Mapleton Park Board Minutes

August 31, 2016

Meeting Minutes: Taken and composed by Nikki Harrington

Donna called the meeting to order at 6:33pm

Present members: Jerry Volk, Donna Donley, Aaron Harrington and Nikki Harrington

Aaron made a motion to approve tonight’s agenda and minutes from the August 10th meeting. Jerry second that motion, motion carries.

New Business:

Discussed member dues for ND League. There will be a conference September 17th, 2016 but none of the members will be attending this year.

Aaron motioned to approve the bills, Jerry seconds that motion. Everyone agrees, motion carries.

Happy days was discussed but not an exact amount made was announced at this moment. Discussed possibly taken it on with just the park board next year. Everything went well with no phone calls or complaint. The turnout was good but hoping we can get a better one next year. There was discussion about possibly doing the street dance Friday night so there is no competing with the bar. This would in turn mean the park activities would happen Saturday. We will discuss further in the future.

At this time we are still looking for the ordinance that would include Ashmore phase 1.

Improvement district-We need to figure out who the park would improve. Put together a special assessment.

Playground by the school. The school is planning on putting in a park for ages 5 – 12. Park board would then put a park in for ages 2 – 5. PTO has discussed saving and earning money to help kick in to school and park board for park. A meeting will be scheduled with the school, PTO, Carlita and park board.


Mowing has slowed down

Shelters still need painting. An Eagle Scout contacted Donna would like to do his four hours of community service by completing this task. We would like to see this done before the end of September.

Dugout roofs need to be finished. Planning for this week or next.

On the Horizon:

Halloween party:

Halloween party is scheduled for October 22nd. It will be held at the community center. There will not be a haunted house this year. Included will be activities for the kids such as pumpkin painting, DJ, costume contest and cake walk. We would like to ask if people would be willing to donate baked goods for the cake walk.

Sledding hill will be discussed more in further meetings.

Open Discussion: Nothing

Next Meeting: September 18, 2016 6:30 pm

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm. Jerry made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Donna second that motion, motion carries.