Meeting MinMRA Meeting

Via conference call

January 16, 2013 7:30 pm(Scott)

Call to Order: At 7:30 pm Roll Call

Attendance/Roll Call: highlight members in attendance

President Shawn Manee

VP: JoJo Varner–

Secretary: Jill Scott

Treasurer: Alicia Mengelkoch –

Bull Riding: Casey BerendsTommy Riggs–

Calf Roping: MikeyLoiseauToby Boeta –

Over 40 CR: Mike FilkouskiEmmett Davis

Barrel Racing: Sharon MunnBailey Webb-Olson

Team Roping: Eric Nelson & Bill VanLith

Breakaway Roping: Mariah KusilekKatie Pitzen

Steer Wrestling: Matt UttermarkJeremy Wagner

Judges Director: Greg Caron

Bareback: DruWilking & Jason Lenzen

Saddle Bronc: Wes Jensen & Mark Gunderson

Queen Director: Alicia Mengelkoch

Stock Director: Scott Berends

General Members: Amber M-. Lacy H, Linea McPhee, Brian Stevens, Heidi Gunderson,

Treasurer’s Report: Alicia Mengelkoch,

Current Balance:(See Budget for 2012)

MMS to approve Treasurer’s report: Motion to approve 2012 budget by Katie P./2nd by Jojo V.

Secretaries Report:

November Meeting minutes to be approved:Jojo made motion to approve MM, Katie 2nd it, motion carries.

Special Meeting held about jackets-minutes to be approved:Jojo approved MM, Alecia 2nd it, motion carries.

Jill is prepping for finals– working on contracts for finals, I also have a Wrangler Team roping flyer from WTRC they asked me to send out… discussion on offering to advertise on our website – if so, prices are on website in the classifieds section, will contact Kasey with WTRC if they want this. I am getting raffle form sent in to the state to get the permit.

Committee Reports:

Queen: Alicia Mengelkoch – Nothing New

  • 2013 Queen Applicants: Lacey Huban, Beth Leabo, Chelsea Zimba
  • Still looking for judges and Alicia is looking for sponsors in hopes to get Queen contestant awards for 2013.

Stock:Scott Berends, Eric Nelson, Mike Filkouski, DruWilking, Jeremy Wagner, Casey Berends

  • Timed Event Cattle: Arlan Brooks has a bid in; JeffBelkom also has a bid in and waiting on bids from JDBubel and Joe Simon. Toby requested a special meeting to review stock; it was suggested to have secretary send out all bids to directors when they are available. It was suggested to have the contractor bring fewer calves to reduce the cost. Tie down and over 40 would share calves and other events would have fewer stock.
  • Rough Stock to be determined after we have the entries and number of riders

Awards: Heidi G, Alicia Mengelkoch, Bailey Webb Olson, Mark Gunderson, Jason Lenzen, Mariah Kusilek

  • Jackets: Jojo suggested keeping cost down under $100 per jacket. Jojo suggested three styles which cost around, $100.85/jacket including embroidery and set up cost. A little more than proposed budget.Note Jacket budget of 9000-9400 from last year.
  • In a previous meeting it was discussed how to give back to the contestants with discount or nicer jacket. These jackets also come in a variety of sizes. Voted on Jackets,#5321 was voted 8 to 7 over the #5791. Discussion on color, - VotedBlack with distressed brown sleeves -logo color in blue per vote. Jojo made motion to purchase #5321 jacket Toby 2nd it, motion carries.
  • Buckles need to be ordered a min of 8 weeks in advance. Decided upon a date when to order buckles, will only order buckles for events that have money in or have made arrangements.Sponsorship money due in by March 6th.
  • Discussion on why team ropers get same money and double the prizes? It was discussed the team ropers should contribute double the sponsorships, because they receive awards on both ends. No change made for this year.

Fundraising: Shawn Manee, JoJo Varner, Emmett Davis, Alicia Mengelkoch, Heidi G, Bailey Webb Olson, Wes Jensen, Katie Pitzen

  • Looking to 2013 Raffle-Jill has permit applications filled out and mailing to Shawn to sign.
  • When and Where: Little Falls Final Perf Sunday
  • Prizes: Same as last year – Heidi is looking into 4 wheeler, make, and model and making sure we can get it.

Budget: JoJo Varner, Shawn Manee, Alicia Mengelkoch, Heidi Gunderson, Emmitt Davis

Alecia reviewed the budget for Finals –See 2012 budget.

  • Calf Roping and Over 40 awards fees still incoming for Morris, Herman, Preston, and Glenwood. Sanction checks still incoming from Bemidji, Clearwater, Maynard, and Little Falls.
  • Nominations:Sharon Munn, Bill VanLith, Matt Uttermark, MikeyLoiseau, Tommy Riggs
  • Mariah Kusilek would like to step down as breakaway director effective immediately.Jojo reports Amber M. will take over her spot on breakaway director through the finals; Continuation will be voted on at the finals. Alicia made a motion to accept Mariah Resignation, Katie 2nd it. Motion Carried. Alicia made a motion to accept Amber, Sharon 2nd it. Motion carried.
  • Bailey Webb Olson would like to step down as barrel racing director effective start of 2013 Season, change in director to be voted at the finals.

Rules and Bylaws: Shawn Manee, Greg Caron, Heidi G, Sharon Munn, Katie Pitzen, Scott Berends

  • New Rule proposal submitted by Katie Pitzen:

What rule reads: page 57 #22

Boys 14 years old and under can compete in the breakaway calf roping event. Boys must be 14 years of age or under on January 1st of the season for which they compete.

Change to read:

Boys 14 years old and under can compete in the breakaway calf roping event. Boys must be 14 years of age or under on day of competition. Day of 15th birthday all points and eligibility to enter will be forfeited.

This rule would be effective to include all rodeos for 2013 rodeo standings.

Katie reviewed what the rule is asking; Brian Stevens also made comments on rule. Rule was voted on 7 yes, 7 no’s. Jojo was deciding vote , she voted No to go back to the drawing board with Katie. Rule stands as written.

  • New Rule Proposal submitted by Matt Uttermark:

Take the top 12 in each event in the MRA Standings to the year end MRA Finals. –Matt mm to pass, Scott B. 2nd it, oppositions made (Motion Denied)

  • New Rule Proposal submitted by Matt Uttermark:

At a meeting in person or phone conference to approve or not approve a rule there must be at least 8 eligible voting members.

Jojo,MM/ Matt 2nd – Passed. Motion Passed. Will need to be in print for 30 days.

  • New rule proposal submitted by Greg Caron:
  • #1. In the Breakaway roping:
  • Delete item # 7.
  • Delete item # 3 and replace with the following :
  • To be a legal catch, the calf’s head must pass through the loop and remain around the calf’s neck and behind the head when the rope breaks away from the saddle horn. A legal catch is considered around the neck only. A qualified spotter can be appointed to help the field flagger determine if the catch is legal. Spotter does not have to be the same person each performance or slack.
  • Rule was reviewed by Greg C, with explanation on why this is being proposed. Motion made by Matt, 2nd by Toby. Katie and Jojo contributed for discussion on the competition, and why we do not have enough members who compete to make it more difficult for the breakaway ropers. (Motion denied.)
  • #2. In the Dally team roping :
  • Add item # 25:
  • 25. If field flagger asks header to hold the steer so the head catch can be inspected and the header fails to do so, the team will receive a no time.
  • Nothing is deleted.
  • Greg reviewed rule, Matt made motion/Jojo 2nd, Motion carried.Will need to be in print for 30 days.

Finals: Toby Boeta, Shawn Manee, Heidi Gunderson, Mike Filkouski, Alicia Mengelkoch

  • Preentries need to be mailed out- Will send to top 20 in the standings along with a letter of rules and eligibility guidelines for finals.Jill will send out soon – Due by March 1st, Matt MM, Sharon 2nd-Motion carried.
  • Order of contestants in perf /slack? 8 people in perf, 7 in slack. Jojo reports what was done last year was ok, Sharron agreed. Same as last year order. 4th in average is first in perf and down on Sat, top in year end is last. Jojo mm/Jeremy2nd. Motioned carried.
  • Slack and perf times?Jojo and Heidi agreed Georgette should set Perf, slack will be at 2 pm both days. Check in time was suggested from 10-11Am on Friday, all camping site payments should be paid in advance.
  • What should we do about low contestant counts in the standings? –Scott MM /Katie 2nd to open rough stock rides to anyone with a 2012 card the competed at an MRA rodeo. Scott then made motion to open any event that does not fill to open to any card members that competed at a rodeo on a first come first serve basis, Jojo 2nd it. Only eligible for money at year end not awards. Motion passed.
  • Schedule of events to be decided upon at next meeting- Jojo and Jill are meeting with Georgette next week to review planned events ect….
  • Need to contact David Kes to see if he is interested in holding Church service and what timeJill will do-
  • Need to contact AmbulanceJill will do-
  • Mark G will contact someone for Hay to be there for roughstock. Need a quote for cost as well for the budget.
  • Alicia to work on Finals insurance.
  • Jill is working on sending contracts to all finals staff –with amount agreed upon for payment
  • Voting of staff for finals: Ballots were emailed out: (Results were as follows)

Secretaries: KaylaDambroten and Jill Berends

Judges: Mike Grinager and Shawn Manee

Pickupmen: Mark Gunderson and Jake Nordick

Bull Fighters: Phillip Kafka and Nick Miller

  • Finals Funnyman: Hippie Engelkes
  • Finals Announcer: Wade Gringaer’s Horseback bid
  • Photographer? Jojo suggested AlBraunworth, Sharron MM, Katie 2nd it. Motion Passed. Sharron will contact Al. Al is requesting a finals jacket for services.
  • Other finals business? Heidi spoke with Georgette, she would like to be involved with meetings. Jill will add to contact list. Heidi discussed how we advertise sponsors, banners ect.. Will they get tickets? If we are giving tickets to sponsors, MRA would be responsible to pay for the tickets we give. If anyone contacts us on wanting to be a vendor, they need to contact Georgette.

Old Business:

Horse Expo:

  • Packet received from David Slipka –There was discussion about whether or not this is beneficial for us to go. We should have our raffle tickets and it is nice to sell tickets. To get info out there about our association. Board members have to be willing to sit at the booth and help split up the time among us everyone.
  • Usually last weekend in April, Toby talked to David and he said we really need to get the money in. Jojo made motion to attend, Toby 2nd it. Motion Passed.

New Business:

  • Mike Filkouskihas a few spots still available for the Joe Beaver Roping clinic. If anyone knows anyone that may be interested. Contact Mike F. for info and signup. April clinic – date was changed to possibly the 19th of April.
  • Katie reports a high school rodeo parent contacted her about the cost of the youth membership. This parent suggested we increase the cost of the MRA card even with a high school membership. Heidi also reports this same concern from other parents. There will need to be a rule proposal change to increase the cost.
  • Question asked about stall cleaning, if the contestants would clean their own or if there would a group hired for that. This will be brought up at the next meeting.

Next Meeting Date: Feb. 20th, Phone Conf at 7:30 Pm

Motion to Adjourn: Matt MM/ Alecia 2nd. Motion Passed to end meeting at 10:20 pm.