Meeting Report Summary [Draft]
Chair: Jim Haynes, Compliance Engineering Services 1:00pm-3:00pm ET
- Call to Order
Mr. Haynes called the meeting to order at 1:05pm and welcomed the participants to today’s meeting.
- Attendance Check-in, Introductions and Administrative Matters
The following ACTA Industry Segment Representatives and general public were present, either in person or on the telephone.
Name / Company/Organization / RepresentingJim Haynes / Compliance Engineering Services / ACTA Chair
Ken Biholar / Alcatel Lucent / Manufacturer Segment
John Bipes / Mobile Engineering / Other Interested Party Segment
Milt Bush / The M Companies / Other Interested Party Segment
Dick Showers / CenturyLink / Service Provider Segment
Sharon Hoffman / Timco Engineering / Testing Labs Segment
Jimmy Salinas / AT&T / Service Provider Segment
Scott Lambert / Other Interested Party Segment Alternate
John Hall / Hewlett Packard / Public
Dave Jeskey / Sentinel Connector Systems / Public
Dan Coronia / Siemic / Public
Kirk Burgee / FCC / Public
Magdoly Rondon / Industry Canada / Public
Steve Whitesell / TR 41 Chair / Public
Jean-Paul Emard / ATIS / ATIS Liaison to ACTA
Mark Cassarino / ATIS / ACTA Database Manager
Kerrianne Conn / ATIS / ACTA Secretariat
Marianna Kramarikova / TIA / TIA
Stephanie Montgomery / TIA / TIA
- Agenda Review and Approval (ACTA-13-013)
1. Participants reviewed the draft meeting agenda.
2. A motion was made and seconded for the approval of the agenda as modified. (Salinas/Bush). The agenda was approved without opposition (AGREEMENT REACHED).
- Old and New Business
· Procedures for Accessing ACTA Adopted Technical Criteria via – ACTA-13-005
3. Ms. Montgomery presented ACTA-E-13-012, which contained proposed changes for accessing ACTA Adopted Technical Criteria. It was noted that this new system should simplify the process for accessing the documentation and hopefully will address the concerns raised by the Council. Additionally, Ms. Montgomery noted that the presentation could be used as a training tool in the future.
4. It was noted that some editorial modifications should be made for consistency purposes. The ACTA Secretariat will post the modified presentation to the website (ACTION ITEM).
5. The question was raised if it was possible to have the ACTA Adopted Technical Criteria available without IHS. In response, it was noted that this was not an option at this time.
- Review and Approval of Meeting Summary from April 18, 2013 General Council Meeting (ACTA-13-012)
6. Participants reviewed the Meeting Summary.
7. Motion was made for the approval of the April 18, 2013 Meeting Summary (Salinas/Hoffman). The Meeting Summary was approved without objection (AGREEMENT REACHED).
8. ACTA Secretariat will remove “Draft” from the Meeting Summary and repost the document as ACTA-13-012 (ACTION ITEM).
Action Item Review from April 18, 2013:
· ACTA Secretariat will remove “Draft” from the Meeting Summary and repost the document as ACTA-13-003 (ACTION ITEM).
Status: Done
· The Secretariat will take necessary steps to inform the Council of the change in meeting date/time (ACTION ITEM).
Status: Done
· The question was raised whether or not the Secretariat has received any inquiries regarding the FCC rules for data retention and whether or not they correlate with this program. In response, it was noted that none had been received to-date. It was suggested that this be brought up again at a future executive committee meeting for discussion. It is possible that this type of information could be used in future communications regarding the ACTA RPC Data Validation Program (ACTION ITEM).
Status: Deferred to next Executive Committee Meeting
· It was noted that the FCC Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau would be taking the lead in this area and further communication on this should be conducted with them. The Secretariat will reach out to determine who the appropriate point of contact should be within the FCC PSHSB (ACTION ITEM).
Status: Done
- Secretariat Update
· General Council Face-to-Face Meeting Format
9. Ms. Conn noted that the ACTA General Council Meeting schedule is changing in order to maximize the participants’ time and expenses and the overall productivity associated with face-to-face meetings. It was noted that given the current meeting calendar, this would typically be the 2nd and 4th quarters for the year.
10. Ms. Conn noted that for meetings that are face-to-face, the day would be split with the Executive Committee session being from 9am – 12pm ET and the General Council session be from 1pm – 4pm ET. An open lunch will be provided from 12pm – 1pm for all those in attendance.
11. It was noted that this change would be only for the meetings that are scheduled as face-to-face. It was noted that the revised meeting times will be announced shortly.
· Status of ACTA Document Retention File Clean-up
12. Ms. Conn reported that ACTA is now in compliance with the recently approved ACTA Document Retention Policy. The Council was thanked for their support in developing this policy.
· ACTA Leadership Positions
13. Ms. Conn reported that a number of ACTA Leadership Positions, including the ACTA Chair, will be up for election prior to the end of the calendar year. ACTA Members will receive information regarding a call for nominations in the coming weeks. The ACTA Leadership matrix is available via the website at:
14. Additionally, Ms. Conn reminded ACTA Members that there are a number of current open positions on the ACTA Council. Members are encouraged to share this information with their colleagues. The Secretariat would be happy to assist any individuals who would be interested in running for any of the open seats.
· Other
15. Mr. Emard reported that to-date the RPC Data Validation Program has exceeded the 2013 projection numbers. The Secretariat had to slightly lower the projected numbers for other types of filings in 2013.
- Working Group Reports
· ACTA WG on Enforcement
16. Ms. Conn reported that the WG on Enforcement has not met since December of 2012. It was noted that since the Petition for Proposed Rulemaking regarding VoIP Devices now was finalized, the WG needs to consider what next steps are necessary. It was noted that this discussion will be deferred until the next Executive Committee meeting unless an urgent matter arises which would require the WG’s attention.
· ACTA WG on Smart Grid and other new Technologies
17. Mr. Salinas noted that no meeting has been held as no new technologies affecting Part 68 were brought before the group for review. It was noted that if Council members or members from the general public become aware of any new technologies affecting Part 68 that needed to be discussed, they should be reported to Mr. Salinas.
· ACTA WG Educational Outreach
i. September Webinar Update – ACTA-13-014
18. Mr. Bush and Ms. Conn presented ACTA-13-014 which contains a summary of the upcoming ACTA Educational Webinar. It noted that the Secretariat will begin working on promotional material and plans to have the webinar date finalized by mid-August at the latest. All Council members were encouraged to inform the Secretariat of possible ideas for promoting the event.
19. The question was raised if there would be a fee associated with the webinar. In response, it was noted that it would be a free webinar.
- Liaison Reports:
· TR 41 Liaison Report – ACTA-13-016
20. Mr. Whitesell presented ACTA-13-016, which contains a summary of TIA’s Engineering Committee TR-41, along with its various subcommittees and their working groups that met the week of April 29 through May 3 in Santa Cruz, CA.
21. He noted that this liaison report is intended to provide a high level summary of the meetings and related follow-up information that has occurred since that time. More details may be found in the individual Meeting Reports, which may be accessed from links on the TR-41 web page:
22. Specifically, he highlighted TR-41 decision to change its name from “User Premises Telecommunications Requirements” to “Performance and Accessibility for Communications Products” as part of an effort to revitalize the committee by better identifying the type of work the committee will concentrate on and better relating to the type of participants it wishes to attract. The scope statement for the committee’s work significantly has been updated (see Annex A of ACTA-13-016).
23. Additionally, it was reported a significant news item of major interest to ACTA is that the FCC has released a Public Notice for CG Docket No. 13-46 (DA 13-1601) dealing with TIA’s petition to adopt the ANSI/TIA-4965 standard on Conversational Gain as the receive volume control measure cited in Part 68. Comments are due August 9 and reply comments are due September 19. TIA is hopeful that ACTA will file comments in support of the TIA petition.
24. Lastly, concerns about the ongoing viability of TR-41.7 and TR-41.9 as separate subcommittees will be discussed at TR-41’s August meeting. Attendance has significantly fallen off and TR-41has not had an official chair for TR-41.9 for quite some time. With leadership elections coming up in November, TIA may need to consider combining the two subcommittees into one.
25. It was noted that ACTA is deeply dependent on the technical expertise of TR 41 and it is important for ACTA, the FCC, and TIA to keep the focus on enforcement and other related issues within Part 68.
· FCC Report
26. Mr. Burgee reported that the FCC currently is reviewing both the petition filed on VoIP devices and the invitation to participate in the webinar. Further information would be provided once it was available.
· Industry Canada Report
27. Ms. Rondon reported that the TAPAC met in May 2013 to discuss a number of items including the future of the TAPAC and CS-03. Industry Canada presented a number of options to the Terminal Attachment Program (TAP) and Compliance Specifications for Terminal Equipment (CS-03) to the variety of stakeholders present. The outcome of the discussion was that the stakeholders want the TAPAC and CSO3 to have a greater focus on conformity assessment and international activities. Additionally, they would like to see increased awareness of TAPAC and CS-O3 activities. Industry Canada is currently reviewing a proposal to present to the TAPAC and a tentative meeting is scheduled for November 2013.
28. Additionally, on the subject of conversational gain, Ms. Rondon reported that the TAPAC decided to hold off on adopting the TIA-4965 conversational gain standard until it has been adopted by the FCC.Additionally, on the subject of conversational gain, Ms. Rondon reported that the TAPAC decided to hold off on adopting the TIA conversational gain standard until it has been adopted by the FCC.
- Questions for the FCC
29. There were no questions for the FCC at this time.
- Old/New Business (Continued)
· FCC Point of Contact Document
30. Ms. Conn reported that the FCC Point of Contact information now is available via the website at: This webpage can be used as a resource for the public, as well as the Secretariat, to respond to inquiries which fall out of the scope of ACTA.
· ACTA Petition for Rulemaking on VoIP Devices – Update
31. Ms. Conn noted that the Petition was filed with the FCC on June 25th. A subsequent follow-up email was sent to FCC contacts to make sure that they were aware of the petition. Additionally, a Public Notice (PN-13-01) was issued on June 28th.
32. As Mr. Burgee noted during the FCC Liaison report, the FCC currently is reviewing the Petition and ACTA will await further information.
- Next Meeting
33. The next Meeting is scheduled for November 14, 2013 from 1-4pm ET. Lunch will be available starting at 12pm ET.
- Adjournment
34. The meeting adjourned at 2:15pm.
Summary of Action Items
35. ACTA Secretariat will remove “Draft” from the Meeting Summary and repost the document as ACTA-13-012 (ACTION ITEM).
36. The question was raised whether or not the Secretariat has received any inquiries regarding the FCC rules for data retention and whether or not they correlate with this program. In response, it was noted that none had been received to-date. It was suggested that this be brought up again at a future executive committee meeting for discussion. It is possible that this type of information could be used in future communications regarding the ACTA RPC Data Validation Program (ACTION ITEM). Status: Deferred to next Executive Committee Meeting
37. It was noted that some editorial modifications should be made for consistency purposes. The ACTA Secretariat will post the modified presentation to the website (ACTION ITEM).
Summary of Agreements Reached
38. Motion was made for the approval of the April 18, 2013 Meeting Summary (Salinas/Hoffman). The Meeting Summary was approved without objection (AGREEMENT REACHED).
39. A motion was made and seconded for the approval of the agenda as modified. (Salinas/Bush). The agenda was approved without opposition (AGREEMENT REACHED).
July 31, 2013