Melanie Marimberga Creative Writing Week of Jan. 23rd- 27th

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
I can use a writing strategy to build my writing muscles.
Quality Questions
What is a strategy?
Why do we need them? Give an example of a strategy you’ve used before that has worked for you. It doesn’t have to be school-related.
Answer QQ’s and discuss
Scene of Writing exercise
Reflect on what it was like to complete this exercise
Homework: Finish reflection on exercise if you don’t finish in class / I can constructively share writing with my reflection of it and draw conclusions of myself as a writer from it.
Quality Questions
What makes a poem, a poem?
Why do you think poetry is one of the smallest sections in the bookstore, and why can it be the most expensive literature to purchase? What conclusions do you draw from this?
Hear student responses from yesterday
Give out rubric for poetry; notes; vocabulary sheet
Start Prezi; show students how the Prezi notes and rubric line up with each other
Homework: You are welcome to bring to class any poetry novel or printed copy of one poem you especially like. Will offer bonus for this.  / I can develop the topic of an informative or explanatory piece by using relevant, well-chosen facts, definitions, details, quotations, and other information and examples.
Quality Questions
How do words form meaning in our language to you?
Use handout on “How to Read a Poem” as guidelines for examining and analyze a poem.
Read poetry; use handout and guidelines to answer the question “Why these details?”
Find one poem of choice to answer using specific lines from poem (one page written or one page typed and double space, 12 font)
Show how to use parenthetical citations with quoting or paraphrasing from poem.
Homework: Finish explication / I can engage in collaborative discussions and present claims and findings with significant points by providing relevant details, sound reasoning, and well-chosen details.
Quality Questions
Is it hard to write your conclusions about what an author is thinking in the details?
What did you do to overcome obstacles here?
Why is there a need for us to look closely at literature like this and analyze it?
Share poem with peer; then another peer—share poem and explication paper
Did you see something you haven’t thought about before when examining poetry?
Did your peer bring out details you couldn’t see after just reading the poem by itself?
Answer QQ’s by holding discussion
Homework: Read poetry that has especially unusual line breaks / I can analyze how the differing structures of two or more texts contribute to their meaning and style.
Quality Questions
How can the blank space on a page [or punctuation (or lack of): a period, semicolon, comma] communicate as much as the written, literal words on the page?
Prezi, rubric; talk about line breaks
Show examples of poems with unusual line breaks; discuss why these line breaks?
Answer QQ; why these line breaks with your poem? Discuss
Homework: Write one paragraph about one poem with unusual line breaks and explain why these details. Use QQ to help answer.