Melview N.S. Green-Schools
Action Plan – WATER
- To raise awareness of the issue of waterconservation
- To reduce rate of water consumption by 10% through “low cost” and “no cost” methods (behaviour, leaks & drips, hippo bags) within 12 months of programme implementation
Action / Person/Group Responsible / Timeframe / Progress Made
- Establish the new Green-Schools Committee
- Attend Water Workshop in Roscommon
- Water Poster Competition –‘Be Water Smart’
Class teacher / February 2016 / Achieved
- Conduct an Environmental Review to establish the current water consumption in the school
Complete water use survey (5th class)
Conduct leak test (check for drips and leaks in taps, toilets and radiators)
Carry out a major leak check to see if there are any leaks in the pipes underground
Check water bills for the last year to calculate amount of water used per person per day in Melview
Complete Environmental Review Checklist (Green-Schools Water Handbook)
Carry out a survey among students, staff & families to gauge awareness around water conservation
Investigate the life-cycle of water in the school, i.e. where is the water sourced, where is it treated, where is the waste water treated
/ Green-Schools Committee / April – September 2016 / Achieved
- Water Squad in each class with responsibility for
(b) looking out for & report leaks/drips / Green-Schools Co-ordinator
Class teacher / Ongoing / Ongoing
- Get any leaky toilets, taps & radiators fixed
- Distribute “Turn it Off” Posters to each class to display at class sink
(6th) / September 2016 / Achieved
- Use stoppers or basins when cleaning painting equipment
- Insert hippo bags (cisterns of 9 litres) or bottles of water or sand (cisterns of less than 8 litres) to toilet cisterns so less water is used with each flush
- Update Green-School’s Notice Board
Denise / Ongoing / Ongoing
- Distribute leaflet of tips for saving water to families (a follow up to water awareness survey )
- Organise a ‘Water Action Day’/Blue Day
-Walk for Water Relay around yard for 2nd class up / Whole School / November 2016
*Changed to March 2017
- Inform & involve school & wider community via Facebook page, school intercom, newsletters & notice board
Principal / Ongoing / Ongoing
- Water lesson plans & projects for each class
Class Teachers / Ongoing / Ongoing
- Install water butt to collect rain water for use in school garden
- Compare water usage for last week of September 2016 and last week of February 2017 & display results
6th Class Water Squad / October 2016
March 2017
- Compare water usage over two periods in school ( January- March 2016October – December2016)
6th Class Water Squad / February 2017 / Achieved
- Create graphs to display WATER reduction figures on G.S. Notice Boards
- Green Code Competition
- Fill in and submit application for Green Flag for Energy