Creekside Golf Club
Meeting Minutes
June 7, 2017
Members present Mike Perez Ryne Conder Tom Nelson Skip Aksland
Steve Anderson Jack Smith Audie Perez Bill Clayton
Members Absent:Larry Walters
We will adopt the agenda with flexibility
Meeting called to order at 5:31p.m.
Minutes- Steve gaveminutes,Jack motioned to accept,Skip was 2nd, vote 7-0.
Kemper Golf-Larry gave report, have 141 players for the City tourney, which is this weekend. Split tees are available just have to let the Kemper know, the sooner the better. There will be no longer a minimum number of players. Next Modesto Cup is individual event at Dryden.
Public Comment- No comments at this time.
BrightView- Scott gave report, #8 green will be open for play starting tomorrow, after the City tourney, they will aeriate the green.
Treasurer’s report- Given by Larry,went over report. Steve motioned, Tom was 2nd, vote 8-0
Handicap report- byJack, Two membersremoved to NCGA frozen list, two were added. Individual who was invited to meeting could not make this month’s meeting. He will be able to make July’s meeting, need to follow up with meeting dates. Audie motioned to accept, Bill was 2nd, unanimous.
Tournament report- Given by Mike,recap of May tourney, had 104 players and everyone played from the Combo Tees. The Senior had 20 players, there were two teams that qualified. The June tourney will be a 2/1 format. Steve motioned 550.00 to next tourney, Jack was 2nd, vote unanimous. July tourney is on the 22nd, and is an individual. Also, the Net Am is in July, Two flights, Blue & Combo. The maximum handicap is 18.4, if higher, than you must play to a 18.4.
Old Business-
Board Outing, Bill has a date of August 25th, Saddle Creek- 67.00 per player at 1030. Castle Oaks for 57.00 around 1030, Green Horn Creek 64.00 at 1030ish. Steve made a motion for Saddle Creek for August 25th, Jack was 2nd, vote unanimous. Bill will book this. Will need to know by the next board meeting if each board members are bringing a guest.
New Business-
Web Page Report- Given by Skip, the online sign ups for tournaments are increasing. He reposted the 2017 calendar on the first page of the website for easier viewing. Everything is up to date.
Membership Report- Given by Tom, we have306total members.
Discussion about Split tee use. President will get further clarification from Kemper.
No need to go into Closed session this month.
Motion by Tom to adjourn, Bill was 2nd.Meeting adjourned at 6:39 pm.