SAC Minutes
January 11th, 2018
Members in Attendance: Dr. Sherri Wilson, Kayla Rodriguez,Kimarya Carter-Martin, Dr. Takesha McCray, Denise Fernandez, Carolyn Wallace, Courtney Johnson, James McHellen, Valentina Attah, Lucya Elis, Paula Lebert, and Jaquira Green.
Members not in Attendance: Dr. Nathalie Lynch-Walsh, Stephanie Osenkowski, Kimberli Johnson, Horace Fearon, and Dana Kennedy.
Quorum Established: YES
Guest in Attendance: Christine Clock, David Greenfield, Ackimo Charles, Dorothy Clarke-Clair, Michel Gerard, Kimberly Kyle-Jones, Tina Swanton, Nestor Monantez, Dr. Claudette Spence, Clara Hall Brown, and Leonie Wright.
- Welcome/Roll Call to Establish Quorum
Dr. Takesha McCray opened the meeting at 6:12 pm and proceeded with roll call.
- Approval of Minutes
Minutes from November 2nd were reviewed. A minor typo with Mr. Charles’s name needed to be changed in the ‘Guest Attendance’ section. D. Fernandez made a motion to approve the minutes. C. Johnson seconded the motion. All were in favor.
- SAC Membership/Composition
Dr. McCray stated that we hope to fulfill the missing memberships. We are still in need of an ESOL, ESE, and I-Zone Rep. [ESE and I-Zone Rep were filled later in the meeting. View the election page]
Dr. Wilson made a motion to change the order of the agenda in order to accommodate the presenter and the time of the presentation. Ms. Hall Brown seconded the motion. All were in favor.
- Title I Parent Training- Presenter Tina Swanton
Tina Swanton started with a five-minute video on Digital Tool for Students.
After the video, parents were given computers to navigate the different tools. Parents were asked to go to the Canvas Page called ‘Innovative Learning’ for Parents. Tina went on to explain how Single Sign-On works and what students have access to at home. She also explained that students have access to Office 365 at home and have five free downloads that could be used on a home computer. Programs include: One Drive, PowerPoint, Word, One Note, Excel, and Sway.
Canvas URL for parents:
Parents were then asked to view a couple of the sites that students have access to at home. Parents went on and T. Swanton explained what students can do on these sites.
T. Swanton will provide technology flyers at the next SAC meeting.
- School Improvement Plan Input
Dr. McCray explained that it is our job to go through the School Improvement Plan (SIP) and find things to assist the school and that correlate with the plan. The SIP can be found on the OSPA website:
Best Practice #1: PLC
Dr. McCray explained that PLCs are Professional Learning Communities that allow for teachers to provide their best practices when working with their students. It also allows for teachers to share their learning strategies, review data, and know what is happening weekly. This also allows for teachers to collaborate with one another.
Best Practice #2: RTI Process
Dr. McCray explained that the RTI Process identifies at-risk students and what strategies are being used to help these students. This best practice is broken into three sections: MTSS Plan, Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Plan, and Attendance Plan.
Best Practice #3: Accreditation Process
Dr. McCray explained that the accreditation guidelines allow for parents, students, and the community to see how the school is performing and growing. We are required to upload documents to show what we are doing within the school. SAC minutes, agendas, and the SIP plan are a few of the documents included. Dr. Wilson also added that the school went through the accreditation process last year.
Best Practice #4: Continuous Improvement
Dr. McCray explained that continuous improvement discusses the improvements and enhancements regarding different subject areas.
Dr. McCray explained that we will review input at the next meeting. Parents were more than welcome to take the School Improvement Plan Input/Feedback Form home and add information for the next meeting. Ms. Carter-Martin stated that the SIP plan changes regularly and can be changed throughout the year as needed.
- Announcements
Dr. McCray stated that on Saturday, January 27th from 7:30am to 3:30pm there will be a Title I Parent Seminar at the Signature Grand. Under the Title I budget, the school can pay for three parents to attend.
Dr. Wilson added that if you are interested it is very important that parents are represented at district events. When the school isn’t represented you lose an opportunity for your voice/opinions to be heard. She also stated to take advantage of the opportunity. Every parent has a viable voice at PLMS.
Ms. Green announced that assessments are starting so please start preparing your students. Writing will start in February and BSA starts next week. Dr. Wilson also added that the BSA is the best trial run to the FSA. It is very important that they take it seriously.
Ms. Attah announced that the robo calls are very effective. Dr. Wilson considered this as an improvement in the area of communication.
Ms. Fernandez asked for Dr. McCray to review the attendance policy when it comes to SAC meetings and members. Dr. McCray stated that if you are voted in you are expected to attend the meeting. If you miss two meetings you will be replaced.
Dr. McCray reopened the floor for elections for ESOL, ESE, and I-Zone Rep. [View the election page]
Carter Martin announced that the next meeting will be Thursday, February 1st. It will be a conjoined meeting with SAF starting at 5:15pm. Dr. Wilson made a motion to have a set start time for SAC on February 1st. Dr. Wilson stated that meetings start at 6pm to accommodate the parents and the community. This way the community and parents can go home and get something to eat before attending. Community and parents agreed that starting at6pm is a good time. C. Johnson approved the motion to the set SAC time on February 1st. Dr. Wilson seconded the motion.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:00pm. Ms. Carter-Martin approved the motion.
D. Fernandez seconded the motion.
January 11th, 2018
- Welcome
Dr. McCray went on to state that several openings are open for SAC. We will be accepting nominations for:
- ESOL Rep
- ESE Rep
- Gift Rep
- I-Zone Rep
- Nominations
- Gifted Rep
McCray: Would anyone like to be the Gifted Rep?
Ms. Valentia Attah nominated herself has the Gifted Rep.
- ESE Rep
McCray: Would anyone like to be the ESE Rep?
No one accepted.
- ESOL Rep
McCray: Would anyone like to be the ESOL Rep?
No one accepted.
- I-Zone Rep
McCray: Would anyone like to be the I-Zone Rep?
- The I-Zone Rep is represented at meetings in the school boundaries. The I-Zone Rep is required to bring back information from the meetings.
No one accepted.
SAC meeting was then continued.
Elections were revisited at 6:50pm.
Dr. McCray revisited the elections because multiple parents entered the meeting after the elections were done at 6:12pm.
- ESE Rep
McCray: Would anyone like to be the ESE Rep?
Ms. Lucya Elis nominated herself has the ESE Rep.
- ESOL Rep
McCray: Would anyone like to be the ESOL rep?
No one accepted.
- I-Zone Rep
McCray: Would anyone like to be the I-Zone Rep?
Ms. Paula Lebert nominated herself as the I-Zone Rep.
Dr. Wilson made a motion to approve the new members. J. Green seconded the motion. All were in favor.