Meeting date | time 02/12/2014 6:00 PM | Meeting location AFD Training Center

Meeting called by

/ David Moore at 6:06 PM
/ Attendees:
David Moore – Vice Chair
Sharon Chamard
Nick Hornshuh
Patrick Teagarden
Michelle Torres
DC Smith
DC Drozdowski
John Gillespie
Julie Anderson
Marty Baumann

Approval of Agenda
Into of Nick Hornshuh and Patrick Teagarden – new commissioners


- Outreach has been slow after holidays, working with Acess Alaska People with Disabilities putting together a video for hearing impaired to be prepared for an emergency
- Spoke at JBER about getting ready for disasters
- Alaska Shield Project – getting up to speed for training and drills
- Working on getting out to community council meetings to make sure the community is prepared for disasters
- Working with AARP for an expo this fall
- Crime data analysis ARORA not working yet but will be able to access crime data online soon
- Hebbe retiring and going to New Mexico as Chief`
- Promoted 2 new lieutenants and 3-4 new sergeants in March
- Academy is session, still have 16, graduation will be at the library on March 24
- May academy screening
- Staffing – APD is shrinking as there was an incentive to retire, 345 sworn and 135 non-sworn, hoping to staff up, however recruiting is slow throughout the US


-  Fire tonight (2/12/14), firefighter injured, should be minor
- Matrix report handed out – read and discuss at next meeting
- Station 3 – talk of moving truck company to station 6
- Get resolution for support on new station at UAA
- New Station 9 design has been released to public
- Red Cross call out on fire – they are not being utilized as much as they could be, the process needs to be reviewed

Old Business

- PSAC priorities
- Monitor what the assembly is doing and continue to be proactive
- Need a liaison for Public Safety Meeting (at the library) and report back to PSAC
- Making sure the vulnerable population is being taken care of and are prepared to take care of themselves until help can arrive if and when an emergency does happen
- Continue to take on special projects

New Business – N/A

Public Comments – N/A

Commissioner Comments – N/A

Adjournment – 8:10 PM

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