Meeting started at 2 PM, Gladfelter 213

People in attendance:

Sonay (Director of Organization)

Claire (Director of Organization)

Brynn (Staff Organizer)

Ian (Treasurer)

Theresa (Co-president)

Susan (former Co-president)

Bonny (Secretary)

Alex (Recruiter)


1. Finances, bank account, bill paying

2. Roles for e-board members

3. Stewards council and general meetings

4. Membership blitz/alternatives

5. Co-president elections

  1. Finances

a)The bank account has been made accessible to the treasurer (Ian) and co-president (Thersa) effective 9.6.16.

b)Treasurer, co-president, staff organizer should meet to be trained on Quickbooks. They will arrange a meeting at TUGSA’s office in Center City (1816 Chestnut), probably on a Monday. Other eboard members are welcome to attend. Brynn will try to see if Margie from AFT can attend to assist with training.

c)Reimbursements-Susan and Brynn need to be reimbursed

d)Theresa and Ian are responsible for signing checks

e)Login info: PFCU:

tugsa6290 Solidarity4ever!

Verification code will be sent to staff email to give access to all members ()

  1. Roles for new e-board members

a)Susan provided the form for new members to fill out to notify AFT of changes.

b)Need to elect a new co-president. Claire and Alex spoke with two people in History who might be interested. Bonny will contact a new member, Ethan Ake, who expressed interest in participating in union activities.

c)Secretary role:

  1. sending meeting minutes to bargaining unit (while respecting privacy of members, especially if involved in grievances). Minutes for this meeting will be sent by Friday, September 9th.
  2. Setting up meetings with stewards and general membership. We can meet twice a month and one of these meetings will include general membership. Stewards will be included at both monthly meetings. Need to set up a doodle or similar thing to figure out good times to meet that work for as many as possible. Good to have meetings at different times to work with different schedule (ex. 1st Monday and 3rd Tuesday of each month). This will be accomplished by Friday, September 9th.
  3. Social media-Alex offered to post on Facebook and Twitter. Logins will be provided for Alex and other members. Twitter password can be retrieved through the staff email ()
  4. Newsletter: members generally agreed (or nobody disagreed) that this was not a useful communication tool and will not be continued at this time.
  5. Action Network: For email messages to general membership. Should be used sparingly so as not to overwhelm general membership. Login should be provided to e-board

d)Directors of Organization Role

  1. Historically one has focused on generating support for TUGSA on campus and one in the larger community
  2. Claire: Suggested focusing more on internal/campus support this year in preparation for contract negotiation in 2017
  3. Sonay: Although it is important to focus on both aspects (internal and external), it would also be good to be flexible and focus energy where it’s most needed at the time. Additionally, a lot of energy is spent on the “Membership Blitz”
  1. Membership Blitz

a)Alex: Would be good to move away from one period of high energy organizing and instead recruit people consistently throughout the year.

b)If all e-board members participate the workload will be relatively small for everyone. Training with Katie from United Academics of Philadelphia on 9.9.16 will be a helpful introduction to this.

c)We are also waiting on the Bargaining Unit list for HR which will help with targeted organizing

d)Should we set a target for membership? Brynn proposed 25% (as opposed to current ~18%). Members agreed (or nobody disagreed)

  1. Other types of organizing

a)Susan: need to discuss campaigns (student fees, sexual harassment, trans health care)

b)Best to include stewards in this, so should be discussed at e-board/stewards meetings

c)Also, although focus on internal support is good, we should still try to build and maintain relationships with other unions/similar organizations in the city. External support also helps during negotiations.

Meeting concluded at 3:05 PM