Membership Action Plan
1. SCAN TO PLAN. Use and gather available information to help identify potential members, section value and member satisfaction levels.NO. / ITEM / Ideas / Example / Who/When
1. / Conduct a review of water industry groups in your region or state. / Review top 3-5 water related associations or groups in your area.
Collect and compare information regarding membership, benefits, and other offerings. / SWOT
(Strengths, weakness, opportunities, threats)
2. / Conduct membership assessment survey every three to five years. / Develop and send a survey to all members to measure value and member satisfaction levels.
Review results and use findings for strategic, businessandmembership action planning. / Use AWWA Zoomerang account and sample section membership survey
3. / Define value by member type/grade for your section. / Define the value that your section brings to each type of member.
Distribute information to committees and volunteers. / Use AWWA Value Story as an example and expand to include messaging on section value
4. / Set realistic and specific target goals for membership recruitment and retention. / Using AWWA growth goals as a basis to set measurable goals for membership growth.
Monitor membership statistics using the section database. / AWWA Goals:
1% net growth
90% retention rate
5. / Develop a MembershipPlan. / Detail goals and path to achieve them through recruitment and retention efforts in a written plan that holds staff and volunteers accountable for action. / Use this template for planning guidance.
2. SET MEMBERSHIP GOALS: Increase over all membership rolls by net [percent] or [number] members by [timeframe]. Use the space below to guide your thinking.
NO. / Goals / Example / Who/When
1. / Increase Individual membership by [number]. / 2009 YE:
2010 YE:
2011 YE:
2. / Increase Utility membership by [number]. / 2009 YE:
2010 YE:
2011 YE:
3. / Increase Service Provider membership [number]. / 2009 YE:
2010 YE:
2011 YE
4. / Reach a retention rate of >90%. / 2009 YE:
2010 YE:
2011 YE:
3. RECRUITMENT: Acquire [number] new members in 2009 to meet [percent]net growth goal. Develop threerecruitment strategies to meet annual goal. Use the outline below as a guide.
NO. / ITEM / Ideas / Example / Who/When
1. / Find and/or create lists of potential members. / Ask BOD and volunteers to identify key prospects.
Use list of nonmember attendees.
Acquire lists from state or regional sources.
Partner or trade lists with like organizations. / Call state certification boardsfor list of professional engineers and certified operators
2. / Create X campaigns targeted by member type to meet growth goals / Work with AWWA HQ on an annual recruitment campaign.
Select three recruitment activities from the attached list. / Hold an Operator day
3. / Develop [number] of Student Chapters. / Develop a student chapter/s. Ask for assistance from YP committee to identify Universities. / See list of current student chapters on AWWA web site.
4. / Track results and share with BOD and committees monthly / Use section database and monthly membership retention report to track results.
4. RETENTION PLANNING: Obtain a membership retention rate of >90%. Develop three retention strategies to meet your goal. Use the outline below as a guide.
NO. / ITEM / Ideas / Example / Who/When
1. / Create X campaigns targeted by member type to meet retention goals / Select three retention activities from the attached list.
2. / Increase member engagement / Outline current volunteer opportunities for involvement.
Use survey data to find out how members would like to be engaged.
Adjust opportunities for involvement and create ad hoc opportunities as needed. / Post opportunities on section web site.
3. / Treat 1st and 2nd year members with special care / Create a great first impression.
Make welcome calls to all new members.
Set up a new member buddy system.
Identify new members and first timers at events.
Recognize and provide membership pin at first meeting.
Consider incentive or discount to attend annual meeting during 1st year of membership.
Survey at six month mark to assess satisfaction. / Have a new member orientation.
4. / Provide recognition whenever possible / List all recognition opportunities.
Thank members and volunteers on a regular basis
Create and promote awards and recognition programs. / Award programs at conferences / Awards Committee
5. / Develop a robust Member Appreciation program / Plan for membership appreciation in Q4 each year.
Assess budget and decide on recognition options. / Section toolbox and AWWA web site
6. / Monitor renewal rates and measure effectiveness of retention efforts / Use report sent by AWWA HQ to measure progress
Deliver and review with leadership. / Review monthly progress.
5. LEADERSHIP ENGAGEMENT: Use your leaders in the following ways to promote growth goals and budget to attend section leadership training events.
NO. / ITEM / Ideas / Example / Who/When
1. / Create an awareness of membership growth goals and objectives among section leaders. / Task leaders to:
Promote their leadership position within the section.
Write a testimonial that the association can use in recruitment efforts.
Lead by example and recruit 5 new members each year. / List board recruitment efforts on web site, hold a contest.
2. / Assign liaisons from key committees (including the BOD) to the Membership Committee to coordinate all committee efforts / Make list of all committees.
Assign liaisons.
Ask liaisons to report out at each meeting. / Keep notes on report outs.
3. / Attend the Membership Matters Summit and other educational offerings that specialize in membership related topics / Membership Summit
Leadership Forum
Summer Workshop
Quarterly Webinars
Read Section Direction / Involve new membership chair.
6. COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY: Reinforce and communicate the value of membership.
NO. / ITEM / Ideas / Example / Who/When
1. / Use all available section communication opportunities to reinforce and promote the value of membership. / Make a list of all places that you use to communicate information about your section.
Add membership message to each opportunity / Web site
Event marketing
2. / Create a presence for membership at each educational and networking event. / Reserve AWWA Membership Booth for large events.
Incorporate membership message in opening and closing announcements at all events.
Offer trial membership as an option to nonmembers at events.
Man booth/membership table at all events to answer questions from current and prospective members.
Bring section newsletter/magazine, calendar of events, marketing pieces, and membership applications to all events.
Visually identify member vs. nonmember at events.
Target nonmembers during breaks and networking opportunities.
3. / Explore external marketing opportunities to create awareness and acquire prospects / Hold membership fairs at utilities, firms, and universities.
Identify and exhibit at events such as meeting of town mayor, WEF, NRWA
Submit session proposals to speak at industry events and promote membership during all speaking opportunities.