Melissa Bonstead-Bruns
Associate Professor
Department of Sociology
University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire
442 Schneider Social Sciences
Department of Sociology
University of Wisconsin—Eau Claire
Eau Claire, WI54702
(715) 836-5167
curricular web page:
Ph.D.University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, 2000 (Sociology; Major: Stratification; Minor: Social Psychology)
M.A. University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, 1992 (Sociology; Major: Stratification; Minor: Social Psychology)
B.A. WartburgCollege, Waverly, IA, 1989 (Major: Sociology; Minors: Religion and Women's Studies)
Melissa Bonstead-Bruns
2001-2002Heather Dunn: Conducted vignette study of gender and work issues that resulted in a presentation at the Midwest Sociological Society meetings in 2002. Research was funded by a Faculty/Student Collaborative Research grant.
2002-2003Jenee Jerome: Developed a survey of Wisconsin High Schools investigating college recruitment patterns. Results were presented at the Faculty-Student Research Day at UWEC. Research was funded by a Faculty/Student Collaborative Research grant.
2004-presentEmily Cooper, Ashley Vacha, and Amanda Albert: Blugold Fellow students who are currently constructing a survey investigating the role of family in the career choices made by men and women.
1998Hao, Lingxin, and Melissa Bonstead-Bruns. “Parental Expectation and Students’ Achievements: The Second Generation and Natives” Sociology of Education 71(3): 175-198.
2002Bonstead-Bruns, Melissa. Book Review of Understanding, Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality: A Conceptual Framework by Lynn Weber, Teaching Sociology 30(2): 260-261.
2004Bonstead-Bruns, Melissa. Syllabus and classroom assignments/activities inSocial Stratification Courses: Syllabi and Instructional Materials, 5th edition.
2006Bonstead-Bruns, Melissa. “Sociology of Work” inThe BlackwellEncyclopedia of Sociology, edited by G. Ritzer. Cambridge: Blackwell.
2006Bonstead-Bruns, Melissa. “Assessing the Use of Service-Learning Projects for Meeting the Goals of the First-Year Experience Course.” Teaching Forum: A Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, March 24, 2006, funded by UWEC Network for Excellence in Teaching Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Collaborative Initiative Mini-grant in collaboration with the Office of Service-Learning.
2006Eliason, Scott, Melissa Bonstead-Bruns, and Jennifer Glass. “Assessing the Causal Effect of Gendered Market Structures on Wage Attainments and in Evaluating the Gender Wage Gap: An Intention-to-Treat Analysis.” Paper accepted for presentation at the Population Association of America meetings in Los Angeles.
2005Bonstead-Bruns, Melissa. “Measuring the Impact of Service-Learning in a First-Year Experience Course.” Paper presented at the Midwest Sociological Society Meetings in the spring 2005.
2004 Bonstead-Bruns, Melissa. "Fostering Civic Engagement: Assessing the Use of Service-Learning Projects in the First-Year Experience Course." Poster presented at the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Symposium at UW-Eau Claire.
2003Bonstead-Bruns, Melissa. “Public Perceptions of Gendered Skills as they Relate to Occupational Role Assignments.”Funded by UWEC Summer Research Experience grant. Presented at the 2003 Wisconsin Sociological Association and Minnesota Sociologists joint meetings. (Revision of paper presented in 2002.)
2003Jerome, Jenee and Melissa Bonstead-Bruns. “An Examination of Bias in College Recruitment Patterns at Public High Schools.” Funded by UWEC Faculty/Student Research Collaborative grant. Poster presentation given by Jenee Jerome at UWEC student research day.
2002Bonstead-Bruns, Melissa and Heather Dunn. “Public Perceptions of Gendered Skills as they Relate to Occupational Role Assignments.” funded by UWEC Summer Research Experience grant. Presented at the 2002 Midwest Sociological Society meetings (Presented by Melissa Bonstead-Bruns).
2002Bonstead-Bruns, Melissa. “What’s In It for Me? The Function of Introductory Sociology Courses for Undergraduates.” Presented at the 2002 Midwest Sociological Society meetings.
1996 Bonstead-Bruns, Melissa and Scott R. Eliason. “Measuring the Communal/Agentic Gender Structure of Occupations and Its Effect on Wage Attainments.” Presented at the 1996 American Sociological Association Meetings. (Presented by Melissa Bonstead-Bruns).
1995Bonstead-Bruns, Melissa. “Gender of Occupation and Status Evaluation: Reconsidering the Importance of Context.” Presented at the American Sociological Association, Washington, DC.
1993Bonstead-Bruns, Melissa. “Teaching Gender in Sociology: The Science of Stating the Obvious.” Presented at the Midwest Sociological Society, Chicago, IL.
1993Bonstead, Melissa and Jeffrey Erger. “For Better or Worse: Images of Gender in Strip Comics.” Presented at the Midwest Sociological Society, Chicago, IL. (Presented by Melissa Bonstead).
Bonstead-Bruns, Melissa. “A Vignette Study of the Effects of Gendered Skills, Gendered Positions, and Candidate Sex on Occupational Role Assignments” Gender and Society submitted—Revise and Resubmit.
Bonstead-Bruns, Melissa. “How (Not To) Be Lied To With Statistics: Teaching Introductory Level Students How To Be Better Consumers of Information in the Information Age.” Under Review at Teaching Sociology.
Bonstead-Bruns, Melissa. “Educational Inequality and College Recruiting Practices” (working title) funded by UWEC Faculty/Student Collaborative Research grant; to be submitted to Sociology of Education.
Bonstead-Bruns, Melissa. “Fostering Civic Engagement: Assessing the Use of Service-Learning Projects in the First-Year Experience Course.” (working title) funded by UWEC Network for Excellence in Teaching Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Collaborative Initiative Mini-grant in collaboration with the Office of Service-Learning; to be submitted to Teaching Sociology.
Bonstead-Bruns, Melissa and Scott R. Eliason. “Measuring the Communal/Agentic Gender Structure of Occupations and Its Effect on Wage Attainments. “ to be submitted to American Journal of Sociology.
2005Bonstead-Bruns, Melissa. “Civic Engagement in the College Classroom.” Workshop presented at the 2005 American Sociological Association meetings in Philadelphia.
2005 Eisenberg, Anne F., Bonstead-Bruns, Melissa, and Meyer, Lisa. “Facilitating Teamwork in Sociology Courses.” Workshop presented at the 2005 American Sociological Association meetings in Philadelphia.
2003Panel participant for “Sociology in Freshman Seminars.” Teaching workshop organized by Norah D. Peters-Davis. Conducted at the 2003 American Sociological Association meetings. (Submitted written materials to be presented in absentia.)
2003 Eisenberg, Anne F. and Melissa Bonstead-Bruns. “Teaching Writing to Undergraduates” Solicited repeat of 2002 workshop for the 2003 American Sociological Association meetings. (Submitted written materials to be presented in absentia.)
2002Eisenberg, Anne F. and Melissa Bonstead-Bruns. “Teaching Writing to Undergraduates” Conducted at the 2002 American Sociological Association meetings.
2003/2004Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Collaborative Initiative Mini-grant (funded by NET and the Office of Service-Learning in Collaboration)
2002/2003UWEC Faculty/Student Research Collaboration grant
Summer 2001UWEC Summer Research Experience grant.
2001-presentReviewer for Gender and Society, (Journal affiliated with Sociologists for Women in Society).
2002-presentReviewer for Teaching Sociology.
2003-presentReviewer for Sociological Imagination, (Journal affiliated with the Wisconsin Sociological Association).
2005-2006Named UW—Eau Claire’s Wisconsin Teaching Fellow.
2005 Excellence in Service-Learning as a Faculty Mentor Award
1995-1996Research Assistant. Collaborated with Assistant Professor Lingxin Hao in investigating the role of social capital in the educational progress of immigrant children. Research culminated in a co-authored paper that was published in Sociology of Education.
1991-1992Research Assistant. Co-authored a macro-program and inputted information for a database for a qualitative study of the role of social science research in policy planning. Principal investigator was Associate Professor Robin Stryker.
1990-1991Research Assistant. Worked on a project doing qualitative content analysis on scholarly and popular reviews of novels. Principal investigator was Associate Professor Steve Wieting. The project involved a comparison of the influence of popular culture in the United States and in Iceland.
1992Bonstead, Melissa. ”The Evaluation of Status: An Alternative Conceptualization and Empirical Analysis.” Master’s thesis.
Topics in the Sociology of Education—University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire (Spring 2005)
Gender and Work—University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire (Fall 2003)
Introduction to Sociology—University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire (Fall 2000-present)
Social Class and Inequality—University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire (Fall 2000-present)
Social Inequality—University of Iowa, (Fall 1996-Spring 1997)
Introduction to Sociology: Social Problems—University of Iowa, (Summer 1995-Summer 1996)
Introduction to Sociology: Principles—KirkwoodCommunity College, (Fall 1994)
2005-presentCourse Developer and Instructor for online version of SOC 101— Introduction to Sociology.
1998-2000Course Developer and Instructor for Social Inequality Correspondence Course.
1995-2000Course Developer and Instructor for Social Problems Correspondence Course.
1993-2000Course Developer and Instructor for Introduction to Sociology: Principles Correspondence Course.
Member of American Sociological Association
Member of Society for Women in Sociology
Member of Midwest Sociological Association
Member of Wisconsin Sociological Association
Alpha Kappa Delta
2000-presentWomen’s Studies Program Committee, UW—Eau Claire
2000-presentCo-Advisor Alpha Kappa Delta
2001-presentTechnology representative for Sociology Department
2001-presentAdvisory Committee on Service-Learning
Spring 2002Search Committee for Director of Service-Learning
Summer 2002Search Committee for Director of Jumpstart
Summer 2002Summer Orientation Adviser
2003-2004Co-Facilitator for Educating Citizens discussion group as part of the American Democracy Project
2004-presentWomen’s Studies Liaison Committee (Elected Position)
2004-presentFaculty Advisor for N.U.U.S. (Network for Unitarian Universalist Students)
2004-presentAmeriCorp-Vista Advisory Council
Spring 2005Co-Facilitator for Everyday Politics: Reconnecting Citizens and Public Life discussion group as part of the American Democracy Project
2005-presentArts and Sciences Technology Committee
2005-presentNET Teaching Mentor
2005-presentDepartmental mentor for Kathleen Nybroten