


Meeting called to order by President George Cody @ 9:35 am.

Members Present: Voting Member: Elizabeth D. Steffen, Pamela M. Rapacz, Donald Paul Smith, Susan A Luginbuhl, Michael Wyman, Kevin McCarthy, Karen Doyle Lyons, Monita Hebert, George Cody, Anthony V. Esposito, William Brinton, Carmela Apuzzo, and Anne-Marie Mastroianni.

Committee Chairs present (non-voting): Judith Beaudreau, (Convention, Education and Certification, Darlene Burrell (Strategic Planning) and Robert Sherman (Nominating)

Motion to accept minutes from 2/14/2008 meeting made by Karen Doyle Lyons Seconded by Pamela M. Rapacz. MOTION PASSES WITH TWO MEMBERS ABSTAINING. (Elizabeth D. Steffen and Susan A Luginbuhl BECAUSE THEY WERE NOT PRESENT.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Monita Hebert (Bolton)

Report on the Fall Conference Transferred $8067.15 from general operating expenses cost of Breakfast only not the taxes or servers charges.

We took in $29,620.00 Misc. $821.50, (sale of key chains, cups etc.) and Vendors $2,230.00 for a grand total of NET INCOME $32,671.50 Fall Conference

Cost of Connecticut Grand was $31,829.76 before the transfer of $8067.15

Conference Costs reduced to $23,762.61 for the Connecticut Grand Hotel.

Conference Expenses:

Men Shirts $126.19

Newbie Prizes $73.01

Men’s Polos $114.50

Printing on Key Chain $347.00

Women’s Tops $505.96

Miscellaneous expenditures $1911.91

Reimbursement of transportation to and from the conference (Truck Rental) $248.45

Total expenses of $25,922.97 leaving us with a profit of $6748.53for the Fall Conference . If we had not transferred the $8067.15 we would have been short $1318.52.

Ways and Means: Gross amount was $1500.00 cost of the prizes were $577.28 net profit of $922.72 from raffle.

Without the $8000.00 transfer we would have been $395.00 short. With the transfer we added $7671.25 A Pretty good place to be. $300.00 worth of merchandise left to sell. According to President George Cody It is a wash.


Operating Budget $46,382.16 in the bank after the $10,000 deposit for the Spring Conference to the CROWNE PLAZA HOTEL CROMWELL, CT.

Bond Insurance $100.00 paid


$442.00 Recognition Products

$106.00 sale of Key Chains

$50.00 sale of Vote Pins

$470.00 from registrars’ fees collected

AP 62 Registrars reported for the Fall Election 12/18/2007 $1552.00. Primaries how many registrars responded. AP told some people not to report results. We need to know which registrars are not responding

Motion to accept Treasurers report Karen Doyle Lyons Seconded by Elizabeth D Steffen.

Motion Passes.

PRESIDENTS REPORT: Pass will wait till Legislation


FAIRFIELD: Karen Doyle Lyons: Audit report had mistake. Minutes form county meeting will attached to secretary’s report. when received. Article regarding dual systems. Went to Rep Caruso’s polling place during Special Election and saw first hand deplorable conditions at the school used. Half gym, one table no heat, poor lighting and no cooperation from the local school Board. Many war stories with regards to schools as polling places. Meeting set up with Superintendents of schools.

HARTFORD: Marie Fox meeting 4/1/2008

LITCHFIELD: Amelia Waldron: meeting 3/25/2008 Torrington

MIDDLESEX: Elizabeth D. Steffen: meeting 3/26/2008 Middlefield

NEW HAVEN: Carmela Apuzzo: meeting 4/8/2008 Card to Aleta Looker and Attended memorial for William Brinton’s Father. One Ballot was not counted because it was a torn card

NEW LONDON: Lorraine Elliott: PASS

TOLLAND: Susan Luginbuhl: meeting 3/26/2008

WINDHAM: Kevin McCarthy: meeting 3/27/2008


AUDIT: Margaret Byrnes: Motion by Pamela Rapacz to accept auditing report given by Monita Hebert no problems found. E-Mail report to Board


Members Seconded by Elizabeth Steffen Motion PASSES with one abstention Kevin McCarthy

BUDGET: Anthony V. Esposito created a comparison sheet. ROVAC : re named some accounts Proposed budget Balance income and expenses with our best guess-timate. ROVAC Store new item in budget. Conference fee line item so we can transfer funds to it. Professional fees replaces legal fees. ROVAC service awards replaces ROVAC pins. Mike Wyman questioned $1000.00 for Legislative Committee. Anthony responded that we ask many people to attend and give their valuable time testifying hence a line item. Judi: well done a very impressive budget. Anthony much credit and thanks to Monita Motion to accept Pamela Rapacz seconded Carmela Apuzzo. MOTION PASSES Budget e-mail both documents to the membership for 4/16/2008 Annual meeting

CREDENTIALS: Anthony V. Esposito: Only eight Registrars not members as of 3/20/2008. Lowest it has ever been.

NOMINATING: Robert Sherman Slate: President: Anthony V.Esposito, Executive Vice President: Nancy DiPeitro, Vice President: Michael Wyman

Secretary: Anne-Marie Mastroianni, Treasurer: Lereine Frampton, Board of Directors Mary Clark Wilson, Barbara Brennerman and one open space. Judi: waiting to hear from an interested candidate. Auditing Margaret Byrnes, Mary Mourey and Patricia Byer. Motion to accept Elizabeth Steffen seconded by Kevin McCarthy. MOTION PASSES


BY LAWS: Judi reporting for Jan Murtha and Mary Clark Wilson: Proposed changes recommended by the committee. Article V Section One make six Board members part of Terms of office- Duties of Officers. Section Three include Six Board of Directors in limit to two consecutive terms or fraction there of. Section Eight Duties of the Secretary shall be compensated annually at a rate determined by the ROVAC Board with approval of the general membership. Section Nine Duties of the Treasurer shall be compensated annually at a rate determined by the ROVAC Board with approval of the general membership. Article VI Section One removing County chairs as members of the board. Section. Four: Reimbursable expenses of officers and committee members in a timely manner and submitted before June1st of the current fiscal year. Section Five ROVAC Board shall appoint a Parliamentarian & Public relations person each to serve at the pleasure, of said board. Section Five now becomes Section Six. Article VII Section One: Eight County Chairs shall be Ex-Officio members of the ROVAC Board. Section Two County Organizations shall meet no less than Quarterly each year for the purpose of keeping membership informed of all legislation and other matters pertinent to Registrars. At least fourteen days before the date the Chairperson shall notify members of their county. Minutes no longer submitted to the


Association Secretary. Article VIII Committees: 2 Budget: C Shall include the dues and compensation for both the Treasurer and Secretary prior to April for approval to be voted on at the Annual Meeting. D Proposed budget shall be mailed or transmitted to all members Prior to Annual meeting. 4 Credentials: The credentials committee shall consist of The County Chairs or their designee from each county organization with the chairperson being Executive Vice President. 7 Legislative Committee Shall consist of Chair and/or Co chair appointed by the President. 8 Nominating B President shall choose the Chairperson. Prospective candidates shall submit a resume at least six weeks prior to the Annual Meeting. C Nom Committee shall prepare a proposed slate prior to Annual Meeting. Nominations from the floor accepted. Section Three All members of the association must be Registrars/Deputies in good standing. Article IX Annual and Special Meetings: Section 8 All reports at the Annual Meeting will mailed or transmitted to the membership prior to the meeting.

Section Nine: Order of business of the Annual Meeting shall be:

1.Report of Credentials Committee

2.Approval or corrections of the minutes of the last Annual Meeting

3.Report of the President

4. Financial report by the Treasurer

5. Presentation of Budget for the coming year.

6. Reports of all committees as needed.

7.Unfinished business of the Association

8. New business other than Association Elections

9. Report of the Nominating Committee

10. Election


Section 1 removal appointment of three tellers.

Article XI: Rules

Section 2 Robert’s rules of Order, revised, shall govern the Association Meeting for everything not covered in these By-Laws, as interpreted by the Parliamentarian.

Code of Ethics as part of By-Laws. Not put into the By-Laws

Removal of County Chairs opposed by Karen Doyle Lyons, Kevin McCarthy, and Donald Paul Smith. Why would they attend Board meeting if they have no vote. (All hell breaks loose.) Mike Wyman makes a motion to amend Article Six to include County Chairs must also amend Section 1 and Article VII motion withdrawn. Mike Wyman makes motion Eight County Chairs remain voting members of the Board Seconded by Donald Paul Smith. Mike withdraws motion. Liz Steffen makes a motion to rescind and delete Article VI and Remove Article VII Mike Wyman Seconds. Motion rescinded by Liz Steffen. Motion made by Pamela Rapacz to table By-Laws proposals seconded by Elizabeth Steffen. MOTION PASSES



CONVENTION: Judi: Need money to pay for ROVAC Service Pins. Motion made by Sue Luginbuhl to pay for pins. Seconded by Kevin McCarthy MOTION PASSES.

Carmela Apuzzo makes a motion to have George Cody, Monita Hebert, and Judi Beaudreau to take care of the Convention expenses and follow up on payments after Convention. Seconded by Sue Luginbuhl. MOTION PASSES. Elizabeth Steffen makes a motion for Judi search out a gift for all present to commemorate ROVAC’S 55th Anniversary. Seconded by Sue Luginbuhl. MOTION PASSES. Motion made by Kevin McCarthy to include all members of ROVAC (Deputies) in the Presidents gift and 55th Commemorative. Seconded by Pamela Rapacz. MOTION PASSES.

EDUCATION: Judi Beaudreau: There are no set classes for Convention to date. Subject matters have been changing daily. We are pains in the A_ _. There will be no Vendors only LHS and ADKINS. We will be holding our election on Auto Mark voting equipment. George has asked all to help Judi with the preparation work. Convention Committee members have not responded to e-mails requesting help.

TECHNOLOGY: Shirley Surgeon: PASS

WAYS AND MEANS: Michael Wyman: Raffle in place. County Baskets with a theme. Raffle will be on Thursday and ticket must be present to collect a prize.

LEGILATIVE: Pamela Rapacz: Discussion with regards to what happened to HB5665. Was George aware bill had been struck on Friday. Compensation was never put back in. Rep Caruso did a slimy thing when he claimed bill originally entered by Senator Slossberg as a House Bill to get control. Audrey brought proposal to Senator Slossberg but its hard to get language and compensation back in. Please contact your legislator with regards to killing Bill HB 5888 and bringing HB 5665 to the floor. Secretary of the State and True Vote Registrars to independent SECC Secretary of the State and Town Clerk can report elections violations but not Registrars. E-MAIL address CGA.CT.US click on GAE for information about bills. Registrars should be state employees beholding to SOTS not connected to political parties. Letter from Madame Secretary Susan Bysiewicz regarding necessary qualifications needed to be a registrar. HB 5659, a bill with regards to safety of children in the polling place, out GAE-went to planning and development.


Elizabeth Steffen would like to thank all for the support she received during her recent health issue. Stay well Liz.

Anthony V. Esposito with regards FOI given to those incarcerated. Make a memo to town attorney and get a letter with a decision.


By-Laws Code Of Ethics: Motion made by Elizabeth Steffen to go forward with having membership take the Code of Ethics oath that was distributed on March 20th 2008 to the ROVAC Board. Seconded by Kevin McCarthy. MOTION PASSES

Motion to adjourn meeting by Anthony V. Esposito. Seconded by William Brinton. MOTION PASSES.

Meeting adjourned at 12:35 PM by President George Cody.

Next meeting of the Board will be Thursday May 8th, 2008 in Cromwell CT. at 10:00 AM STANDARD RULE: There will be a meeting of the ROVAC Board the second Thursday of the month unless otherwise notified.

Respectfully submitted Anne-Marie Mastroianni Secretary of ROVAC