Region 6 EMS
Meeting Minutes of July 23, 2013
Today’s meeting was called to order at 1310hours by Secretary Ken Yoakum in the absence of Mr. Adams and Mr. Way.
Board members present:
K. Yoakum, T. Staggs, R. Grimmett, J. Adams( phone), R. Varone (phone), R. Conaway,D.Bruner
Absent members:C. Way, T. Modesitt, R. Pace, D. Hamlin, J. Wilhelms
Guests: Jason Bolt, CCC Paramedic Instructor
Agenda: The agenda was presented. Mr. Varone asked that we handle the Trauma Committee topic early after the elections as he had to attend another meeting at 1400. A motion was heard for approval of the agenda as amended by Mr. Staggsand seconded by Mr.Bruner. Unanimous vote was heard. No opposition was heard.
Minutes of the April 2013 meeting were presented via e-mail and website.
A motion by Mr. Staggs to approve the minutes was heard with a second by Mr. Conaway. All approved. No opposition noted.
At this point annual elections were began.
Up for election were: Mr. Yoakum, Mr. Pace, Mr. Hamlin, Mr. Way and an open seat vacated by resignation at the April meeting. All present were asked if they were willing to be re-elected and they acknowledged they were. Mr. Hamlin indicated by messaging (he was busy on duty at the time) that he would accept if noone was willing to assume the seat. The Board felt this to be a declination of a nomination. A motion was entertained from Mr. Adams to nominate Mr. Yoakum and Mr. Pace back to their respective positions. A second by Mr. Varone was heard. All voting were in favor. No opposition.
This left three seats open. Nominations included Lisa Miller (Kenny Yoakum), Elizabeth Drake (Kenny Yoakum), Jason Bolt (Ron Conaway), Chad Merando (Staggs). Further nominations were not heard. With three seats and 4 nominations a vote was held among the audience present. The top three voted were Jason Bolt, Elizabeth Drake and Chad Merando. These three were seated by the Board.
Officers were opened for nominations.
Mr. Adams nominated R. Pace for the Chair position. A second by Mr. Varone was heard. No further nominations were heard. A motion to cease nominations was heard by Mr. Adams and seconded by Mr. Bruner. Mr. Pace is elected to the Chairman position.
Mr. Varone made motion to return all remaining Officers to their positions pending their acceptance. Mr. Staggs seconded the motion. All were in favor. Remaining Officers are: Mr. Adams- Vice-Chair, Mr. Yoakum- Secretary, Mr. Wilhelms Ex-Officio, Mr. Bruner Treasurer
- Homeland Security Triage DMSU Project: Mr. Yoakum advised that with recent changes within the region this project has seen a temporary stagnation. A meeting is going to be held to review and edit the draft SOG’s. Also some training on equipment will occur.
- AMLS Instructor:This class was held the weekend of June 21, 22, 23 of 2013. A report was not available as planned secondary to Mr. Grimmett having to respond to calls just a the meeting was starting. Tabled until the next meeting.
- KEMSA Conference: Mr. Yoakum reported that all scholarships were awarded after it seemed that some might go un-awarded due to a low response. Recipients are from Independence EMS, AllenCountyEMS, Labette Health EMS and Fort Scott Mercy EMS.
- Budget: The 2013-2014 operating budget was submitted to the KSBEMS previously but has been returned for further editing and modifications. This will be completed and submitted as soon as possible.
- SEKRTC: Mr. Varone indicated at the June meeting of the SEK RTC many changes were seen. Dr. Dodson was removed from the Chair and replaced with Dr. Hubner of Via-Christi. Dr. Timothy Stebbins was installed as the Vice-Chair. Dr. Sonya Culver was also appointed to the Board.
- EDTF update: Mr. Yoakum indicated the time was at hand to reappoint Mr. Grimmett’s seat on the EDTF. His is a one year term. Mr. Yoakum is up for appointment in 2014 and Mr. Bolt is up for appointment in 2015. A motion of appointment was heard from Mr. Staggs and second by Mr. Bolt. All were in favor during voting.
- BEMS Director Update: No report due to not present
The meeting was then adjourned after a motion as such from Mr. Conaway and second by Mr. Bruner. No opposition was heard.