GEYA Executive Board Minutes
WednesdayAPRIL 10, 2013
Board Members Attending: Andy Bellwoar, Jim Emig,Steve Meyer, Rob Welsch, Chip Ashenfelter, Larry Greenberg,
Members Not in Attendance: Paul Ricken,Tom Graybill, Mike Maher, Tom Kent
Public Attendees: Greg Amicon
Andy Bellwoar called the meeting to order at 8:04 p.m. and asked the Executive Board to approve the minutes from February 2013. It was noted that there was no Board Meeting in March of 2013 and thus no minutes to approve. Adiscussion ensued, and then a motion was made to approve the minutes and seconded. The Board voted unanimously to approve the meeting minutes.
Soccer Report (given by Chip Ashenfelter)
- Paul Ricken will step down as President of GEYA Soccer at the end of the season. Chip Ashenfelter has been elected and will take over as the new President and complete Paul’s term.
- Registration for soccer is at 725 registrants for the spring season.
- Vice President for Soccer is TBD
Baseball Report (given by Rob Welsch)
- Registration for spring is winding downand has 522 registered as of today. This is down 33 from last year.
- There is a record number of 13-18 year olds (Junior, Senior, Big League Division), which is fantastic for the program!!
- Baseball had a First Aide training program for Coaches for the first time. 25 coaches attended.
- Fence on field 2 @ Hickory Park installed Alsoa warning track was installed on Hickory Park field 1 (Tantala Field).
- Beef and Beverage is scheduled for May 10th @ Lionville Fire Department – Village Room. Registration is open.
- Big Field Division Requesting a Pitching Machine to be used at Hickory Park 3. After discussion and consideration, the Board voted and unanimously approved.
- Legion Charter and division was discussed briefly. Tom Graybill will discuss more fully at next board meeting.
- Sponsorships commitments for Baseball totaled $40,000, of which $34,000 had been received to date.
- The New Batting cage at hickory Park 1 was discussed along with the Memorial for Long-time coach Mike Callahan. Gregg Amicon was present to represent the Friends and Family of Mike Callahan and to discuss the finalizing of the memorial of these new cages. There is a need to add some landscaping around the cages and the Friends and Family of Mike Callahan requested the Board to approve the expenditure of $1200 to complete this project. A discussion ensured and then Andy Bellwoar , President made a motion to approve the landscaping costs of $1200 to finish the memorial. The motion was unanimously approved.
- A discussion on the Big League Field (Hickory Park 3) ensued and possible improvements to that field were discussed.
- Bleacher replacements for Hickory Park Field 1 were discussed.
Treasurer’s Report (given by Jim Emig)
- Jim distributed the standard financial statement and gave an update on our financial position. GEYA is in good financial shape.
Old Business:
Andy Belwoar gave a report “in Abstention” for Tom Graybill. Specifically;
1)An update on the Website and its completion.
2)An update on AED’s for the fields. 4 AED’s have been ordered as well as 4 storage boxes.
3)Field Improvement item cropped up from last year’s improvements to Springton Manor fields. One of the neighbors to the Field has noticed Runoff from the fields and has requested corrective action. We will need to install a stone retention basin for runoff (a small one). Tom has requested to have this work performed and for the board to approve the expenditure for this corrective item which should cost no more than $1000.00. The Board discussed and then voted to approve the work and related expenditure up to $1000.00
New Business:
A discussion was had regarding the need for a “Child Policy/Guidelines” for coaches. (ie: Drop off /pick up guidelines for parents and coaches. It was resolved that we would look into this and follow up on the need/content of such guidelines/policy and if it should be part of our safety program
All Business being completed, Motion to adjourn was made at 9:42PM; motion was seconded and unanimously carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:42 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Steve Meyer
GEYA Secretary
Next meeting will be held on Wednesday May 8, 2013at 8:00 PM at Eagle Tavern.
Please note that the public is welcome to attend our meetings…
Glenmoore Eagle Youth Association
P.O. Box 164
Uwchland, PA 19480