MEETING: Research Committee DATE: November 5,2015
PLACE:Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Room 2135TIME: 1815
PRESIDING:Holly Rodgers
RECORDING: Holly Rodgers
PRESENT:Holly Rodgers, Linda Bucher,April Chmielinski, Kathy Durning,Bea Leyden, Rose Shaffer, Elly Fitzpatrick, Jane Reiley
I. Welcome /- Meeting called to order by Rose Shaffer at 1815
II. Approval of meeting minutes /
- Minutes fromSeptember 3, 2015 reviewed
- September minutes approved by Linda Bucher and seconded by April Chmielinskiwithout changes
III. Review of Calendar
- Research Journal Club
- Research Methods Lecture
- Research Dinner Program
- June Planning Meeting
- February 11, 2016 at the Virtua Center for Learning (Snow date is February 18, 2016)
- March 3, 2016 at the Virtua Center for Learning (Snow date is March 10, 2016)
- April 14, 2016 at the DoubleTree by Hilton at the Philadelphia Airport
- June 16, 2016 at The Restaurant School of Philadelphia
- Please mark your calendars for all of these events!
IV. Subcommittees
- Research DinnerProgram (RDP)
- Research Poster Presentations/Abstract Reviews
- Research Grant Awards
- Research Education
b)Journal Club
c)Methods Lecture /
- Lead, Kathy Durning, submitted the contract from the DoubleTree by Hiltonat the Philadelphia Airport to AACN and received approval to move forward
- Rebecca Trotta will be the speaking on communication with non-vocal patients, formal title still to be determined
- Date and time - April 14, 2016 at 5:30 pm
- Lead is John Harper
- Updated information about the call for abstracts and submission process for both TRENDS and the RDP areonline on the Nursing Network
- TRENDS posters
- Due date July 15
- Response date is August 15
- RDP posters
- Due date February 15
- Response Date March 15
- Lead is Kathy McCauley
- Updated information for the submission process is online on the Nursing Network
- Budget is $3800
- Due date: November 1. If no submissions, or additional budgeted money is left over, the second due date is January 15
- Response date is March 1
- Tonight - November 5, 2015 at 7:30 pm
- Location: Jefferson Hospital, Room TBD
- Speaker: Carey Heck
- Topic: Moral Distress
- Date: February 11, 2016 at 7:00 pm (meeting at
- Location: Virtua Center for Learning
- Speaker: Janet Riggs
- Topic: TBD
- Date: March 3, 2016 at 7:00 pm (meeting at 6:00 pm)
- Location: Virtua Center for Learning
- Speaker: Linda Bucher
- Topic: Dissemination of Research: Translating EBP into a Publication (not formalized yet)
- April will discuss with Rebecca need for formal title and connect her with Sue Politsky from Virtua to begin the CE paperwork
- Holly may have a potential sponsor, Velano Vascular, and will formally reach out to them after the beginning of the new year
- Kathy McCauley to discuss with John Harper ideas for abstract process refinement and expansion of the criteria for both programs to include research synthesis or integrated literature reviews
- Should advertise the RDP call in the TRENDS brochure and the TRENDS call in the RDP program
- We received a grant proposal for $1000!
- Holly will blind it for the review committee and Rose will reach out to Kathy McCauley for potential meeting review dates.
- Even if this grant is awarded in full, since there will be additional budgeted money left over, Holly will resend the call announcement extending the due date to January 15
- Holly and Rose to follow up with TRENDS planning committee about opportunities to advertise grant awards in the brochure
- 13 nurses attended and CEs were provided by Jefferson
- Holly will reach out to Janet regarding topic
- Informal, no need for CEs
- Linda will connect with Sue Politsky from Virtua to complete the CE paperwork
- Holly Rodgers will make a flyer, announce the program on Nursing Network, and set up registration on the Nursing Network (for food planning)
V. Goals and Objectives2015-2016
/- Goals and Objectivesupdated and submitted to the Board
- No action
VI. Policy and Procedure 2015-2016 /
- Policy and Procedure updated and submitted to the Board
- No action
VII. Budget /
- Budget approved by the board
- No action
VIII. Board Report
/- TRENDS conference success, including the SePA Star Search program where all six participants were declared winners and have been matched up with SePA mentors over the next year for presentation, speaking, and professional development
- The TRENDS planning committee will be meeting at Virtua onNovember 10th to review evaluations and discuss the future of the conference. A decision will need to be made on 2016 location and dates, stay tuned. There will also be a celebration for a job well done! All are welcome.
IX. New Business /
- No discussion
- No action
X. Old Business /
- No discussion
- No action
XI. Adjourned /
- Meeting adjourned at 1915
Submitted by: Holly Rodgers