OCTOBER 29, 2010

President Ethel Bluitt called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.


Board members present:

Ethel Bluitt, Cal Davis, Stan Dulaney, Robby Crow, Debra Wells, Bill Miller, Aileen Montgomery, Virginia Limon, Nora Rodriguez, Daisy Flores, Lynn Freeman, Med Daniels, Denish Wilson-Owens, Shirley Hensley, Tammy Hensarling, Ginger Hendrix, Carolyn Sessom, Monica Moneymaker, Bernadine Spears

Excused Absent: Candace Martin, Johnann Schaefer, Wanda Jeffcoat, Peggy Gaydos and Estella Trevino

Unexcused Absent: Deborah Goffney, Dee Zachry and Char Mabry

Bernadine moved and Tammy seconded to approve excused absences. All Approved.


Bernadine moved and Med seconded minutes of the August meeting be approved. All approved.


Robby presented the Balance Sheet, Income & Expenses Budget vs. Actual, Conference Income/Expense Report and Profit and Loss Budget Overview reports. He stated THA is doing very well. He reported Office Supplies line item is over budget due to costs related to additional training. THA has not purchase any furniture or equipment this year. Total Expenses were 97.2% of budgeted amount, income was 8.8% greater than what was budgeted and net income was $51,885. This was the best year since 2004 due largely to the success of the regional training offered this year.

Stan moved and Aileen seconded to acceptance of financial reports. All approved.


Administrative Committee reported that they encourage the Board to read the By-Laws. They reported that THA Staff had declined raises for 2011; however the committee is requesting a one-time incentive bonus of 3% of annual salary for both employees. The increase for both employees would be $3,800 of which Linda would receive $2,670 and Jennifer would receive $1,140. Bernie moved and Shirley seconded to provide a one-time incentive bonus of 3% of annual salary for both employees. All approved

The Committee also recommended that the By-Laws be changed to set the February and October meetings.

Financial Committee reported that they reviewed the Profit & Loss Overview and the Proposed Budget for FY2011. They recommended the following changes:

1.  $8,000 added to Scholarship increasing the line item to $20,000

2.  $3,000 added to Retirement for Jennifer at Linda’s discretion increasing the line item to $28,700

3.  $4,400 added to Salaries for bonus incentives increasing the line item to $127,644

Bernie moved and Stan seconded revisions to the 2010-2011 Budget. All approved.

Legislative Committee reported that they discussed deregulation for small agencies. They will be forming a Small Agency Task Force.

Scholarship Committee reported that with the budget increase they will be awarding five $4,000 scholarships to the winning applicants. The committee decided to restructure the weight of each component of the application as follows:

1.  Completed Form 15 points

2.  Essay 25 points

3.  Reference letters 10 points

4.  GPA 20 points

5.  Extra curriculum 15 points

6.  Community Service 15 points

The committee also decided to require the applications be complete on receipt to be accepted. They requested that the social security numbers be left off the applications for security reasons.

Members Services Committee reported that they discussed how to encourage participation. They provided the following action plan:

1.  Survey the membership for “what they are looking for, types of activities they are interested in”

2.  Mentoring program for new members

3.  Member Services booth letting people know what THA is about

4.  Advisor for new ED’s

5.  Awards for HA’s doing innovative programs

6.  Recognition for HUD offices/employees (Regional HUD Employee of Year)

Annual Conference Committee reported that the committee was pleased with the format of the Houston Conference and will keep the same format including paperless meetings. The theme for next year will be Mexican Fiesta. The Business Meeting will be held during the luncheon and a trivia game will be played. There will be a golf tournament if 50 people sign up in advance. There will be local entertainment for the Wednesday night dinner instead of a talent contest along with a DJ and casino. The committee decided to limit the age of children attending conference functions to 13 and older. The ticket cost for children will be the same as the spouse ticket.

Bernie moved and Monica seconded a motion to allow all children under 13 to attend the conference and to allow Linda to set the price of the tickets. There were 10 Ayes, 8 Nayes and one abstained. Motion passed, overriding committee’s recommendation.


BCHA – no report

CHAT – report provided

CTHA – no report

HAESW – Nora reported

HAVE – Daisy reported

NETHA – report provided

NTHA – Denish reported

SETHA – Ginger reported

TOTHA – Monica reported

WTCPHA – Bernie reported


Should THA get a Facebook page? The Board agreed unanimously no.

NELROD Consortium-Group Classes - Bernie will get more information to Linda regarding the agenda item by the next board meeting.

Determine location for February meeting – Bernie moved and Stan seconded to set the February meeting in San Antonio with the dates to be determined by Linda. All approved.




Aileen moved and Bernie seconded that we be adjourned. All approved. Meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Debra Wells