Membership Education Plan ( MEP) Template
Tau Beta Sigma
Southwest District
By: Katie Langley
SWD Vice President of Membership 2011-2012
This template is designed as an outline for all Vice Presidents of Membership or Membership Educators in the Southwest District. A membership education plan (MEP) should include all information relevant to a chapter’s membership policy.
1) Cover Page
o Include title of organization, chapter title, school, year, and name of VPM
o Adding a simple picture of the crest or Greek letters looks professional, but isn’t necessary
2) Table of Contents
o Ensure that your MEP is organized and easy to follow
o Make sure your MEP follows a logical order (ex. Chronological order of events)
3) General Information about the Chapter and Chapter’s Membership Policy
o Include: who you primarily recruit, the time frame of your recruitment and membership process, as well as the general focus of your process.
o Example:
o “The Psi Chapter at the University of Arkansas recruits primarily freshmen women and men out of the Razorback Marching Band. Because of the nature of our fall band service, we find it vitally important that active members participate in marching band. We look for potential membership candidates who have positive attitudes, leadership qualities, and a good work ethic within the band setting. Our process focuses on education through MC tests, getting to know active members through a paddle signature process, and helping the MCs learn to work together through various projects.
Our membership process this fall lasts 9 weeks and 2 days from the date that bids are due to the date of Third Degree. This year bids are due September 2nd 2010, and the date of Third Degree is November 6th 2010.”
4) Description of Chapter Preparations for Recruitment/Membership Process
o List and describe any workshops, meetings, or other preparations done by the chapter in preparation for recruitment and the membership process
5) Description of Recruitment Activities
o Describe the chapter’s overall recruitment policy
o List and describe any rush events such as social events or informationals
o List the information given to potential new members at these events
6) Description of Bid Process
o Describe the chapter’s overall policy on issuing bids, i.e. what the chapter is looking for in a potential new member
o Describe how bids are issued as well as any activities surrounding the issuing of bids
7) Example of Bid Packet Contents
o Include a list or (if necessary) a copy of anything given to membership candidates when they receive their bid
8) Description of Membership Candidate Requirements
o Describe any and all requirements for membership as set forth by the chapter. This includes (but is not limited to) testing policy, signature processes/policies, service projects, volunteer hours, study hours, social requirements, or any other requirements specified by the chapter.
o When describing these membership requirements, be sure to include the purpose of every requirement. Every membership requirement must have a specific and relevant purpose.
o Even if the requirements aren’t finalized yet, include what you already have as possible options
9) Copy of Membership Candidate Tests
o Include the actual tests-not just the information. How you test your membership candidates is important.
10) Description of Official Membership Candidate Meetings
o Include copies of agendas or education plans from membership candidate meetings
11) Description of any and all Social Events or Activities that occur during the Membership Process
o Again, when describing any social events, include the purpose. Every activity should have a purpose. (The purpose can be bonding and having fun with sisters.)
o If events aren’t finalized yet, include descriptions of any possibilities you already know of
12) Any Ritual that is unique to the chapter
o Include a copy of any ritual you do that is unique to your chapter. This includes rituals done with brother chapters.
13) Description of PIME
o Describe the chapter’s general policy surrounding Post Initiate Membership Education
o If already prepared, include any PIME outlines or descriptions
14) Contents of Membership Candidate Folders/Binders
o Include copies of any and all information given to membership candidates to help them through their process (i.e. MC folders or binders)
15) Calendar
o Include all events, meetings, and due dates relevant to the membership process