/ In-Home Supportive Services
Advisory Committee Meeting
September7, 2011
Meeting Report

The Yolo County In-Home Supportive Services Advisory Committee met on the 7thday of September,2011, in the Community Room of the Department of Employment and Social Services, at 25 North Cottonwood Street, Woodland, CA.

Members present: Winnie deAnda, Sheila Allen, Ellen Berman, Sherrie Ewing, Judith Givens, Frances Gracechild, Deliliah Jordan, and Nunie Matta

Members not present: Johanne Lewis

Staff present:Laurie Haas, IHSS Supervisor, Frances Smith, PA Director and Evan Wyatt, PA Secretary

Guests present: Dawn Myers Purkey, director of Yolo Adult Day Health Care center, Sandra Rodriguez, Assistant to Supervisor Provenza, Chrissie Matta, provider, Peggy Hoover and Sonia Bjork, Partnership HealthPlan of California

Agenda Item No. 1

Call to Order/Welcome and Introductions

Frances Gracechildcalled the meeting to order, welcomed everyone present and asked people to introduce themselves.

Agenda Item No. 2

Roll Call

Fran took roll. She announced that a quorum was present.

Agenda Item No. 3

Public Comment

There was no public comment.

Agenda Item No. 4

Member Reports

Nunie reported that he attended the recent oversight hearing of the Assembly Committee on Aging and Long Term Care about the current status of Adult Day Health Care centers. He added that he gave personal testimony about the importance of the impact the Yolo Adult Day Health Care (ADHC) center and In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) have had in his life.

Frances G. stated one of the consumers from the Sacramento Resources for Independent Living testified about her need for daily services from ADHCS. She also reported that she and Chris Jensen, one of her staff, gave testimony about the severe consequences the closure of Adult Day Health Care Centers will have on the lives of thousands of Californians who depend on the special services they currently receive. Frances stated Adult Day Health Care Centers are the last line of defense in keeping people who are elderly or have disabilities in their homes.

Dawn Myers Purkey stated that unless the lawsuit brought by Disability Rights of California prevails, the future for ADHC clients is very bleak because the transitional plan put forward by the Department of Health Care Services depends on services that are already full and underfunded. Dawn praised Assemblywoman Mariko Yamada for her fabulous leadership in trying to delay the actual closures of the centers until April, 2012.

Sheila reported that Supervisor Jim Provenza attended the Hearing of Assembly Budget Committee 3 on Friday, September 2nd. Jim gave testimony from the Davis Fire Chief on the costs of “safety runs” to the hospital for seniors and persons with disabilities and relayed their concerns that when the ADHC closes they expect they will receive many emergency calls from those who lose services.

Sherrie reported that she was interviewed by Jon Edwards, a reporter for the Davis Enterprise. Sherrie said she relies on IHSS to send someone to keep her floors clean so she doesn’t trip and fall and break her hip.

Deliliah commented that after she read the ADHC transition plan developed by the Department of Health Care Services she realized that it lacks what the centers provide; a place for socialization and information sharing. She also said that without the program there will be fewer eyes on the problems of the individuals.

Sheila commented that the ADHC transition plan seems to be looking for “ADHC like” services, instead of funding the services that are already being provided.

Sherrie said that if she had not received the services from ADHC after her accident she would still be in a wheelchair.

Agenda Item No. 5

Minutes of July 6th Meeting

There were no corrections or additions to the minutes as mailed. Sheila moved, seconded by Nunie, to approve the minutes of the August 3rd, 2011 meeting. Motion carried.

Agenda Item No. 6

YoloAdultDayHealthCenter Update

Peggy Hoover and Sonia Bjork from Partnership Health Plan of Californiaintroduced themselves and said that they value ADHC centers and will sorely miss their services. They explained that the Partnership Health Plan covers six counties and will begin assessments for all Yolo County ADHC clients beginning October 1st. Peggy added that socialization, shared meals, mental health, group therapy, and physical therapy are not services that are usually covered by health plans. Sonia commented that IHSS may be able to add two to four hours a day for each person but those hours will not cover the total loss of ADHC services.

Committee members expressed their deep concerns about the loss of therapies, medication management, durable medical equipment, and other ADHC benefits. Peggy and Sonia stated they will not be able to purchase many services that people expectand need with just $60/per month per person. Peggy added that during individual assessments they will list unmet needs. Frances G asked if they could send depersonalized statistics to third parties in addition to the state department. Judith asked if Partnership has a list of health care professionals who might be willing to donate their time and care. Peggy answered, no, but they will look into it. They explained that when a person is enrolled in managed care, unless they choose to leave, they will stay in until services are no longer required.

Agenda Item No. 7

IHSS Report

Laurie Haas, IHSS Social Work Supervisor, explained that as of August 1, 2011, a medical certification is a one-time requirement for all IHSS consumers and applicants to the program. She said the Adult Service Worker will notify the consumer about the new requirement at the yearly assessment visit. The consumer can either take/send the form to his or her health care professional or the Adult Service Worker can mail the form, but it must be returned in 45 days for services to continue. Applicants to IHSS will be given the form and will have 45 days to return it for services to begin. A consumer can ask for an extension before the 35th day if there is good cause for the delay. Applicants can not receive an extension.

Laurie added that the health care professional must indicate that one or more IHSS services is recommended in order to prevent the need for out-of-home care, and they must indicate that the individual is unable to independently perform one or more activities of daily living in order for services to be granted. If the health care professional does not indicate a need for IHSS services and the lack of certification contradicts what the Adult Service Worker has seen in the home, a new form could be pursued. Some forms of Alternative Documentation can be accepted in place of the Medical Certification form as long as it is dated within 60 days of submission and includes a description of why the individual is unable to perform one or more activities of daily living, a description of the individual’s condition or functional limitation, and a signature from a licensed health care professional. Laurie concluded by saying forms are being returned but some are incomplete. The 45 day time limit has not yet been reached.

Judith stated in her experience at the California Medical Association, sometimes forms are not returned because they were not addressed to the correct person. Sheila added that in her work with the Health Department she visited doctor’s office to learn the name of the person who should be completing a form and then made sure to address the form to that person so it did not get lost in the office mail.

Deliliah asked Laurie what is done for a provider when a consumer passes away before the end of a pay period because the provider must be paid for the hours worked. Laurie replied that she needs some way to confirm that the provider actually worked the hours. She says she advises the provider to try to find a relative or a neighbor to verify that the hours are worked because she must have some documentation before she can okay a paycheck. She also explained that both providers and recipients should be keeping track on a calendar of IHSS tasks provided daily and the time spent on these tasks as the best way to track the time that will be entered on the time sheet. She concluded by saying if both the provider and the recipient initial the calendar daily she could possibly use that to verify provider hours.

Agenda Item No. 8

New Business

Election of CICA Delegate

Sheila moved, seconded by Winnie to elected Sherrie as the Yolo County Advisory Committee delegate to CICA.

Reporting to Supervisors

Fran explained that the Board of Supervisors is reviewing the composition and appointment process for all county advisory committees. A suggestion was made that Advisory Committee members communicate with board members about the content of AC meetings, achievements of committee members, the benefits of serving on the committee, what has been learned at conferences and their personal advocacy activities on behalf of IHSS and ADHC. Members expressed interest in contacting board members.

Agenda Item 9

Old Business

Advisory Committee Update

Fran explained that shemiscalculated the amount of federal funds that could be claimed as a match for state funds allocated for Advisory Committee budgets. The actual percentage would be 52% not 95%. The change in the total for the A C budget would be $4,560. There was agreement to revise lines 2, 9,& 11 to balance the budget. (see attached)

Public Authority Budget

Fran was happy to report she received word that the county would continue to support the Public Authority for fiscal year 2011-2012. She added that the estimate for provider paid hours for the next year was reduced which reduced the amount available for provider benefits. Even though several other line items were reduced or eliminated, there was still a shortfall of $158,000for Public Authority salaries, benefits and other administrative costs.

Agenda Item 10


Fran announced that Red Cross First Aid and CPR training for providers is scheduled September 24th.

Agenda Item 11


There was no further business. Nunie moved, seconded by Winnie, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 5, 2011