Meeting of Modbury Parish Council Meeting

Monday 11thSeptember 2017 at 7.00 PM

Pavilion, Queen Elizabeth II Recreation Field


Apologies: Cllrs Brown, Joseph, and PC Hayhurst.

Present: Cllrs Taylor (Chair), Harvey, Shepley, Barnes (Vice-Chair), Weeks, Rosevear, Ward, Berry and Cole. Also present Cllrs Huntley and Gilbert, Ms Turner (Chair NPG), Mr Keel (and 10 members of the public).

Open Forum:

“One Council” Consultation - A discussion took place about the South West Devon and South Hams merger proposal. South West Devon have huge debt attributable to an overspend of circa 2million on the refurbishment of Kilworthy House which has not been sold. They also took a huge loan to fund a project purchasing properties outside Devon. They do have reserves but most of these are ring-fenced for the purchase of a new fleet of dust carts. Actual liquid reserves are around 1.5 million.

If the merger does not go ahead and West Devon go under (as the government will not bail them out) then it will cause problems for South Hams as they have shared services.

It was felt that the questionnaire is leading. The first three questions are innocuous enough but the fourth question asks how residents would want to see an increase in council tax implemented (i.e. over how many years) and cannot be skipped, and by answering, implies there is inference you don’t object to the council tax increase, which will be definite if the merger goes ahead since council taxes must be equalized; which means a total increase for South Hams of circa £63 on a band D property. This means people are abandoning the questionnaire. Cllr Weeks has written to the SHDC to ask them to withdraw and rethink the questionnaire.

  • Website – it was requested that the “Councillors list” on the website is removed if it cannot be amended as it is disrespectful to Cllr Rickman’s family. This has subsequently been removed.
  • Flag for the Flagpole should be sorted by November.
  • Saturday Opening of Parish Office – last Saturday during a consultation with a parishioner, a couple of residents wishing to utilise the Saturday clinic facility were asked to wait. This was purely to respect the privacy of on the residents in the office engaged in conversation. The office was not closed.
  • Double yellow lines on the corner of Silverwell will be completed by March. Double yellow lines by the seat in Galpin St (in front of the bench)were queried. This had not been previously highlighted so will need to be included in next year’s HATOC “Wish list” in January 2018. (Cllr Berry arrived).
  • Chapter 8 - We can repair potholes in Scalders Lane and smaller roads but not the main roads such as Barracks Road and Brownston. Residents should always report any potholes they see on line reporting facility so that Highways they know they need to be repaired. (Cllr Cole arrived).

17.103. Declarations of pecuniary and other interests

The following councillors declared the interests in the following:

a)Cllr Barnes in Planning item 118 and in Agenda item 10c)i) Appendix 1 Payment and item 15a)if sites are discussed.

b)Cllr Weeks in Planning item 118 and in Agenda item 10c)i) Appendix 1 payment, and item 15a) if sites are discussed.

c)Cllr Coledeclared he knew new councillor candidate Barry Keel as a member of Modbury Caring.

17.104.An application had been received from Mr Keel who introduced himself to all. He and his wife had moved to Modbury

5 years ago and wanted to be involved and contribute in the community. His background was originally in teaching but he later ended up as Director of Development (Planning) in the north of England, then was recruited as Plymouth’s Chief Executive for 7 years. He retired but then became Chief of Isles of Scilly for a year then retired again! He left the meeting whilst voting took place. Cllr Weeks proposed, seconded by Cllr Shepley, with all in favour bar one abstention, that Mr Keel be co-opted onto the council as he will bring much needed expertise to the council and will be an asset. The Chair welcomed Cllr Keel onboard.

Devon Councillor’s Reports.

  • Cllr Gilbert has checked the gradient for the footpath by the development following reports of an accident involving a skateboarder. It does comply with H & S with a gradient of 1 in 12. Completion of the footpath was supposed to start this week.
  • Fly-tipped tyres – If found, call SHDC and they will dispose of on health and safety grounds.
  • Bus stop sign – an order has been placed to erect the sign imminently.
  • Goutsford Bridge – Replacement signs have been ordered to re-direct HGV’s (following satnav) away from this route.
  • Flood Prevention works are now due to start in January 2018 (instead of this autumn).
  • Education statistics – 93% of Devon schools are rated outstanding or good. 97% of people get their first preference school with Parental preference for schools 97% getting 1st choice for school and £256 per child (Metropolitan is £50 per child).
  • Crownhill Cross to Strode cross is in diabolical state. One side is Ermington Parish and one side is Ugborough, but Cllr Gilbert will follow this up. The Clerk will email him the details.

Cllr Gilbert was thanked for his donation to the “Welcome” booklets for the new estate and Cllr Shepley for her hard work on producing them.

District Councillor’s Reports.

  • Industrial Estate Sign – design amendments are back from the design team (who have been liaising with unit holders).
  • A letter been sent to John Tucker Head of the SHDC, and Darryl White about the One Council consultation questions being badly designed (as discussed earlier) but no reply has been received as yet.
  • The Government have cut all grants to District Councils. In order to save money SHDC and West Devon joined forces in terms of staff, but in terms of decision making remained separate entities.South Hams has an 83K population. West Devon has 50K. South Hams is more affluent and benefits from more tourism. West Devon is less affluent and is comprised of more farmland. They hope to save £500K by merging into one council but if the merge goes ahead South Hams will have to take on West Devon’s liabilities. After the public consultation central government decide whether or not approve the merger. If you are opposed to the merger you should respond before8th October by going on to website link:. There is a presentation in the Memorial Hall on Tuesday 19th September from 3pm – 7pm for further information. If you wish to see West Devon’s viewpoint, there is a video setting out their case.
  • Overgrowth of trees and street lighting – Cllr Huntley has chased and was informed this would be sorted. So far it has not been actioned. She will chase again.
  • Cllr Cole wanted to stress that the removal of signage at the industrial estate was down to SHDC who removed the signs thinking this was SHDC land when it is private land. Modbury Parish Council have received a lot of unfair criticism from certain unit holders but wanted to stress that any delays have been down to SHDC and the 7 weeks it has taken with a graphic designer.

17.105.Joint Local Plan (JLP)

a)The Joint Local Plan is being produced with different sites to those preferred and proposed by Modbury Parish

Council (MPC). Standing Orders were dropped and subsequently reinstated whilst Ms Turner gave a report/update on the Neighbourhood Plan Group (NPG) (available separately). The plan is in its second revision and will be reviewed at the next meeting. Current advice from the Independent planning consultant is: If we go ahead with the current proposal for sites to the east, we will not only not be in agreement with the JLP, but, could end up with the eastern sites being viewed as additional sites, rather than an alternative,potentially leading tofurther additional houses.MPC and the NPG awaits the outcome of a meeting with the SHDC Strategic Planner on 21st September, after which the NPG will be in a position to recommend to MPC how to proceed on the matter of site allocations.

b)MPC considered if it should apply to make any representations in response to the Plymouth & SW Devon Local

Plan examination - introductory information and Inspectors' letter (Deadline 6th October 2017).Mr Rosevear proposed, seconded by Mr Weeks and all were in favour that Phil Smith will attend and make a representation on behalf of MPC at that meeting.

17.106Standing Orders were dropped for Charlotte Grosvenor to give an update onChampernowne PlayParkSteering Group. MPC were thanked for supporting their application for the reinvestment funding which was approved, with the group being awarded £30K to modernise the plan park which is owned by Devon & Cornwall Homes (DCH). They have 2 years to draw down the fund. They have secured£5K to maintain the park and equipment which should cover 3 to 5 years maintenance. Their aim is for it to become a Play Trail and get it mapped. Monica designed and created flower beds in the park with funding for green areas. They are also involved with the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) as there is a pocket of money available for a community development award which they had inadvertently entered themselves for; as it was felt that elderly residents may enjoy nice gardens also within the park. There are 42 homes in the cul-de-sac with another 105 homes in other parts of Modbury. They haven’t yet got a completed design; and they don’t have any contractors;nor have they started the tendering process. The Play Park Steering Group, with DCH support, would like MPC to make a commitment in principle to have more involvement with the park, and to help oversee the management of the park. This will need to be considered at the October meeting.

Police Report (read out by Clerk)

The total number of crimes between 10th July and 11th September was twelve; comprising two thefts, one public order offence, one case of blackmail, and eight offences relating to the Forgery and Counterfeit Act (enquiries ongoing). During the same timeframe last year there were only three crimes.


The Council considered the following applications:

115 / 2545/17/FUL / The Coach House, Back Street, Modbury, PL21 0RF / Conversion of a redundant stone coach house building into a dwelling / Cllr Cole proposed, seconded by Cllr Harvey and all were in favour bar one abstention & 1 against that MPC supportsthis application.
116 / 2523/17/HHO
(Papers received 14/08/17) / Mr & Mrs Miller / The Barn, Great Orcheton Farm, Modbury, PL21 0TG / Householder application for alterations to re-instate first floor / Cllr Weeks proposed, seconded by Cllr Rosevear and all were in favour that MPC has no objection to this application.
117 / 2799/17/TCA / Lakemans Cottage, Broad Street, Modbury / T1: Eucalyptus - Removal (leaving stump) / Cllr Rosevear proposed, seconded by Cllr Weeks and all were in favour that MPC supports this application.
118 / 2632/17/HHO / 28 Long Park, Modbury, PL21 0RP / Householder application for two storey extension to existing dwelling. / Cllr Rosevear proposed, seconded by Cllr Cole and all were in favour bar 2 abstentions that MPC has no objection to this application.

17.108.Minutes of Meeting of 10th July 2017.

a)CllrBarnes proposed, seconded by Cllr Rosevear with all in favour bar 2 abstentions no previously present that the minutes were approved as a true and accurate record.

b)The Clerk had previously circulatedAppendix II Action Plan to all prior to the meeting but ran through any outstanding actions.

17.109.Finance and Human Resources

a)Thepayments listed in Appendix 1were considered. Cllr Rosevear proposed, seconded by Cllr Shepley and all were in favour theybe approved (bar abstentions from those declaring interests).

b)Minutes of Finance & HR Meeting 4th Septemberwere received by all

c)The recommendations of the Finance & HR Committee had been received and the following matters were considered:

i)The current status of the Messenger, itsadvertising policies and, in principle,whether it could be managed by the current Editor as a community “not for profit” enterprise.With all agreeing that preference for advertising should be given to those residing or trading in Modbury, CllrRosevear proposed, seconded by Cllr Shepley, and agreed by all that in principle:

  • The Council will allow the Modbury Messenger to become an independent entity under the auspices of Community Interest Company with MPC retaining editorial and advertising policy control;With an annual grant from MPC, initially suggested at £1,500.

17.110.The Council had reviewed Standing Orders and it was proposed by Cllr Rosevear, seconded by Cllr Weeks, with all in favour that no changes were necessary.

17.111.Cllr Rosevear proposed, seconded by Cllr Ward, and all were in favour that the Clerk’s attendance on a DALC Budgets and Precept course in Octobershould be approved.

17.112.Discussion on the purchase of a suitable Grass cutting/machine were postponed until the next meeting as all quotes still had not yet been received.

17.113.Palm Cross Green Development - General update - Completion of the Footpath is imminent. This was due to be

started this week. MPCacknowledged that certain issues (including the footpath) were missed in initial planning stage; although these points were raised by Cllr Cole and were overruled.

17.114.Reports and updates were received from the following Committees and working groups:

  • Communications – Ollie has been away but is meeting with clerk on 27th/28th September to iron out glitches. Cllrs Barnes and Berry have been busy uploading data on to the new website. New biographies are needed from new councillors together with photographs (if possible before Wednesday 27th) for their Profiles on the site. It is recognised that it is a body of work in itself so will need a dedicated person to work on and update it in future.
  • Maintenance/Emergency Plan – this was discussed earlier. It will be necessary to keep looking out for the Exeter Inn until the planned flood prevention measures have been implemented next January.


17.115.Modbury Fire Station has invited MPC to attend a tour of the stationOn Tuesday 19th September at 7.15pm.This

is because Devon & Somerset Fire Service head office want to downgrade Modbury’s appliances and reduce the

size of the pumps at the station. This would not be sufficient. Please can as many councillors attend this. The Fire

Station are seeking Modbury’s support to oppose this proposal.


a)Consultation on Public Spaces Protection Orders for Alcohol - Cllr Weeks had prepared some mapping for this and ran through the areas currently covered by this order, and the areas to be removed. After a short discussion including emailed comments from the Church Warden and Memorial hall, it was generally agreedby all that the 2010 designated areas shouldremain the same, with some agreed additions but no removals.

b)Taxi licensing policy Consultation -After a short discussion, it was generally agreed that individual people should respondto this as they wish as there was only on operator in Modbury.

c)PL21 Transition Town Initiative; Ivybridge: Safer Travel; Operation Close Pass–After brief discuss it was generally agreed that MPC would support this.

d)Proposals for a ModburyCitizen's day (as per the article in the August Messenger) were discussed. Two residents had contacted the Clerk offering to help. Modbury Society would be happy to take part and support this but felt it should be a MPC initiative; perhaps on a Street by Street competition basis. Cllr Rosevear proposed, seconded by Cllr Taylor that the concept should be carried forward and reviewed in January.

e)Proposals for a newModbury Community Orchard on the land adjacent to the Millennium Meadow were further discussed.The land has now been deemed not suitable for housing so adraft lease has been circulated to all members which will be reviewed at the October Meeting. It was generally agreed that MPC supported this.

f)Suggestions from the Clerk to Aveton Gifford and Ringmore, that parishesjoin forces to appoint contractors to undertake works in their parishes, were briefly discussed. As Modbury are looking at purchasing their own grass cutting machine, they could consider contracting out their own services to other parishes. Further investigation is needed.

g)The council considered whether it wishes to formulate aDevon Communities Parish Plan.In view of the ongoing Neighbourhood Plan, Cllr Taylor proposed, Seconded by Cllr Rosevear with all in favour that Modbury do not wish to do this.

h)The One Council (Have your say)Consultation had been discussed earlier. An Emergency Meeting will be held before the deadline 8th October, so that MPC can consider this further.

i)The Council considereda parishioner’s request for a bench to be sited on the green area adjacent toCromwell Park. Cllr Weeks proposed, seconded by Cllr Rosevear and all were in favour of this. Highways consent is still required.