Meeting Minutes

August 22, 2011

1.  Box Tops For Education – We can no longer do the Box Tops Week in the same fashion as previous years. Our Box Tops Week has been set for October 3-7. Students will bring in their box tops that week. If the school goal is met by Thursday, students will be allowed to wear blue jeans to school on Friday, October 7th. In addition the homeroom that brought in the most box tops in PreK-2nd, 3rd-5th, and 6th-8th will receive a pizza, popcorn or ice cream party.

2.  Computers for Classroom – Booklets will be sent home in September. Each booklet contains 12 postcards. The information needed is the student’s name, grade and the name and address of 12 friends or family members. If you have multiple children the same names can be used on each booklet. We are paid $6.00 for each completed booklet. This is the primary fundraiser that is used to pay for Teacher Appreciation Week. As an added bonus, any class that has 100% of their students to return the completed booklets will receive a cupcake.

3.  Parent Teacher Conference (September 6th) – The PTO provides dinner for the faculty/staff during each Parent/Teacher Conference. A sign up sheet was provided at the meeting for parents to sign up to help with this meal. Someone from the PTO will be contacting the volunteers prior to the conference.

4.  Book Fair (September 2nd-9th) – Mrs. Butler will need volunteers to help work the Book Fair on September 8th and 9th during Grandparent’s Day. A sign up sheet was provided during the meeting to anyone interested in helping.

5.  Halloween Goodie Bag Fundraiser – We will be sending a note home to the students in early October requesting candy and treat donations. An order form will be sent home the in the weeks prior to Halloween. The bags will be delivered to the students on Monday, October 31st. We will need volunteers to help assemble, label, and deliver the bags. If you are interested in helping, please contact Crystal Anderson (609-9149 or ). We have designated that the funds raised from the treat bag sale be used in purchasing more chairs for the school.

6.  Lion’s Club Vision Screening (September 19th) – The Lion’s Club is requesting 4-5 volunteers to help with the vision screening at the school. We had three people to sign up to help, but are in need of one or two more people. If you are interested in volunteering for this project, please contact Crystal Anderson (609-9149 or )

7.  Cookbook Sales – We still have some cookbooks left to sell. If you or someone you know is interested in purchasing a cookbook, please contact a PTO board member or the school office.

8.  Goals for 2011-12

·  Chairs – The school is in need of 366 chairs. They received 42 from the Board of Education. The PTO purchased 30 chairs over the summer. The PTO decided to continue our focus on the purchasing of chairs during this school year. The proceeds from our Halloween Goodie Bags will be set aside for this purpose. We will also be doing a Chair for a Child fundraiser in January. We will be sending a note home with each child asking parents, families, and friends to purchase a chair for our school. There will also be some PTO members that will visit local businesses asking them to purchase a chair or make a donation. The PTO has purchased a full page ad in the 2011-12 yearbook and will be listing the names of the people and businesses that purchased chairs.

·  Playground Border – Ms. Watson requested that the PTO consider replacing the border around the playground as a goal for the 2011-12 school year. She stated that the current border is in bad shape and is beginning to be unsafe for the children. Someone from the PTO will measure the playground and will present options and prices at the November meeting.