PPC 11/21/2016
Members present: Jason Givens, Erin Carson, Ken Blake, Tony Deye, Mark Schulte, Matt Kieran, Lauren Biagi, Jen Daunhauer, Charles Stafford, Chad Dierken and Father Dave
Members Absent: Scott Spinetto and Molly Heironimus
Tony opened with a prayer. Minutes from October meeting approved.
Jason:Scheduling update- Christmas Party 12/11, next meeting in January. Recommends creating liaison spreadsheet to help clarify expectations for Committees.
Liaison Reports
Worship (Mark): Met and talked to all contacts. Altar Society considering disbanding. Mark encouraged Altar Society to remain active. Need more members.
Welfare (Chad): committees are doing well but Hospitality has disbanded. They used to host coffee and donuts after mass each month. Chad will ask Laura Graven about reviving this committee. Knights of Columbus looking to create a more active group at St. Albert.
Social Concerns (Matt): Mary Theinamen says they need more people and more storage. Committees asking for more liaison presence in committee meetings.
Erin recommended a Stewardship Fair to help people in the parish learn about opportunities to be more involved and increase membership in committees.
Lifelong Formation (Molly): Not present, but Erin says that Molly may have some volunteers to take the lead on the parish directory.
Athletic Ministry/School (Erin): Principal Search Committee created survey to send to stakeholders in search to prioritize qualifications of new principal. The job listing will go out in December and interviews to start in January
Communications (Ken): Nothing new to report
School Board (Charles): School Board asking if parish wants to supplement St. Albert decals to help promote the parish and school. PPC decided that the parish will pay for the additional decals. School Board also working to nail down financials for the year. Working on modeling tools for future budgeting in an effort to scale budget based on enrollment.
Jason: Attended Parish Council Chair Meeting. Reported that archdiocese is testing out group fundraising for multiple parishes. St. Albert’s website was recognized for quality. Jennifer recommends finding a way to tell parishioners about all of the tools and social media outlets of archdiocese.
Father Dave:
Beyond the Building- beginning to see continuity. Has been invited to talk about BTB with the ACEs. Both Athletic Ministry and PTO approved financial contributions to BTB. Priority is to explain the plan in detail to the parish first.