IVI Foundation

Meeting Summaries

January 13-15, 2004

Orlando, FL

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 1

2. Meeting Attendees 2

3. Annual Membership Meeting 4

4. IVI BoD Meeting January 15, 2004 8

4 Technical Committee 12

6. Dot NET Working Group 21

7. Operating Procedures 26

8. Marketing Committee Meeting Minutes 28

9. IVI Shared Components Meeting 31

10. Signal Interface Working Group 34

11. Legal Committee Meeting Minutes 38

12. IviDigital Working Group 40

13. VISA Working Group 43

2.  Meeting Attendees

/ Company / Phone / Email /
Joe Mueller / Agilent Technologies / (970)679-3248 /
Stephen Greer / Agilent Technologies / 970 679-3474 /
Roger Oblad / Agilent Technologies / 707-577-3466 /
Fred Bode / Bode Enterprises / 619-297-1024 /
Jim Orlet / Boeing / 314-233-3306 /
Phillip Burke / Boeing / 314-233-4501 /
Rich Raney / Boeing / 314-234-0313 /
Peter Richardson / BAE Systems / +44 131 343 5828 /
Ron Sezev / CI Systems / 818-865-0402 /
John Silva / Harris / 321-729-2876 /
Jerry Holst / JCD Oub / 407-629-5370 /
John Ryland / Keithley / 440-498-3134 /
Jeff Schwentner / LMIS / 407-306-4946 /
Dany Cheij / National Instruments / 5126835286 /
Glenn Burnside / National Instruments / 512 683 5472 /
Jon Bellin / National Instruments / 512-683-5516 /
Scott Rust / National Instruments / 512 683 5680 /
Dan Mondrik / National Instruments / 512-683-8849 /
Chris White / National Instruments / 512-683-5255 /
Bill Birurakis / Navy / 301-995-6401 /
Mark Hanchey / Navy ESI / 301-872-0291 /
James Hobbs / Navair-pax / 301-995-6419 /
Bob Fox / Navair / 904-317-1713 /
Bob Noble / Northrop Grumman / 847-259-9600 x6344 /
Dave Pudlo / Northrop Grumman / 847-259-9600 x 4418 /
Kirk Fertitta / Pacific MindWorks / (858) 587-8876 /
John Rosenwald / Racal Instruments / 201-699-6799 x212 /
Brent Thompson / Racal Instruments / 210-699-6799 /
Dave McKay / Racal Instruments / +44 1202 872800 /
Dave Ptacek / Rockwell Collins / 319-295-0198 /
Jochen Wolle / Rohde & Schwarz / ++49 89 4129 13044 /
Johannes Ganzert / Rohde & Schwarz / -13356.02155 /
Steve McHugh / SBIR / 805-965-3669 /
Jay James / SBIR / 805-965-3669 /
Patrick Watt / SEI / 314-553-4435 /
Dick Sasak / Smiths Aerospace / 616-241-8859 /
Ronald C. Salley / Support Systems Associates, Inc. / (321) 724-5566 x294 /
Dan Faia / Teradyne / 978-370-1864 /
Teresa Lopes / Teradyne / 978-370-1377 /
Thomas Gaudette / The MathWorks, Inc. / 508-647-7759 /
Ion Neag / TYX Corp. / (703)264-1080 x132 /
Rengan Rajendran / Vektrex / 858.558.8282 /

3.  Annual Membership Meeting

Jan 15, 2004

Review voting members in attendance, introductions

Voting Members in Attendance (establish quorum and voting representatives in attendance):

Company / Representative / Present
Advantest Corp Japan / Gen / Yohei Hirakoso
Aeroflex Corporation / Gen / Mary Rozner
ASCOR / Gen / Terukuni Okuyama
BAE Systems / Gen / Pete Richardson / X
BCO, Inc. / Gen / Terry Yetsko
Boeing / Gen / Don Davis (Jim Orlet) / X
GCSD Division of Harris / Gen / Tom Wells (John Sylvia) / X
LeCroy / Gen / Joseph Schachner
Lockheed Martin / Gen / Steven J O'Donnell
The Mathworks / Gen / Thomas Gaudette / X
Pacific MindWorks, Inc. / Gen / Kirk Fertitta
Racal Instruments / Gen / John Rosenwald (Dave McKay) / X
Santa Barbara Infrared / Gen / Steve McHugh
Support Systems Associates, Inc / Gen / Ron Salley
System and Electronics Inc / Gen / Patrick Watt / X
Teradyne / Gen / Dan Faia / X
TYX Corp / Gen / Narayanan Ramachandran (Ion Neag) / X
Vektrex Electronic / Gen / Jeff Hulett (Rengan Rajendran) / X
VXI Technology / Gen / Paul Dhillon
Company / Representative / Present
Agilent Technologies / Spon / Joe Mueller / X
Keithley Instruments / Spon / John Ryland / X
Lucent Technologies / Spon / David Huddleson
National Instruments / Spon / Scott Rust / X
Rohde & Schwarz / Spon / Jochen Wolle / X
Tektronix / Spon / Badri Malynur

Note: Quorum is 25% of voting membership or 2, whichever is greater (By Laws section 3.6). Based on 25 voting members, a quorum is 7. Having 13 present, a quorum is established.

Review Agenda

General Membership Meeting 4

1. Review voting members in attendance, introductions 4

2. Review Agenda 4

3. Introduction of new Members 5

4. Review minutes of previous meeting 6

5. Circulate membership roster to be corrected by members Error! Bookmark not defined.

6. Create slate of general directors representing general membership 6

7. Identify Sponsor Directors as elected by Sponsor Members 6

8. New Business 7

Introduction of new Members

New associate members: Easbeacon Test Systems Ltd. ICS Electronics, Northrup Grumman Electronic Systems, and Raytheon Missile Systems.

Scott moved to adjourn meeting until after the bod meeting. Unanimously approved.

Reconvened at 1:38 pm.

Company / Representative / Present
Advantest Corp Japan / Gen / Yohei Hirakoso
Aeroflex Corporation / Gen / Mary Rozner
ASCOR / Gen / Terukuni Okuyama
BAE Systems / Gen / Pete Richardson / X
BCO, Inc. / Gen / Terry Yetsko
Boeing / Gen / Don Davis (Jim Orlet) / X
GCSD Division of Harris / Gen / Tom Wells (John Sylvia)
LeCroy / Gen / Joseph Schachner
Lockheed Martin / Gen / Steven J O'Donnell (proxy Tom Gaudette) / X
The Mathworks / Gen / Thomas Gaudette / X
Pacific MindWorks, Inc. / Gen / Kirk Fertitta (proxy Teresa Lopes) / X
Racal Instruments / Gen / John Rosenwald (Dave McKay) / X
Santa Barbara Infrared / Gen / Steve McHugh
Support Systems Associates, Inc / Gen / Ron Salley
System and Electronics Inc / Gen / Patrick Watt / X
Teradyne / Gen / Dan Faia / X
TYX Corp / Gen / Narayanan Ramachandran (Ion Neag) / X
Vektrex Electronic / Gen / Jeff Hulett (Rengan Rajendran) / X
VXI Technology / Gen / Paul Dhillon
Company / Representative / Present
Agilent Technologies / Spon / Joe Mueller / X
Keithley Instruments / Spon / John Ryland / X
Lucent Technologies / Spon / David Huddleson
National Instruments / Spon / Scott Rust / X
Rohde & Schwarz / Spon / Jochen Wolle / X
Tektronix / Spon / Badri Malynur

With 14 a quorum is established.

Review minutes of previous meeting

Accepeted as posted

Create slate of general directors representing general membership

There are 19 General-level members in the IVI Foundation, Inc., of whom, 10 are in attendance or represented by proxies. Being more than 50% of the general membership that class, this constitutes a quorum.

NOTE FROM BY-LAWS 4.3c: “… Notwithstanding anything in these By-laws to the contrary, at the discretion of the Board, no Member shall be eligible to nominate or elect a Director if such Member’s representative to the Board of Directors failed to attend a majority of the meetings of the Board in the previous year….”

Company / Able to Serve as Director
Advantest Corp Japan / Yohei Hirakoso
Aeroflex Corporation / Mary Rozner
ASCOR / Terukuni Okuyama
BAE Systems / Pete Richardson
BCO, Inc. / Terry Yetsko
Boeing / Don Davis
GCSD Division of Harris / Tom Wells
LeCroy / Joseph Schachner
Lockheed Martin / Steven J O'Donnell
The Mathworks / Thomas Gaudette
Pacific MindWorks, Inc. / Kirk Fertitta
Racal Instruments / John Rosenwald
Santa Barbara Infrared / Steve McHugh
Support Systems Associates, Inc / Ron Salley
Systems & Electronics, Inc / Patrick Watt
Teradyne / Dan Faia
TYX Corp / Narayanan Ramachandran
Vektrex Electronic / Jeff Hulett
VXI Technology / Paul Dhillon


Kirk Fertitta, Tom Gaudette, Jeff Hulett, John Rosenwald, and Dan Faia.

Jim Orlet moved that the five nominees be directors. Dave McKay. Approved 9-0-1.

Identify Sponsor Directors as elected by Sponsor Members

The following directors were elected by their representative companies.

Company / Representative
Agilent Technologies / Joe Mueller
Keithley Instruments / John Ryland
Lucent Technologies
National Instruments / Scott Rust
Rohde & Schwarz / Jochen Wolle
Tektronix / Badri Malynur

New Business


Adjouned 1:51 pm.

IVI Foundation Meeting Minutes XXX January 13-15, 2004

4.  IVI BoD Meeting January 15, 2004

Called to order at:

Directors in attendance

See Annual meeting (above)

Quorum is a majority of directors, which is accieved

Review Agenda

Reminder of the IP Policy, Anti-trust, and Duty of Trust of Directors

The IVI Foundation has an IP policy that could require that some of your corporations IP be licensed to the IVI Foundation and its members at no cost. Every participant in the IVI meetings should be familiar with the obligations that participation in the standard incurs on your company.

Every member of the consortium is encouraged to familiarize themselves with legal requirements regarding anti-trust violations. Members need to be cautious and refrain from discussing markets and pricing.

Directors have a duty to the IVI Foundation. They are legally and ethically obligated to do the “right thing” for the IVI Foundation since they serve as a principal of that organization, if this conflicts with other responsibilities such as their duty to their employer, they need to take appropriate actions to resolve the conflict of interest.

Resolutions passed by electronic means since last meeting


Review Minutes of Previous Meeting

Minutes from September 2003. OK as posted.

Action Items from Previous Meeting

Item / Owner / update
The Marketing Committee to look into promotional issues that would help the Users and return at the next BoD meeting with a prioritized list. / Dany

Election of officers

Office / Serving in 2003 / Nominees for 2004
President / Joe Mueller
Treasurer / Scott Rust
Secretary / Jochen Wolle
Chair Technical Committee / Scott Rust
Chair Marketing Committee / Dany Cheij
User Group Chair / Don Davis

BoD Sub Committees

Sub Committees of BoD / Serving in 2003 / Serving in 2004
Legal Committee / Dany Cheij (chair)
Badri Malynur
Joe Mueller
Fred Bode (informal)
Operating Procedures / Joe Mueller (chair)
Dany Cheij
Scott Rust
Fred Bode (informal)

Report on finances with 2004 Budget (Fred Bode)

Profit and Loss Statement / Plus / 2004 / Budget
January 1 - December 31 2003
Year to Date / 2004 Budget
Ordinary Income/Epense
2002 Associate Dues / $500.00
2002 General Dues / 1,000.00
2002 San Diego Mtg Revenue / 270.00
2003 Associate Dues / 2,000.00 / $1,500.00
2003 Austin Mtg Revenue / 5,700.00
2003 General Dues / 16,005.00 / $17,000.00
2003 Munich Mtg Revenue / 4,860.00
2003 Portland Metg Revenue / 5,640.00
2003 SCPI Merger / 12,134.67
2003 Sponsor Dues / 40,000.00 / $30,000.00
TOTAL INCOME / 88,109.67 / $48,500.00
2003 Austin Mtg Fees / 5,747.34
2003 Protland Mtg Fees / 4,352.00
2003 Munich Exhibit Fees / 912.32
Bank Service Charges / 29.20 / $30.00
Credit Card Fees / 132.95 / $150.00
Director of Services / 31,410.00 / $36,000.00
Legal Fees / 12,442.18 / $2,500.00
Shipping Expense / 98.57 / $100.00
Software / 303.59
Telephone / 816.7 / $1,000.00
VXIpnp Web Fees / 1800.00
Website / 2388.62 / $1,900.00
TOTAL EXPENSE / 60,433.47 / $41,680.00
Net Ordinary Income / 27,676.20 / $6,820.00

IVI Net Worth to January 1, 2004

January 01, 2003 – Beginning Balance $40,649.90

Year to Date Income +$88,109.67

Year to Date Expenses -$60,433.47

Year to Date Profit & Loss +$27,676.20

Total Net Worth to January 1, 2004 $68,326.10

2003 Expense incurred but not paid by Dec 31, 2003

Director of Services (4th quarter) 10,470

Website—Mike Zaros 1,500.00

Munich Meeting Expense 10,767.00 (8,613.79 Euro)

Total: 22,737.00

IVI Net Worth after all expenses $45,588.86

Report from Legal group (Dany Cheij)

Report on Licensing Common Components and Patents (Dany)

Report from Marketing group (Dany Cheij)

Report from Operating Procedures group (Joe Mueller)

Report from Users Group (Jim Orlet)

New business

IVI Foundation Meeting Minutes XXX September 8-11, 2003

4  Technical Committee

General Meeting Info:

Date of Meeting: January 15th, 2004

Location: Orlando, Florida

Chairperson: Scott Rust

Minutes Prepared By: Dany Cheij

Meeting Attendees:

Name / Company /
Joe Mueller / Agilent Technologies
Stephen Greer / Agilent Technologies
Roger Oblad / Agilent Technologies
Peter Richardson / BAE Systems
Fred Bode / Bode Enterprises
Jim Orlet / Boeing
John Sylvia / Harris
John Ryland / Keithley
Dany Cheij / National Instruments
Jon Bellin / National Instruments
Scott Rust / National Instruments
Dave McKay / Racal Instruments
Dave Ptacek / Rockwell Collins
Jochen Wolle / Rohde & Schwarz
Johannes Ganzert / Rohde & Schwarz
Patrick Watt / SEI
Teresa Lopes / Teradyne
Dan Faia / Teradyne
Thomas Gaudette / The MathWorks, Inc.
Ion Neag / TYX Corp.
Rengan Rajendran / Vektrex

Topics To Be Discussed:

-  Introductions

-  Review Agenda

-  Review Voting Members In Attendance

-  Approve minutes from the Sept 2003 Technical Committee Meeting

-  Review Action Items from Previous Meeting

o  Scott’s Action Items regarding the Shared Component Uninstaller

-  Working Group Status

-  Shared Component Management Working Group (Rengan)

o  MXML 4.0 service pack upgrades and IVI compatibility

-  EO Working Group (Kirk Fertitta or Fred Bode)

-  Switch Working Group Chairperson

-  New work to pursue

-  Additions to existing specifications

-  New Class Specification

-  New Business

-  Discuss upcoming meetings

-  Adjourn

Voting Members In Attendance

Company / Voting Representative /
Agilent Technologies / Joe Mueller
BAE Systems / Pete Richardson
Keithley / John Ryland
National Instruments / Scott Rust
Racal Instruments / Dave McKay
Rohde & Schwarz / Jochen Wolle
Systems & Electronics Inc. / Patrick Watt
Teradyne / Teresa Lopes
The Boeing Company / Jim Orlet
The Mathworks / Thomas Gaudette
TYX Corp / Ion Neag
Vektrex / Rengan Rajendran

There are 12 voting members in attendance, which satisfies the requirements for a quorum.

Approve minutes from the September 2003 Technical Committee Meeting