Relevant Attachments
Date of meeting / Thursday 4th August 2017
Time of meeting / 8:45am
People present / Raoni Finlay, Abbie Rowney, Nikki Downing, Paul Mason, Sarah Bury
Apologies / Stephanie Saxton, Sarah Kruger, Amy McNamara, Annelise Perry
Chair / Abbie Rowney
Minutes taken by / Sarah Bury

Meeting opened 9:00am

Minutes of Last meeting / MOTION: to approve minutes of last meeting.
MOVED:Raoni Finlay
SECONDED: Abbie Rowney
Business arising:
Note change of date for Quorn Ag Show - now 25th September.
Enrolments for 2017 & new DECD Preschool Enrolment Procedure / DECD have released a new Preschool Enrolment Procedure that will make enrolments more regulated across sites and encourage families to access their local preschool.
Families register interest in the preschools of their choice, then sites offer positions to families in their catchment area in the first round of offers (start of August), then sites can offer vacant positions to families outside of their catchment area in the second round of offers (September).
Quorn Kindergarten have 11 children registered to attend preschool in 2017 and places will be confirmed by August 19th.
Nikki has confirmed that Quorn Kindy is at the top of the list for an additional Occasional Care Session for 2017, won’t be confirmed until late 2016 or early 2017.
Also exploring OSHC for 2017 as there is a huge interest and need from the community. / ACTIONS
Nikkito confirm enrolment numbers with G.C. at September meeting.
Nikkito confirm names of children transitioning to Q.A.S. and share details with the school.
Nikki to continue to explore OSHC for 2017 and keep up to date with the Occasional Care session for 2017.
Fundraising / Pichi Richi Marathon
$413 was raised at the Pichi Richi Marathon. Will definitely do again in 2017.
Quorn Ag Show
Change of date to 25th September. Show bags have been ordered and are at the kindy already. Mostly confectionary bags have been ordered, with some left over from 2016 (Peppa Pig, Octonauts and Adventure Time). Need to organize a roster at September’s meeting.
Cans & Bottle Collection
Quorn Kindy has gone in conjunction with The Men’s Shed and Q.A.S. to collect cans and bottles from the recycling bins around town.
The 3 entities will take turns each month to collect from the bins, take to recycling depot and deposit money at the council.
Monies raised will then be split 3 ways at an agreed upon time (this will be handled by the council).
An agreement is currently being drawn up. This will be presented at September’s Meeting. / ACTIONS
Pupil Free Day 11th August / August’s Pupil Free Day was due to be spent sharing our outdoor learning environment plans with the community and getting their input on the designs.
One design has been finished and presented to G.C. but the second will not be finished until late August.
Nikki proposed that the day be spent working on the site’s Quality Improvement Plan and looking towards 2017. Staff’s personal development plans will also be reviewed during that time. / ACTIONS
Nikkiwill advertise Pupil Free Day focus to families and advise of change of completion date for backyard design.
Nikki will feedback to G.C. on outcomes from the Pupil Free Day at September’s meeting.
Back Shelter Quotes / Nikki has only been able to secure one quote for the back shelter (Kevin Mundy). Have contacted Flinders Solutions and had arranged for a quote last week but didn’t show and haven’t had contact from them.
G.C. members present at meeting asked about 3 quotes etc but it is hard to get companies to come up for quotes. / ACTIONS
Nikki to follow up quotes from Flinders Solutions and a third company.
Quorn Kindergarten Inc. Signatories / It has been requested from Bank SA that the Kindergarten make a formal motion to deem authorized signatories for/on behalf of Quorn Kindergarten Inc.
Currently; Penny Finlay (Finance Officer), Nikki Downing (Director) and Nancy Murray (ECW) are signatories on all kindergarten accounts with Bank SA and Commonwealth Bank.
MOTION: that Penny Finlay, Nikki Downing and Nancy Murray be recorded as official signatories for Quorn Kindergarten Inc. and can sign on the association’s behalf.
MOVED:Sarah Bury
Nikki to send a copy of the minutes to Bank SA for final approval for Credit Card.
Finance Reports / July Finance Report
Monthly reports for July are not available as yet and will be presented at September’s meeting.
Credit Card
Credit Card has been delayed due to additional records being required. The documentation required needed G.C. endorsement and recording in the official minutes of the meeting.
This meeting’s minutes should now suffice requirements for the credit card approval and the application should be finalised soon. / ACTIONS
Nikki and send these minutes to Bank SA for final approval of Credit Card application.

Upcoming events Dentist Visit – Tuesday 9th August at 9am

Pupil Free Day – Thursday 11th August

Excursion to Arid Lands Botanic Gardens – Thursday 18th August

ECW Week 15th – 19th August

Working Bee for front & backyard upgrades – 16th to 19th September

Meeting closed9:50am

Next meeting Thursday 8th September at 8:45am