Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Minutes from Commissioners meeting

Meeting was opened at 9:00 am with the Pledge of Allegiance

Prayer: Pastor Willy Isaacson

Presiding Commissioner, Gary Wilhite, gave an update on the roads that Chester Bross worked in in 2016.

Sheriff, Garry Bush, reports that timesheets will reflect overtime

Brett Jones from Road and Bridge spoke about S. New Garden road and the work that needs done to it.

Bridge on Christian Road: Eastern Commissioner, Allen Dale made a motion to use Burns and McDonnell as consultant for Bridge number 1090007. Western Commissioner, Jerry Bishop 2nd the motion. Call for any discussion, hearing none vote was taken

Allen Dale “I”

Jerry Bishop “I”

Gary Wilhite “I”

Motion carries 3-0

Jerry Bishop made a motion to get a cordless phone for Planning and Zoning. Allen Dale 2nd the motion. Any Discussion, hearing none, all those in favor say I.

Jerry Bishop “I”

Allen Dale “I”

All those opposed same sign.

Gary Wilhite “I”

Motion carried 2-1

Gary Wilhite, Presiding Commissioner made a motion to appoint the following for the

911 board: East district: Ted Kulhman

West district: Gene Nolker

And to reappoint : Gary Hall

Sam Moppins

Chad Burnine

Western Commissioner, Jerry Bishop 2nd the motion.

Any discussion, hearing none, all those in favor say “I”

Jerry Bishop “I”

Gary Wilhite “I”

All those opposed

Allen Dale abstained

Letters will be sent to the following individuals .

Ted Kulhman

Gene Nolker

Sam Moppins

Chad Burnine

Gary Hall

These 5 were appointed to the 911 board for a term of 3 years

Letters will also be sent to those who don’t qualify under the new policy

Mike Wright

Susan McCordendale

Please see attachment for those who sent in a letter about being on the 911 board. The Commissions also received one phone call.

The Treasurer, Melisa Holloway, gave an update on sales tax and use tax received in October and the Bill of Cost reimbursement that was received. Also asked about the hospital Issue.

Circuit Clerk, Carolyne Conner’s set the date for the salary commission for October 25, 2017. Meeting will be held in the Commissioner’s office at 9:00 am

Rip Anderson spoke with the Commissioners about metal culverts.

Public Administrator, Shannon Wollard thanked the Commission and Road and Bridge for their help.

Glenda Powell

Ray County Clerk
