FEBRUARY 17, 1958
Orem City Council met in regular session Monday, February 17, 1958 at 7:30 P.M. in the City Hall. Those in attendance were Mayor Luzell Robbins, Chairman; Councilmen V. Emil Hansen, Elwood Baxter, Merlin Manning, Winston Crawford and Earl Wengreen; City Manager O. V. Farnsworth, Engineer L. V. Beckman, Attorney H. Vern Wentz, and Recorder Anne Cooper; Gilbert Fairholm, BYU Student training in City Administration, visitor.
Meeting opened with prayer by Luzell Robbins.
Mayor Luzell Robbins stated the large 1½ yard loader from Rocky Mountain Machinery Company was demonstrated for the city. Albert Nielsen stated that if the loader is purchased now without being returned, a 10% discount will be granted. Original price of $14,600 will be discounted $1,460 plus freight in amount of $850.00, making the purchase price of $13,990.00. A factory trained man will be sent to work with the operator until he learns the mechanics of the machine. A six months service plan (preventative) is given with the contract. A motion that in as much as the purchase of new equipment is set up in the budget to authorize purchasing the loader for the price of $13,990.00 was made by Merlin Manning, seconded by Winston Crawford and passed.
The following citizens - John Fowers, LaMar Farley, Don Clayton, Frank Earl, George Fower, and Virgil Johansen - owning property on Center Street west of U.S. highway #91 met with the Council to try to reach some agreement whereby Center Street could be opened. After much discussion no agreement was reached. The Council asked the property owners to bring backagreeable ideas to the next Council meeting.
Motion by Winston Crawford, seconded by Elwood Baxter to authorize the City Manager to write to the property owners on Center Street West of U.S. Highway 91 asking that a definite answer be given by Monday night, February 24th, stating if an agreement cannot be reached, condemnation suits will be instigated. Motion passed.
LaMar Peterson of the Orem Wild Life organization asked for a meeting place for the new organization. Earl Wengreen, Councilman, was appointed to meet with the group to try to work out a solution and bring back to the Council.
J. Reed Burgener, Chief of Police, introduced John Wesley Woodson, age 31, an applicant as an Auxiliary Policeman. Motion to accept John Wesley Woodson as an auxiliary Policeman was made by Earl Wengreen, seconded by Elwood Baxter, and passed.
The following made application for acceptance on the regular police force: Don E. Neilson, Ronald R. Griffith, Ed Spaulding, Elwood Thomas, Dale Drummond, Floyd L Farley, Marlon W. Plumb, James C. Hall, Floyd C. McEwan, Vernon J. Steil and Leland J. Shoells.
After due consideration the Council authorized Police Chief J. Reed Burgener to make his choice of one among Don E. Neilsen, Vernon J.Steil and Floyd L. Farley.
Motion to authorize the Mayor to sign the contract (for 99 years) with Utah Power and Light Company whereby 9 second feet of water can be diverted through the flume was made by V. Emil Hansen, seconded by Winston Crawford and passed.
Motion to authorize the Mayor to sign the easement granting Utah Power and Light Co. the right to set the poles on the right-of-way to the Disposal Plant site was made by Merlin Manning, seconded by V. Emil Hansen and passed.
A motion by V. Emil Hansen, seconded by Winston Crawford, to approve the issuance of a beer license to J.S. Cowan, Imperial Lounge, 155 West 800 North. Motion passed.
Mayor Luzell Robbins brought up the problem of the nominal pay of the Orem Mayor in comparison to the enormity of his responsibilities. It was pointed out that the local technicalities complicated the issue. Recommendation was made to query the City Attorney and the State Attorney General regarding this matter.
Elwood Baxter presented a request from Lindon City for use of a bulldozer. Orem does not have this equipment.
Merlin Manning reported a remodeled house on 10thWest and 5thNorth. The building Inspector will be sent to investigate.
Motion to adjourn made by V. Emil Hansen, seconded by Earl Wengreen and passed.