Meeting of Patient Participation Group

Thursday 11th June 2015

In Attendance :

L. Fitch Practice Manager

C. Jones Receptionist/Administrator



7 Members


2 Members

Carol Jones opened the meeting at 3.30. She gave the members an update on the action plan resulting from the Patient Survey.

  1. Appointment Booking System. Every patient attending the surgery is now given a leaflet explaining the practice appointment booking system. This will be continue for a period of 3 months. The receptionists also continue to explain the system to patients who telephone for appointments.
  2. Lorraine Fitch, Practice Manager, had a meeting with the GP's concerning the remarks received on the Patient Survey which commented on the 'bedside manner' of the Doctors. The GP's will consciously smile, greet patients by name, shake hands if indicated, respecting cultural differences and make eye contact.
  3. The toilets are to be refurbished after matters were raised with the building managers. This is to be incorporated in the 2015/16 budget.

Practice Update.

Lorraine Fitch informed the committee that Dr Igwe would be leaving the practice on the 19th June 2015. His official leaving date is the 30th June 2015, but he has some annual leave to take.

The Chairman commented that he felt that the Committee should have been informed before the letter went out to patients. Lorraine apologised and it was agreed that in future she would email the Chairman who would then inform committee members of anything similar in the future.

Lorraine continued by saying that only patients over 75 years must have an allocated GP, therefore until a new Doctors was appointed, the remainder of Dr Igwe's patients would be seen by whichever GP was on duty and available.

Permission has been received from NHS England to transfer Dr Uzoma to Plumstead Health Centre on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. He will still be at Garland Road on Monday and Friday. The practice will be employing a locum doctor for one day a week. During the month of July, a former partner at the practice, Dr Patel, has agreed to do the locum cover.


The practice have also written to NHS England asking permission to close their books for 4 months due to the extra pressure on the doctors. Their health must be considered as well as the patients. Also, the position has be advertised, so far without success.

If permission is granted, the practice will still continue to take family members of existing patients.

The Business Plan concerning the proposed closure of Garland Road was sent to NHS England along with the letter from the PPG on the 20th May 2015.

A member attended a meeting of the CCG and was told that four practices are in the same position as Garland Road. It was his understanding that the CCG are in discussions with NHS England concerning this situation. Lorraine Fitch has no knowledge of this. The member said he will speak to his informant and attempt to clarify this information. Lorraine also informed members that Oxleas Trust, are now asking Plumstead Health Centre for service charges, which they have never been billed for previously. It appears that there was some confusion when the PCT handed over to the CCG, which is enormously complicated.

There is a Workshop for PPG members (now known as Patient Reference Group) on the 9th July 2015. it would be useful if some members could attend. It was agreed that the next meeting would be after this date.

The Chairman asked Lorraine if she could keep members informed between meeting of anything of importance pertaining to the practice and patients in order for the members to feel that their contribution was of some value.

This was agreed.

Date of next meeting : 16th July 2015

Meeting closed at 4.30