The board of Town Trustees met at the office of the Township at 3702 Northwest Highway, Crystal Lake Illinois on Wednesday, August 9, 2017at 7 PM. The following were in attendance:
Supervisor:Charles Lutzow
Trustee:Dave Chapman
Trustee:Rachael Lawrence
Trustee:Dan Shea
Trustee:Melissa Victor
Clerk: Karen Lukasik
Also present: Township Highway Commissioner Andrew Gasser, Township Assessor Robert Kunz,and Township attorney James Kelly.
Supervisor Charles Lutzow acting as Chairman and Karen Lukasik acting as Clerk, the following business was transacted. The meeting was called to order at 7PM.
Approval of Minutes:
Amotion was made by Trustee Shea, seconded by Trustee Chapmanto accept the minutes ofthe regular meeting held July 12, 2017. Discussion: Clerk Lukasik asked if the Supervisor can make and second motions and Attorney Kelly said yes. Voice vote: All Ayes.
New Business:
Supervisor Lutzow moved new business to the front and there was no action taken on the
Transfer of Appropriations Road & Bridge Fund. Clerk Lukasik read the ordinance of the Transfer of Appropriations Town Fund in its entirety. A motion to approve the ordinance was made by Trustee Victor and seconded by Trustee Shea. Discussion: Trustee Lawrence asked why the amounts were listed separately and Attorney Kelly said all transfers are occurring within one fund, but moved to different appropriations within the fund. Trustee Chapman informed the audience these transfers were due to a need of upcoming expenditures.
Roll Call Vote: Trustee Victor, yes; Trustee Chapman, yes; Trustee Shea, yes; Trustee Lawrence, yes; Supervisor Lutzow, yes. Motion Carried.
Audit of Bills & Treasurer’s Report:
A motion was made by Trustee Shea, seconded by TrusteeChapmanto audit the claims of the Town Fund in the amount of $157,577.09. Discussion: Trustee Lawrence questioned the bill of the Law Firm Zukowski, Rogers, Flood and McArdle in the amount of $15, 392.50 because the bill she received had no information regarding what the bill entailed. Trustee Victor and Trustee Chapman said they had both received a bill with redacted information and was detailed. Supervisor Lutzow supplied a redacted copy to Trustee Lawrence to observe. Trustee Lawrence looked over the bill and was satisfied with the information provided.
Roll Call Vote: Trustee Victor, Yes;Trustee Chapman, Yes; Trustee Shea, Yes; Trustee Lawerence, Yes; Supervisor Lutzow, Yes.
All Ayes - Motion Carried.
A motion was made by Trustee Chapman, seconded by TrusteeSheato audit the claims of the General Assistance Fund in the amount of $7995.00. No Discussion.
Roll Call Vote: Trustee Victor, Yes; Trustee Chapman, yes,Trustee Shea, Yes; Trustee Lawrence, Yes; Supervisor Lutzow, yes.
All Ayes - Motion Carried.
A motion was made by Trustee Shea, seconded by TrusteeLawrenceto audit the claims of the Road and Bridge Fund in the amount of $153,432.66. Discussion: Trustee Chapman asked that if there are questions regarding bills to call ahead of meeting to ensure no member of the board or staff is caught off guard to answer a question. He also quoted statute that the Highway Commissioner is to sign the bills to be paid and cosigned by the Clerk then handed over to the Treasurer to take before the board for approval. He was concerned as the only signature on the vouchers was the Clerks and the bills should not be paid. Attorney Kelly said that process had been changed a few months back to just sign a warrant list instead. Clerk Lukasik mentioned that she had not received anything other than to sign the vouchers and she signed but there was no Highway Commissioner Gasser’s signature. Attorney Kelly said the board could approve the claims and make sure they wereproperly signed following the meeting.
Roll Call Vote: Trustee Victor, yes; Trustee Chapman, yes; Trustee Shea, yes; Trustee Lawrence, yes; Supervisor Lutzow, yes; Motion Carried.
A motion was made by Trustee Shea, seconded by Trustee Lawrence to audit the claims of the Equipment and Building Fund in the amount of $13,101.04. No Discussion.
Roll Call Vote: Trustee Victor, yes; Trustee Chapman, yes; Trustee Shea, yes; Trustee Lawrence, yes; Supervisor Lutzow, yes; Motion Carried.
Audience Participation:
Several audience members spoke about the need for the bills to be online, and concerns of negative social media by Highway Commissioner Gasser. They also praised the communities for coming together to help flood victims and were honored to be a part of the efforts to help neighbors in need.
Highway Commissioner: Highway Commissioner Gasser spoke about recycling and the damage done from the flooding on various road within the township. He shared information about upcoming paint recycling and encouraged everyone to attend the Touch a Truck event. Trustee Victor questioned him about the comments made on social media regarding Lake Killarney and if he had documentation regarding the claim there is raw sewage/fecal matter in Lake Killarney. Highway Commissioner Gasser said he does not have documentation. Trustee Chapman asked Highway Commissioner Gasser if he has the emergency certificate from McHenry County for the Dennis Road Culvert emergency. Highway Commissioner Gasser said he could obtain one for Trustee Chapman. Trustee Chapman expressed his concern for Lake Killarney residents after the social media negative comments were made regarding fecal matter found in the lake by Highway Commissioner Gasser. Trustee Chapman asked if the Storm Water Management Agency issued a permit for the Dennis Road work and Highway Commissioner Gasser indicated it was all done verbally and once the work was complete Ms. Coletti would return, inspect and issue permit.
Assessor: Assessor Kuntz said he had nothing. Trustee Lawrence asked why his Sirius bill for web services was so significant and would this be ongoing at the current amount. Assessor Kunz said that they changed everything with the webpage inhouse and that they are ironing out all the issues. This process will go on until the next Assessor takes office.
Clerk: Clerk Lukasik informed the board that processes with the records inventorying were moving forward, thanking the board for the funds to help with the process; Shestated that she does not have set office hours as the Clerk’s position is part time and can be reached for appointments, she is an elected official as well as part of the Township Board and that she is not over seen by any other elected official.
Trustee: Trustee Lawrence reported that she and several others tried to show the people that were impacted by the Dennis Road Culvert collapse that the Township cares about them. She was involved in the efforts to get mailboxes out to those residents that had no access. She also shared her attendance at the Boot Camp for Township Officials in Illinois and it well. Trustee Lawrence expressed gratitude to all that helped with the sandbagging and flooding efforts. She was impressed by how the communities came together in the time of need. She was pleased that recycling is going well and thanked those that volunteered.
Trustee Victor expressed her concerns with all of the negativity and lack of communication within the Township officials and staff. She feels for the people of Lake Killarney and hopes that the negative remarks will not affect them too badly.
Trustee Chapman indicated that he would like both an ethics and social media policy put into place. He also praised McHenry County Defenders and the Highway Department for implementing the Styrofoam recycling project. He is seeing more interest in the communities for butterfly gardens by observing more residents planting them.
Attorney: Attorney Kelly had no report.
Supervisor: Supervisor Lutzow appreciated everyone’s comments and indicated that the board would be going into closed session briefly to discuss legal matters, but no action would be taken after the board returns to open session. Attorney Kelly explained it is a pending tax objection case.
Old Business: None
Trustee Shea made a motion, seconded by Trustee Lawrence to go into closed session for the purpose stated.
No Discussion:
Roll Call Vote: Trustee Victor, yes; Trustee Chapman, yes; Trustee Shea, yes; Trustee Lawrence, yes; Supervisor Lutzow, yes; Motion Carried.
A motion was made to go back into regular session by Trustee Shea, seconded by Trustee Chapman.
Roll Call Vote: Trustee Victor, yes; Trustee Chapman, yes; Trustee Shea, yes; Trustee Lawrence, yes; Supervisor Lutzow, yes; Motion Carried.
A motion to adjourn was made by Supervisor Lutzow, seconded by Trustee Shea.
Voice vote. All ayes. Motion carried.
Karen Lukasik
Algonquin TownshipClerk
Approved: Yes
Date: 9/13/2017