Meeting with Mike Lamb and Vickie Mahrt

Regarding Retired assistance with (Local Active) President’s Support Team

(and IEA Organizing for the future)

There are 2 tasks we could assist with as needed:

Outreach Calls

  • With over 1000 local presidents, even with Cinda’s calls and members of the Support Team calling to touch base, there is no way all can be reached with a personal call. Retired volunteers could help make these calls of outreach, just for a personal connection from IEA to them.
  • Team will prepare a script of comments and questions to be asked.
  • Follow up/dig deeper in the conversation prompts will be provided.
  • Directions on how/what to record info accessed in the conversation will be provided.
  • Reminders will be given that this is not a contact to give advice or solve problems, but to let them talk and you listen. Concerns will be forwarded to the Support Team.
  • The calling list can be of a length to accommodate the time available for each volunteer.
  • A webinar will be provided as training/introduction to the task. It will also be posted on the Members Only section of the website for additional access.
  • Vickie and Mike will present at one session of our SLA school regarding this project where IEA-Retired is participating in the IEA Organizing culture. Hopefully we’ll sign up some volunteers there.
  • The Retired Council approved the formation of the IEA-Retired Local President Outreach Task Forceas an additional retired committee. This committee would not have any expenses except for an occasional conference call. It would be open to volunteers. It would be an initial way for all those retired members wishing to get more involved and be on a committee to step up and be a member of this group. Additional volunteers would be found through chapter president communications, the SLA presentation, the Insider, Legislative Action Committee members who are ready to do more, and personal calls from Council members to those they think may have an interest and be a good fit for this task force. I think it would be helpful to have a Chair of this retired task force, approved by the Council, to help facilitate communications to the group. The Chair will be selected by the Retired Council from among the volunteers.

Matching local president mentors and local president mentees

  • Job description and more details coming from the committee at a later date

Additionally we are working with Mike through Sandy Drafall’sparticipation as our representative on ESP Listening Tours in the Elgin area at this time. This project is just getting off the ground.

Janet Kilgus

IEA-Retired Chair