Student Academic AppealsCommittee
Meeting #____,month, date, year - Agenda Item# ____
Motion / Recommendation:
- Motion in proper form for consideration by the Governing Body.
- A motion or recommendation should state clearly and concisely what is being recommended and the effective date, if applicable.
- DELETE this section if Briefing Note is for Information.
Action Requested: / ☐For Approval ☐For Recommendation ☐Discussion/Advice ☐ Information
Proposed By:
- [Enter the name and title of the officer (e.g., President/Provost/Vice President/Dean) bringing the item forward.]
Context and Background:
- [Reasons for bringing this item forward.
- Related previous discussions and/or decisions. What makes the issue significant?
- What is the history of the issue, if applicable?
- Include a brief chronology of events leading to the recommendation, if required.
- What other options were considered, if applicable?]
- [Provide analysis / data to support a Motion or Recommendation.
- If relevant, compare AU’s position to other Universities or comparators.]
Resource Requirements:
- [A summary of any operational, financial, human resources, or capital resource requirements of this proposal, and the source(s) of funding]
- [Does this require a reallocation and/or new resources?
- How will the necessary resources be attained and what steps will be taken (or what will be the result) if resources cannot be attained as contemplated.]
Connection to the University Planning Framework:
- [What is the relationship of this item to University planning initiatives and/or to other projects?]
Risk Implications:
- [A summary of any health, environmental, legal, reputational, or other implications of this proposal.]
- [Indicate which, if any, of the top risks identified under the enterprise risk management framework relate to the item. ]
Implementation Steps and Timeline:
- [Indicate what further action is required if recommended decision is made, by whom and on what schedule.
- If a communication strategy is required, provide a detailed description of the communications approach, goals and objectives, target audience and anticipated timeline. ]
- [Key messages for the Motion / Recommendation.
- Has a communication plan and detailed communication(s) been developed?
- Provide as attachments as appropriate.]
Reviewed / Recommended / By / Date☒ / ☐ / /
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Submission prepared by:
- Please list any related material attached. Ideally, attachments for any given submission will not exceed ten (10) pages.
- All high level details and information needed to make a decision should be summarized in the Briefing Note.
- Please use attachments to reinforce those points in the Briefing Note.
- Attachments should not introduce new issues.
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