Meeting with Dhobley administration

Venue: DC Office

Date: 13th April, 2015


Name / Agency / Tel
1 / Siyat Mohamed Hassan Uleh / Dhobley DC / 0617560565
2 / Abdinasir Mohamed / Humanitarian Coordinator – Afmadow district / 0615741111
3 / Yussuf Hussein Ahmed / UNHCR / 0618777837
4 / Abdi Shukri Mohamed / WHO / 0615924288
5 / Dr. Mohamed Abdullahi / WHO / 0615902117
6 / Abdirahim Muhumed / WFP / 0618777709


Introduction and opening remarks

Update of humanitarian situation of Afmadow district by Dhobley local authority

-  AOB

1.  Introduction and opening remarks

The meeting was open with words of prayer by DC and invite roundtable introduction for all the participants. The DC appreciated the effort of the humanitarian agencies notabily UN organizations with presence and activities in the district and appealed for immediate intervention for the vulnerable community.

2.  Update of humanitarian situation of Afmadow district by Dhobley local authority

ü  FOOD - following the start of the heavy Gu rains in the district for the last three weeks, access by road become challenge. The vulnerable and poor residents of the district including internally displaced people (IDPs), pastoral dropouts and urban poor’s are in bad situation since majority cannot buy daily bread. Inflation of commodity price is one of the major factors contributing to vulnerability of the local community. Therefore, we appealing to WFP and other humanitarian agencies to extend their support and look into possibilities of doing general food distribution in the Afmadow district.

ü  Shelter – lack of shelter for IDPs and pastoral dropout in the district is a major challenge, the district faced re-current drought and conflict which resulted significant displacement in the past. IDPs settled in towns at the border areas to access humanitarian assistance. Similarly pastoralist who lost their livelihoods settled in towns in the district mainly in Afmadow and Dhobley. They lack shelter and most the families have nothing to protect themselves from rain hence the local administration is requesting from UNHCR for immediate shelter assistance for IDPs and pastoral dropouts in the district.

ü  Health – the health services in the district is in pathetic situation since there are no regular supplies of medical assistance to existing health facilities. Dhobley town have one operational hospital currently supported by Save the children implementing primary health care. The hospital lack most essential drugs for adults and children. Afmadow hospital is closed with no drugs except immunization vaccines from UNICEF/APD. Other locations such Diif, Tabta, Qoqani remained forgotten in the past. Dhobley hospital and MCH’s also lack routine immunizations (RI) drugs which are very essential for children and mothers. For that reason, we are appealing to WHO and UNICEF to support our health families (Hospitals and MCH’s) with drugs and also provide training for our health personnel’s for them to respond to emergency situation that occasionally arising.

ü  Livelihood assistance – I would like to bring the attention of humanitarian agencies that, the livelihood situation is the district is very poor considering access is the challenge from the port town Kismayo which is the main sources supplies of food commodities into the district. The poor and IDPs and pastoral dropout are facing are lacking the purchasing power due to inflation of the market price. Similarly, majority of the resident are pastoral and few agro-pastoralists. The farming areas along Afmadow – Dagasheeg areas have been affected by civil unrest and continue conflict.

ü  Animal health – the animals particularly cattle’s have been affected disease and we totally lack of sort of livestock treating

ü  Education – most of the schools in the district lacks education materials, trained teachers and curriculum. Currently, most of the schools in Afmadow district are supported by parent’s contribution for incentives of teachers. Hence, we are appealing to UNICEF to complement parent’s efforts by providing teaching materials and teacher incentives. Rehabilitation of classrooms and provision of desks for children is also major challenge.

ü  People with disability- over the decade’s people with disabilities faced multiple challenges in the district including violence, lack of assistance and access to essential services. We are appealing to UN and other concern agencies to support people with disabilities. We requesting their rights recognized and realized. Most of them badly need supporting materials like wheelchairs and walking sticks. Other can generate income if assistance is provided.

ü  After hour of briefing from Dhobley DC and Humanitarian coordinator, UNHCR, WFP and WHO were given the floor to explain their recurrent activities and the plan for 2015 for district.

ü  UNHCR emphasized the current ongoing pilot project of the refugee return to Somalia from Kenya where UNHCR have set-up border way station to assist returnees. The movement

ü  WHO polio – Abdi Shukri highlighted the achievement where no polio case reported for the last 8 month in Somalia, he further mentioned that vaccination of polio will still continue.

ü  WHO – Dr. Mohamed Abdullahi reported surveillance of communicable diseases and of emergency response is ongoing. WHO provides technical support to the health facilities and capacity building for staff handing heath services.

ü  WFP – Abdirahim mentioned that, currently WFP is implementing through partners school Feeding Programme in Dhobley, Dif and Duyacgaron. Nutrition project (BFP and TSFP) in Afmadow and Badade district.

Thank you and hoping to hear positive feedback

Siyat Mohamed Hassan Uleh

District Commissioner – DC

Dhobley, Afmadow district