UCCCC Membership

Membership Application and Renewal Processes:

  1. Read the descriptions of membership categories and determine which best matches your clinical and research efforts.
  2. Complete the Membership Application Form (attached)
  3. Submit Membership Application Form to Pat Geiger ()
  4. All applications are reviewed and voted on by the UCCCC Executive Committee
  5. Ongoing membership review:
  6. On an annual basis, at the time of submission of the competing or non-competing Cancer Center Support Grant, current membership rosters are reviewed.Members may be asked to update the cancer relatedness of their activities. Continued membership will require documentation of a cancer focus, collaboration with other cancer members and participation in UCCCC-sponsored initiatives.
  7. At the time of reappointment within their primary departments, or promotion, all members must apply for renewal of Cancer Center membership by completing a brief form, which includes items related to cancer-related research, programmatic interactions, and usage of core facilities. Reappointment in the UCCCC requires approval of the External Advisory Committee.Program Leaders complete a standard checklist to indicate the extent to which the investigator has actively participated in Cancer Center activities.
  8. An Associate Member may change categories,that is, become a Member/Investigator if he or she receives cancer-related funding, is PI of a clinical trial, increases cancer-related research or otherwise meets the criteria specified under “Members/Investigators” on the next page. Similarly, a Member may move to the Associate Member category if he/she has become less cancer-focused or otherwise does not meet the designated criteria.
  9. If at any time, and following review of circumstances and/or appeal, the Clinical Research Advisory Committee (CRAC) finds an investigator to be noncompliant with the DSM (DSM) Plan guidelines, the CRAC will recommend that the Executive Committee suspend membership privileges.
  10. All changes in membership including suspension of membership privileges require review and a vote by the Executive Committee.

Categories of UCCCC membership: Members and Associate Members:


  • Faculty members who have a primary cancer research focus in the basic, clinical, translational or population sciences
  • As specified in NCI guidelines, evidence of cancer focus includes:
  • Cancer-related, peer-reviewed funding from a national funding agency;
  • Significant contribution to clinical research including: serving as PI on trials, writing investigator-initiated trials, enrolling large numbers of patients to clinical trials, contributing significantly on publications involving clinical trials;
  • Publications in cancer-relevant journals as a major contributing author; and
  • In some instances, extensive collaboration with, and intellectual contribution to, the cancer-focused research of other UCCCC members.
  • UCCCC membership is a formal secondary appointment within the institution
  • Note: Junior faculty, with an otherwise clear cancer-research focus, are eligible for membership, even if they do not yet have peer-reviewed extramural funding.


  • Eligible for discounts for services from Cancer Center Cores
  • Eligible for: UCCCC Program Pilot Project awards, Early Phase Research Support and other ad hoc UCCCC-initiated funding opportunities
  • Eligible for recruitment support
  • Notification of UCCCC seminars, symposia etc.
  • Assistance with large multidisciplinary, multi-departmental grants (P01s, Center grants)

UCCCC Associate Members:

  • Research faculty whose current research does not meet the criteria described above, that is, is not predominantly cancer focused but:
  • Whose research is evolving into cancer
  • Who make significant contributions to the research of UCCCC members
  • Clinical faculty who do not meet the criteria for Members/Investigators but with a major cancer-relevant clinical focus
  • Provide clinical care for significant numbers of cancer patients
  • Participate in cancer-related Disease Site Tumor Conferences
  • Enroll patients on cancer clinical trials, but are not serving as PI or trial author


  • Notification of UCCCC seminars
  • Eligible for core discounts and UCCCC Pilot Project, Early Phase Research Support or other UCCCC funding opportunities under special circumstances and with pre-approval from the UCCCC Executive Committee

Membership Responsibilities

  • If applicable, participation in your Program's activities (seminars, workshops, retreats, journal clubs)
  • Interact (research and/or clinical collaborations)with members in your program aswell as members in other UCCCC programs
  • Compliance with all policies and procedures of the UCCCC Data and Safety Monitoring Planas related to the conduct of clinical trials including:
  • Response to and compliance with recommendations of CTRC and SAM (including study closure) and UCCCC conducted audits; and
  • If involved in clinical activity, participation in the UCCCC audit program as an auditor.

Categories of Membership (please check one):

_____Member _____Associate Member



Academic Title:


Mail Code:

Room No:




Description of Cancer Related Research

[Include clinical (e.g., PI on clinical trials), basic, translational and/or population research]:

Description of Interdisciplinary or Collaborative Cancer-related Research with Other Members of the UCCCC:

Cancer-related Funding within the Past 3 Years:

Pending Cancer-related Funding:

Please indicate which of the UCCCC research programs is most relevant to your interests:

_____ MMC: Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer (Suzanne Conzen, MD, Kay Macleod, PhD)

_____ IC: Immunology and Cancer (Thomas Gajewski, MD, PhD, Peter Savage, PhD)

_____ CET: Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics (Walter Stadler, MD,
M. Eileen Dolan PhD)

_____ AI: Advanced Imaging (Gregory Karczmar, PhD, Aytek Oto, MD)

_____ CPC: Cancer Prevention and Control (Habibul Ahsan, MBBS, MMEDSc, Andrea King,


_____ Non-Aligned

The UCCCC core facilities are listed below. please CHECK those you are currently using and those you might use in the future. Make known your interest in new core facilities under “Other”

_____ Bioinformatics Core Facility

_____ Biostatistics Core Facility

_____ Cancer Clinical Trials Office (CCTO)

_____ Epidemiology and Research Recruitment Core

_____ Cytometry and Antibody Technologies

_____ Genomics Core Facility

_____ Human Immunologic Monitoring and cGMP Facility

_____ Human Tissue Resource Center

_____ Integrated Microscopy Facility

_____ Integrated Small Animal Imaging Research Resource

_____ Pharmacology Core Facility

_____ Image, Computing, Analysis, and Repository Facility

_____ Transgenic Mouse and Embryonic Stem Cell Facility

_____ Other ______

Please return the first two pages of this application and your curriculum vitae to:

Patricia Geiger


Room: H212 MC 1140

Phone: 773.702.6180

