Meeting of the INSARAG Regional Group Asia/Pacific

Seoul, Korea

4th to 5th October 2007

Chairman’s Summary and Work-plan

The meeting was opened by Dr. Moon Won Kyong, Administrator, National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) of Korea followed by introductory remarks by the Chairman INSARAG Mr. Tony Frisch. On behalf of the United Nations, opening remarks were made by Mr. Kasidis Rochanakorn, Director OCHA Geneva. The meeting was attended by 51 participants from 18 countries and 2 organisations. A list of participants is attached.

The meeting included the following presentations:

1.  Review of Progress on decisions of the 2006 Asia/Pacific Regional Group meeting (INSARAG Secretariat).

2.  Reports of worldwide INSARAG Activities (INSARAG Secretariat).

a)  USAR Team Leaders meeting, India, March 2007 (INSARAG Secretariat)

b)  INSARAG Steering Committee Meeting, Santo Domingo, May 2007 (INSARAG Secretariat)

c)  Status of the INSARAG Guidelines (INSARAG Secretariat)

d)  Americas Region Activities (INSARAG Americas Group)

3.  Update on the progress of the INSARAG External Classification (IEC) (INSARAG Secretariat)

4.  Report and discussion on progress of the INSARAG Working Groups/Papers

a)  Training Working Group (Dewey Perks, Chairman)

b)  Medical Working Group (Trevor Glass, Chairman)

c)  Search Dog Working Group (Wolfgang Hitsch, IRO)

d)  Draft Paper on Overview of Functioning of INSARAG (INSARAG Secretariat)

5.  Demonstration of National 119 USAR Capabilities (Korea 119)

6.  Lessons learned from the INSARAG Asia –Pacific Regional earthquake response simulation exercise held in Mongolia in Aug 2007 (National Emergency Management Agency, Mongolia and INSARAG Secretariat)

7.  Overview of USAR related training activities in the region planned by Member States in 2007/2008 as inputs for a regional schedule of training events:

a)  Proposal by Philippines on INSARAG Earthquake Response Exercise 2008 (Office of Civil Defense – National Disaster Coordinating Council)

b)  Pacific Island Countries Basic USAR Course (Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management)

c)  Invitation by Member States for International Participation in their training events in 2007/08 (All)

8. Improving the mechanism for deployment of USAR teams (Korea)

9. Update on GDACS and Virtual OSOCC (INSARAG Secretariat)

10. EMS Services in Korea (Korea)

11. INSARAG projects for USAR capacity building – Case study on Pakistan (INSARAG Secretariat)

The discussions during the meeting resulted in recommendations for follow-up activities, as described in the work-plan of the Regional Group Asia/Pacific for 2007/2008 given below.

Chairman’s Summary and Work-Plan for the period 2007/2008 for the INSARAG Regional Group Asia/Pacific

INSARAG External Classification (IEC)

1.  The INSARAG Secretariat gave a comprehensive briefing on the progress of the IEC of international USAR teams and informed that the provisional IEC schedule of 2008/9 has been placed on the Virtual OSOCC.

2.  The INSARAG Secretariat offered to provide advice and assistance to any country wanting to undergo the IEC.

3.  The INSARAG Secretariat invited countries to nominate experts in any of the five USAR disciplines for inclusion in IEC cadre.

4.  Countries that desire to have their international USAR teams undergo the IEC are requested to inform the INSARAG Secretariat.

Action: Member Countries / INSARAG Secretariat

USAR Capacity Building

1.  INSARAG Secretariat gave a briefing on the combined INSARAG Donor Capacity Building Project for Pakistan currently being undertaken.

2.  It was recommended that any member country that is either prepared to join USAR capacity building projects or wishes to invite INSARAG to assist them in developing USAR capacity should contact the INSARAG Secretariat.

Action: Member Countries / INSARAG Secretariat

INSARAG Asia Pacific Regional Earthquake Response Exercise 2008

1.  The Government of Philippines (GOP) offered to host the next INSARAG Asia Pacific Earthquake Response Exercise from 14-16 April 2008. The exercise scenario will be based on a major earthquake in the Subic area of Metro Manila. Countries of the Asia Pacific region and other INSARAG regions are invited to participate with skeleton USAR teams and inform the INSARAG Secretariat accordingly.

Action: Philippines / INSARAG Secretariat

INSARAG Training Working Group (TWG)

1.  The TWG briefed the meeting on its activities. Based on the TOR from the INSARAG Steering Committee, the TWG will focus on developing training standards to match core competencies.

2.  The next TWG meeting is to be held in Germany in December 2007.

Action: TWG Chair / INSARAG Secretariat

INSARAG Medical Working Group (MWG)

1.  The MWG is in the final stages of being established. The INSARAG Secretariat will be notifying members who have been selected to participate in the MWG. Countries that still wish to nominate individuals to participate in the MWG are requested to forward nominations by 1 November 2007 to the INSARAG Secretariat.

Action: MWG Chair / INSARAG Secretariat

Search Dogs

1.  IRO gave a briefing on the Search Dog Working Group activities and offered any countries wishing to participate in Search Dog Mission Readiness Testing the opportunity to do so. A schedule of Mission Readiness Testing training is available below.

Action: IRO/Member Countries

Overview of the Draft Functioning of INSARAG

1.  The Asia Pacific INSARAG Regional Group was generally in agreement with the draft document on Overview of the Functioning of INSARAG. Any member country with comments is requested to forward them to the INSARAG Secretariat by the 30 November 2007. These will be conveyed to the INSARAG Steering Committee for further action.

Action: INSARAG Secretariat

INSARAG Guidelines

1.  An INSARAG Guidelines discussion page has been opened on the Virtual OSOCC. All stakeholders are encouraged to review the INSARAG Guidelines and submit comments and recommendations for improvement on the Virtual OSOCC. The deadline for submissions is 31 December 2007.

Action: Member Countries/ INSARAG Secretariat

Asia Pacific Humanitarian Partnership (APHP)

1.  A meeting of all APHP participating countries will take place in January 2008 in Singapore. The exact date is to be confirmed but it will coincide with the Singapore IEC. The meeting will focus on addressing the issues of software incompatibility, response availability and response procedures.

2.  The next APHP Staff training course is planned to be held in Singapore after the APHP meeting at dates to be notified in consultation with SCDF.

Action: INSARAG Secretariat / Singapore

3.  All countries in the region are encouraged to participate in the APHP program to increase its capacity. Any country wishing to join APHP is requested to contact the INSARAG Secretariat.

Action: All Members

Global INSARAG meeting

1.  The Asia Pacific Regional Group recommends to the INSARAG Steering Committee that an INSARAG Global Meeting, bringing together all three regions could be organised at most once every 5 years. It is envisaged that the first INSARAG Global Meeting will be tentatively scheduled for 2010.

Action: INSARAG Secretariat

Training opportunities for the Asia/Pacific Region in 2007/2008

1.  New Zealand and Australia intend to conduct Cat 1 USAR training aimed at the 14 Pacific Islands of SOPAC. This training program, funded by AUSAID and NZAID and facilitated by OCHA Fiji, will build on the training conducted in 2002 and is scheduled to take place in Samoa in August 2008.

Action: Australia / New Zealand / OCHA Fiji Office

2.  China introduced the new CNSART USAR training facilities. It will offer USAR training to both national and international participants. China will post details of courses on the Virtual OSOCC once finalized.

Action: China / INSARAG Secretariat

3.  The ASEAN Regional Disaster Response Exercise (ARDEX 07) will be held in Singapore from 22 – 25 October 2007. An UNDAC team as well as representatives from the regional OCHA office and FCSS will participate.

For information

4. It was recommended that the INSARAG Secretariat post a yearly calendar of training events in different countries open to international participants on the Virtual OSOCC. The host training organisation is requested to list the type of training, duration and location of training, number of international participants that can be accommodated and the cost of the training on this calendar.

Action: INSARAG Secretariat / Member Countries

5. An outline of confirmed training events is given below. All member countries are requested to post other courses offered to international participants on the Virtual OSOCC.

Action: Member Countries

Date / Organiser & Location / Event / Language / Website / Participants / Fee per participant
21 Jan – 1 Feb / Singapore / International USAR Course / 20
May 08 / Singapore / 3 day USAR Awareness Course
July 08 / Singapore / UNDAC Induction Course
Oct 2008 / Japan / Joint Training Course

Regional Chairman and next Regional meeting

1.  It was agreed that the tenure of the INSARAG Regional Chair would in future be from the Regional meeting to the next year’s Regional meeting to ensure better continuity and communication.

Action: INSARAG Secretariat

2.  Asia Pacific Regional meetings will, as far as possible be held in the period September to November every year.

Action: INSARAG Secretariat

3.  New Zealand was elected to be the Chair of the INSARAG Asia Pacific Regional Group for the period 2007/2008. This will be effective from the end of the current meeting.

Action: New Zealand

4.  The next INSARAG Regional meeting will be held in New Zealand in November 2008 on a date to be confirmed.

Action: New Zealand

Search Dog Mission Readiness Test Schedule

07 - 11 Nov 2007 / IRO,
Slovenia / Search dog Mission Readiness test / English & German / / Dog handlers & team leaders / 50 EURO per dog (tbcError! Bookmark not defined., see website)
Nov 08 / IRO,
Korea / Search dog Mission Readiness test / English & German / / Dog handlers & team leaders / 50 EURO per dog (tbcError! Bookmark not defined., see website)
19-21 Dec 08 / IRO,
Columbia / Search dog Mission Readiness test / English & German / / Dog handlers & team leaders / 50 EURO per dog (tbcError! Bookmark not defined., see website)
30 Oct -2 Nov 08 / IRO,
Germany(Europe) / Search dog Mission Readiness test / English & German / / Dog handlers & team leaders / 50 EURO per dog (tbcError! Bookmark not defined., see website)

List of Participants

INSARAG Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting, Seoul

3-5 October 2007


Mr. Tony Pearce

Director General

Emergency Management Australia

P.O. Box 1020

Dickson, ACT2602



Tel: +61 2 6256 4631

Fax: +61 3 5228 2819

Mobile: +0418 546 702


Mr. Gerry Foster

Manager, Urban Search and Rescue Capability Development Project

Emergency Management Australia

Attorney - General's Department

PO Box 1020




Tel: + 61 02 62564688

Fax: + 61 02 62564 653


Mr. James Gustus

Assistant Director

Urban Search and Rescue

Emergency Management Australia

P.O. Box 1020

Dickson, ACT2602



Tel: +61 2 6256 4618

Fax: +61 2 6256 4653

Mobile: +61 407220803



Mr. Sadaruddin Ahmed

Director General

Dept. of Relief and Rehabilitation

Ministry of Food and Disaster Management

Disaster management and relief Bhaban

92-93 Mohakhali

C/A Dhaka 1212

Peoples' Republic of Bangladesh

Tel: +88 02 8861581

Fax: +88 02 9860130

Email: ,

Bhutan (The Kingdom of)

Mr. Kinchho Norbu

Offtg. Director

Department of Local Governance

Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs, Royal Government of Bhutan

National Emergency Management Agency

C/O Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs

Royal Government of Bhutan


Kingdom of Bhutan

Tel: +975 2 331 898

Fax: +975 2 327 864


Mr. Karma Wangdi

Dy. Executive Engineer

Standards and Quallity Control Authority

Ministry of Works and Human Settlement

Royal Government of Bhutan

Minisntry of Works and Human Settlement

Royal Government of Bhutan

Thimphu - Bhutan

Kingdom of Bhutan

Tel: +975 2 325 104

Fax: +975 1 323 712



Mr. Jianfa Huang


Department of Earthquake Disaster Emergency Management

china Earthquake Administration

China Earthquake Administration

No 63 Fuxing Avenue

Beijing 100036

People's Republic of China

Tel: +86 10 88015526

Fax: +86 10 68170544


Mr. Chengri Li

Deputy Chief

Emergency Relief Division (EDEM)

China Earthquake Administration

No 63 Fuxing Avenue

Beijing 100036

People's Republic of China

Tel: +86 88015330

Fax: +86 1068170544


Mr. Li Zheng


China Earthquake Administration

China Earthquake Admininstration

No. 63 Fuxing Avenue

Beijing 100036

People's Republic of China

Tel: + 86 10 681 70 544



Mr. Volker Strotmann

Head of Department for Operations

German Federal Agency for Technical Relief

Provinzialstraße 93

D 53127 Bonn-


Tel: +49 228 9401910

Fax: +49 228 940 1911


Dr. Thomas Hoenicke

International Relations

Federal Technical Emergency Relief Services

Provinzialstr. 93

D-53127 Bonn


Tel: +49 228 940 1815

Fax: +49 228 940 1144

Mobile: +49 172 240 6620

Email: ,


Shri K. Koshy

Director General , National Disaster Respone Force

National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA)

#7, East Block, R K Puram

New Delhi



Tel: +91 11 26712851

Mobile: +91 9810800417


Shri R.K. Sinha

Commandant/ Training Officer

National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA)

New Delhi

Shri C.P. Saxena

Commandant, BSF Institute of Disaster Response, Tekanpur

National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA)

Tel: +91 7524274222

Mobile: +91 942530800



Mr. Darmawan


Training and Manpower Development

National Search and Rescue Agency (BASARNAS-Indonesia)

National Search & Rescue Agency

J1. Medan Merdeka Timur no. 5

Jakarta 10110


Tel: +62 21 348 32877

Fax: +62 21 348 32884


Mr. Mohamad Kamal

Secretary of Organization

National Search & Rescue Agency (Basarnas – Indonesia)

J1. Medan Merdeka Timur no. 5

Jakarta 10110


Tel: +62 21 348 32881

Fax: +62 21 348 32884

Email: ,


Dr. Wolfgang Zörner


International Rescue Dog Organization

Moostrasse 32

A-5020 Salzburg

Republic of Austria

Tel: +43 662 826 526

Fax: +43 662 826 526-20

Mobile: +43 664 353 4857