OK-Ahead Board Meeting
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
9:00 am
Career Tech – Stillwater
Members present: Denise North, Chimene Long, Robert Eames, Kaye Ellis, Debbie Argo
President Denise distributed notes from the January 9 conference call along with email discussions. She also distributed a brochure about the Readjustment Counseling Service from the Vet Center.
Conference date selected: April 1, 2. Location: UCO in Edmond. Tuesday and Wednesday. Brochure to be ready for distribution on February 15. All information for the conference needs to go to Chimene.
Denise will follow up on keynote speaker – Dr. Michelle Sherman. Possible topics to include PTS, TBI and Bi-polar. Denise will also contact a representative from the Vet Center to do short presentation on the services they offer.
Robert will contact Terry Shaw to speak on documentation and a parent perspective of TBI.
An email was sent to the AHEAD SIG for Asperger’s to see if they could recommend a speaker for Wednesday. No reply during the meeting. Kaye will follow up.
Other sessions include experiential activities for deafness and mobility barriers. This will be in collaboration with disability awareness activities at UCO. Kim Fields to coordinate.
Question and Answer session will take place on day two. Participants will be given opportunity to submit questions.
Kaye will request copies of the Psychiatric Disorders DVD from PACE for distribution at the conference. She will also contact DO-IT to see if they have materials for distribution.
The target audience for this conference is postsecondary disability support providers and postsecondary advisors and faculty. K-12 and VR will be invited.
Denise will request menu from Kim. Sign Language interpreters will be available regardless of pre-registration requests. Other business for the conference will be handled via email.
Other Business
Discussed groups to connect with. Kaye reported the Oklahoma Association of Community Colleges meets in March, their agenda is set but she will check on possibility of having an information booth. Other groups to collaborate with: COSA, VR, K-12 Superintendants , OEA Conference.
Robert suggested OK-Ahead offer a ‘boot camp’ for counselors. Discussion followed on possibility of making this one of the presentation kits.
Denise, Chimene, Kaye and Mike Shuttic need to schedule a time to discuss presentation kits.
Elections and future board meetings discussed. Denise and Wendy will have nominations ready for the Spring meeting. OK-ahead will pick up costs for conference calls. January conference call had good attendance. Board discussed having a combination of conference calls and face to face meetings, a full day planning meeting in June or July to plan the year, and the need for a description of duties along with calendar of meeting dates.
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 26. 3:30 Conference Call.
The board will meet following day one of the conference – April 1. A general meeting will be held on day two – April 2.
Meeting adjourned at 11:40. Notes submitted by Kaye Ellis