
1 pt per Year
KHS Club Officer
½ pt. per Club per Year
Student Council Officer
2 pt. per Year
2 pt. per Year
Section Editor
School Publication
1 pt per Year
Officer or Rep. to District, Area or State Organization
(e.g. FFA, Latin Club)
1 pt per Year per Org
Contestant in UIL Competition (Above District Level)
1 pt per competition per Org.
Top 3 Finalist in Non-UILState or Nat’l Contest as a Rep. of KHS
1 pt per contest per year

Lead Actor, Director, Stage Mgr, Etc. in Drama Production
½ pt per Production (max 2 pts)
1st Division in Individual Music Contests & Solos as KHS Rep.
½ pt per Contest
(max 2 pts)
Officer in Community or Church Organization
½ pt per Org/Year
K-Awards, Perfect Attendance, Honor Societies, Lettering, Named to All-District Athletic Team
1 pt per Award
Leadership Program Participant
(e.g. Eagle Scout, Summer Baylor Science Ldrshp Prog, NHS Wrkshp)
1 pt per Org/Year
KHS Team Captain or Co-Captain (Athletic or Non-Athletic)
1 pt per Team/Year
Other (Be Specific)
½ pt per activity
(max. 4 pts)
Please attach a short description of the activity.



Name ______Grade ______

Remember that at least THREE different categories below must be represented to be eligible.

Category / Name of Activity / Grade
Level at
Time of
Activity / Sponsor’s Signature
And Phone Number
*Invalid without signature for each separate activity (not category) / NHS
Community & Civic Organization
(e.g. Scouting)
½ pt. per Org. per Year
School Club/ Organization
(includes StuCo)
1 pt. per Club per Year
2 pt. per Year
KHS Choir
2 pts per Year
KHS Band/Orchestra
2 pt per Year
KHS Cheer/Drill
2 pt per Year

KHS Drama/ Production
1 pt per production
(max 2 pts)
2 pt per Year
KHS Athletics
2 pt per Year
Staff Member
KHS Publication
2 pt per Year
Service to Community
(performed independent of any KHS organization)
1 pt per 20 hours of volunteer time – please list number of hours
Service to Church
½ pt per Org/Year OR 1 pt per 20 hours of volunteer service – please list number of hours
Other (Be Specific)
½ pt per activity
(max 4 pts)
Please list number of hours, if necessary
Please attach a short description of the activity.