Joint Mission MoU Romania-Netherlands on Water Management and Partners for Water Taskforce Central- and Eastern Europe - Bucharest 2-5 July 2002
B FokkensRWS / RIZA
A. de HaasRWS / RIZA
R. de JongeNedeco
R. KlompNWP
T. SlisRWS / HK
Introduction: The Romanian – Dutch co-operation on integrated water management
Already in the period 1970 –1990 the Dutch Ministry of Transport Public Works and Water Management was involved in a Romanian Dutch co-operation concerning the land reclamation in the Danube Delta. The IJssel Lake Polders Development Authority was giving technical assistance to the land reclamation activities. Although there were many doubts among Dutch specialists about the usefulness of this land reclamation, for Romanian political reasons the land reclamation in the Danube Delta was unavoidable. For Dutch political and further technical reasons this technical assistance was given. The political reason was, to maintain contacts with the Romanian Government and the technical reason was to support the best possible quality of the reclamation activities in the Danube Delta.
After the political changes in Romania, the contacts were already renewed in 1992, but then with the intention to support the ecological restoration of the Danube Delta. A Letter of Intent for co-operation was signed in December 1992 with Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority and the Danube Delta Design and Research Institute. Initially the co-operation focussed strongly on institutional assistance in relation to survey studies on vegetation and soil. Remote sensing and Geographical Information Systems were used for these studies next to of course the technical and scientific knowledge on soils and ecology from both sides. Later on ecological reconstruction studies for agricultural polders and fishponds were made, followed by hydraulic and water quality modelling of the Delta and now a days eutrophication are carried out.
In 1995 a ministerial Memorandum of Understanding concerning the co-operation in the Delta was signed between the two countries for a period of five year. During this period the co-operation was extended to the region of Iasj, with a new partner Apele Romane (Romanian Waters) in the field of River Basin Management. This co-operation focuses on water quality modelling and monitoring, the development of a early warning model for accidental pollution and ecological floodplain restoration, including “Public Participation and Stakeholder Involvement”, again in combination with institutional assistance. The rivers Pruitt and Mures are selected for the practical implementation of the studies and or the results. For reason of very successful cooperation and in view of the pre-accession of Romania to the EU the MOU was already prolonged in 1999. And the scope was widened to all aspects of integrated water management and applicable in all regions of Romania. The implementation of the European Water Frame Work Directive, but also flood protection/prevention and tackling the eutrophication are the most important topics at this moment.
In relation to the MOU-co-operation various projects under different Dutch programmes for co-operation, are now under implementation or will start soon. These programmes are PSO (Eastern Europe Programme), MATRA (Social Transition Programme) and Partners for Water. All these projects amount together about € 3.500.000. --. Of which the Partners for Water Programme contributes at the moment about € 500.000, -- For the different MOU activities is an annual budget of about € 100.000, -- available. And in addition to this another € 100,000, -- for special projects in the field of reference studies, training, exchange of scientific information and knowledge and institutional support. The contribution through the Partners for Water projects might increase by approval of new projects. The MOU and the Task Force Central and Eastern Europe mission had the objective to define the future focus and direction of the MOU activities and possible new Partners for Water projects. The MOU needs to be discussed for prolongation in 2004. And the Partners for Water Programme has still some funds for projects in 2003. In this report you can read the primarily findings and ideas of the mission for these discussions and definitions.
Terms of Reference of the Joint Mission (Task Force-MOE/MOU-RO)
- Get acquainted with the latest developments in the international and national policies for water management in Romania
- Discuss the ongoing co-operation in the water sector between The Netherlands and Romania with respect to the partners, projects, contacts and conditions
- Introduce the Partners for Water Programme to relevant (potential) partners in Romania
- Contact the International Financing Institutions (IFI’s) about their programmes and projects in the water sector
- Identify possible Partner for Water Projects
Meeting with Apele Romane 2 July 2002
Petru SerbanDirector Water management Division Apele Romane
Ane Marie CiureaMin. of Waters and Env. Protection (responsible for water mgt and transboundary water issues)
Ana DrapaMin. of Waters and Env. Protection (responsible for transboundary water issues and Int’l relations)
Elena BucurMin. of Waters and Env. Protection (responsible for EU integration and int’l relations)
Discussions concerned the MoU.
For the National Danube Delta Institute (DDNI) most of the project parts will terminate in 2004. For the Prut co-operation this will be in 2003. The question is where on what to focus in the framework of the MoU for the next period (2 years).
Serban explains that for Romania the accession to the EU is of highest priority for the Government and for the MWEP. At the beginning of 2005 Apele Romane should be ready with the main part of the implementation of the 17 directives. One of them, which is the WFD. The Government has agreed with this timetable, in a special signed document. Action Ane Marie Ciurea: send document to MoU coordinator. The government is responsible for the final goals as mentioned in this document and Apele Romane for the related fieldwork. For this reason the work of Apele Romane mainly focuses on that point and it is suggested that also the support by the Dutch-Romanian co-operation should be focussed on pre-accession projects, for both the MoU and PfW.
Apele Romane asks assistance from RIZA with the implementation of the directives. (See separate attached document.) In particular the following issues seemed suitable for Dutch support:
- The design of an integrated water monitoring system according to the provisions of the WFD.
- The elaboration of a methodology on assessment of the impact of diffuse sources on water resources
- The elaboration of a methodology on assessment of the impact of over-exploitation of water resources, especially on the groundwater
- The elaboration of a methodology on assessment and classification of groundwater
- The elaboration of criteria for the defining of heavily modified and artificial water bodies.
The point with the highest priority of the presented table is the monitoring methodology. Ciurea makes clear that the Ministry underwrites the document of Apele Romane. Action Mr. Serban: elaborate the 5 points, to present issues more in detail. He will do so before 1 September 2002. This document will be the basis for thinking about the follow-up of some of the MoU activities and shall be linked to the programme Partners for Water.
With respect to the WFD Apele Romane basically requests assistance with:
- the information phase (exchange of Dutch knowledge to Romanian experts)
- training facilities for a great number of co-operators from CNAR (from all 11 branches)
- application of methodologies e.g. pilots in the Romanian water systems.
The problems as mentioned in the document of Apele Romane, are more or less similar to the problems for other pre-accession countries, which have a MoU with the Dutch Ministry of Transport Public Works and Water Management. The Dutch delegation concludes to investigate this point in the other countries and come up with a solution perhaps suitable for all pre-accession countries. Action: MoU. Combined workshops, trainings, the common establishment of methodologies, etc. could be options.
It was suggested that the recently approved Partners for Water projects Bega-timis and Integrated Coastal Zone Management would include a WFD implementation component as pilot.
Lastly, the possibility of Twinning projects for the implementation of this programme was discussed. However, it was concluded that Twinning are perhaps not the right instrument to solve these problems.
Meeting with non-governmental organisations (NGOs) – 3 July 2002
Marius MatacheCarpathian-Danube Centre for Geo-Ecology
Petruta MoisiPresident Eco Counselling Centre Galati
Adrian PisicaFounder President Anaconda Foundation
Iulian PocoticaYouth Programme Manager Anaconda Foundation
Anca TofanDirector Romania Regional Environmental Centre (REC)
Roxana SuciuManager de project Regional Environmental Centre (REC)
Lucian Nicolae IonescuExecutive Director Mare Nostrum
Nicola SamargiuCoordinator Department for Public Campaign Mare Nostrum (also coordinator for Romania of the Black Sea Network)
Bart FokkensPartners for Water + Responsible for the MoU Netherlands-Romania (RIZA)
Albert de HaasCoordinator MoU Netherlands-Romania (RIZA)
Titia SlisPartners for Water (Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management)
Rob KlompPartners for Water (Netherlands Water Partnership)
Robert de JongePartners for Water (NEDECO)
Carpathian-Danube Centre for Geo-Ecology
This NGO covers the area where the Danube enters Romania.
Eco-Counselling Centre Galati (EECG)
The mission of EECG is to integrate the environmental perspective in the development of Romanian civil society through information, action, educational activities and cooperation on local, national, regional and international level. EECG has the status of Member observer to Eco-Counselling Europe, is Member of the Danube Environmental Forum (DEF) Board and National Focal Point for DEF and is Member of the Black Sea Network.
EECG was established in 1996 and concentrates on water related issues. Focal point is the Danube. They are both involved with the Danube and with the Black Sea.
Anaconda Foundation
This Foundation organises educational programmes, amongst others, in the environmental field. Their focus is more and more on water related issues.
Regional Environmental Centre (REC), Romania
REC has four main target groups: local government, central government, NGOs and business. They focus on training and dissemination of information in the environmental field. They are also involved with the development of new projects for local governments and are involved in public participation processes. REC is also involved in preparing local governments with the development of projects eligible for the SAPARD programme of the European Union.
Mare Nostrum
Mare Nostrum concentrates on coastal issues (Black Sea) and focuses on obtaining sustainable solutions for environmental problems. They are active in environmental education. Mare Nostrum is also the representative for Romania in the international Black Sea Network. The Black Sea Network has six national assemblies (one in each Black Sea country – Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Ukraine, Georgia and Russia). Every assembly is comprised of a number of NGOs (in Romania 12).
It was underlined by the participants that since Mr. Lificiu has become Minister for Waters and Environmental Protection, there are more initiatives undertaken to include NGOs in policy making, mostly concentrating on the process of joining the European Union.
Mrs. Moisi of the EECG underlined the importance of involving NGOs in the open planning process during the development of River Basin Management Plans (according the EU Water Framework Directive).
REC was informed about the new project under Partners for Water: ‘project development under SAPARD, focus on agriculture water resources management’. The coordinates of the Netherlands project leader (Royal Haskoning) were exchanged.
It was asked whether institution building of NGOs would be a possibility under the Partners for Water programme. This is not the case because the mission of Partners for Water is to involve different partners in one project, not to concentrate on one single beneficiary.
It was also asked whether Partners for Water takes into account projects, which are being developed by the international financing institutions such as the EBRD, the World Bank and the European Union. This was confirmed and further explained; Partners for Water tries to be, through its projects, complementary to these institutions.
Mrs. Moisi summarising general issues with which Partners for Water could support NGOs:
- Conducting public awareness campaigns
- Target group related issues
- Funds for NGO’s for participating in international conferences
- Strengthening of institutional capacity (federalisation of the NGO sector)
- Implementation of the WFD
- Wetland restoration
It was agreed that NGOs would come with suggestions for Partners for Water cooperation. These project ideas are to be channelled through the MWEP and sent to the Taskforce by 1 September. Action: NGOs, Ane Marie Ciurea
Meeting with Ministry of Water and Environmental Protection, Apele Romane, regional (water) authorities and institutes - 4 July 2002
Ane Marie CiureaMin. of Waters and Env. Protection (responsible for water mgt and Transboundary water issues)
Petru SerbanDirector Water management Division Apele Romane
Graziella JulaBiologist Apele Romane (Water Management Division)
Garo Smarand Technical Director Apelor Olt
Bojan Vasile Director Apelor Olt
Deliu Petru Technical Director Apelor Olt
Liviu Nicolae Popescu MWEP (National Research and Development Institute for Environmental Protection – ICIM)
Romulus Stiuca Director of the National Danube Delta Institute
Sando Iceana D.A. Mures
Florian Moldovan D.A. Mures
Monica Gheorghe D.A. Mures
Emil Vamanu Director of D.A. Siret Bacav
Ana Drapa MWEP (responsible for transboundary water issues and Int’l relations)
Alexandru Bologa Scientific Director of the national Institute for Marine Research and Development ‘Grigore Antipa’ Constanta
Mugur Bataus Director of Investments Teleorman County Council
Liliana Trasineanu Service Programme Teleorman County Council
Liliana Magheru Director Teleorman County Council
Eugenia Georgeta Ionescu Counsellor Teleorman County Council
Virgil Munteknu Governor of DDISR
Sufrunic Carsico Imifar General CWAR
Costica Sofronie President-general manager Apele Romane
Bart Fokkens Partners for Water + Responsible for the MoU Netherlands-Romania (RIZA)
Albert de Haas Coordinator MoU Netherlands-Romania (RIZA)
Titia Slis Partners for Water (Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management)
Rob Klomp Partners for Water (Netherlands Water Partnership)
Robert de Jonge Partners for Water (NEDECO)
Objective of meeting:
Introduction Partners for Water programme and first impression need for potential Partner for Waters projects.
Statements and project requests by the participants:
Petru Serban, director Water Management Division NCRW
- stresses benefits of the on going co-operation with the Netherlands
- asks support of the implementation of the EU water framework directive in Romania more specifically:
the designing of an integrated water monitoring system
the elaboration of a methodology on assessment of the impact of diffuse sources on water resources
the elaboration of a methodology on assessment of the impact of over exploitation of water resources
the elaboration of a methodology on assessment and classification of groundwater
the elaboration of criteria for defining heavily modified and artificial bodies.
Romulus Stiuca, Danube Delta Research Institute asks support for
- assessment of present status Deltaic ecosystems including recommendations for protection/restoring ecosystems according to directives EU
- set up of management plans for 18 protected areas (70.000 ha)
Virgil Munteanu, governor Danube Delta stresses need for 3 projects:
- impact navigation on ecosystems in delta
- management of water transport activities (touristic/commercial)
- monitoring of navigation in nature reserves
Liviu-Nicolae Popescu, ICIM stresses need for support in R&D in relation to framework directives EU, more specifically:
- capacity building ICIM (analytical laboratory etc.)
- criteria for optimizing the water monitoring network (together with NCRW)
- data gathering, processing, storage improvement in combination with GIS
Liliana Magheru, Eugenia Ionescu, Teleorman County Council, stress importance of co-operation on regional level especially upstream area of Danube. Various projects are proposed dealing with:
- management of water resources in Danube River basin based on Rhine experience
- management of water resources in Teleorman County
Proposed projects:
- cleaning water station II storage - Turnu Magurele
- Alexandria cleaning water station modernisation
- rehabilitation and extension of water supply in Turnu Magurele
- rehabilitation and operation of ground dams, water cumulation on the Teleorman County territory
- ecological restoration and forest planting on the damaged banks of water courses in Teleorman County
- forest planting on degraded fields in Teleorman County
- integrated waste management system in Teleorman County
Costica Sofronie, president-general manager NCRW stresses importance of
- sediment transport in Danube river and severe erosion of Danube delta
- programme on Technical Assistance to support Romania with the implementation of the Water Framework Directive and Integrated Coastal Zone Management in transitional and coastal waters in order to improve efficiency and effectivity of present projects
- strategy with respect to climate change and Integrated water management in RO (living with floods etc.).
Agreed actions:
Written project fiches, according to template prepared by Ana Marie Ciurea, will be submitted to her in order to send all the project fiches to the Task Force Central East Europe before September 1st , 2002.
Meeting with World Bank Bucharest – 4 July 2002