MDSL June 2013 Minutes

Call to Order

Meeting called to order at7:02pm on June 12th of 2013.

Role Call of Officers

Members in Attendance: Judy Holloway, Shawn Watkins, Scott Kaifer, Cristin Murray, Brian Wentz, James Smiley, Jay Dills, Amy Watkins, Scott Goble, Brent Silliman, Cheikh Ndiaye, Mike Koval


Approval of previous meeting minutes

Motion made byBrian Wentz and seconded by Scott Kaifer to approveMayminutes. Motion passed.

President (Amy Watkins)

YMCA fields

Agreement has been reached. Waiting to receive from the Y. Agreement will state the following:

MDSL will have primary use of the fields. We will provide our schedule to the Y by Aug. 1st for the Fall season and March 1st for the Spring season and they will build their schedule around our needs.
YMCA will mow the fields
MDSL will over seed and spot seed the fields when needed.
MDSL will fill any holes that are discovered at the time they are found.
MDSL will measure, line, and provide goals for the fields
YMCA will allow MDSL to place an equipmentshed at the fields. Shed and placement must be approved by the Y.
MDSL will resume annual $2,000 payments on or before Aug. 1, 2013 and continue until the remaining $8,000 has been paid in full.
MDSL will have access to the fields through June 2031.

Equipment for travel coaches was ordered and arrived today. Bags have been put together and will be handed out. Each coach will receive:

10 Large cones

20 small cones

1 First Aid kit

1 Air Pump

4 soccer balls

1 ball bag

7-9 Yellow pinnies

7-9 Green Pinnies

New red jerseys.

Spoke to Kevin @ Angelo’s;he will need all Travel uniform orders by July 7th in order to have them ready in time for Gettysburg.

Sign- ups for coaches training sessions going well. Numbers as of 6/12.

June 29th – 14

July 1st - 16

July 17th - 16

July 20th – 11

Which fields should we use in the Fall? Discussion?

K-1 Y Fields

2 Hametown (lower)

3-4 Assembly of God

5-8 Assembly of God

9-12 ?

Scott Goble made a motion to approve the Red Shirt and Brent Silliman seconded-all approved. We approved the MDSL patch on the left sleeve, numbers on the back and Mason Dixon on the front

Fields Coordinator (Brent Silliman)

We have enough paint to get us started for the Fall season but we will need to order more. He feels like we need to use Codorus Fields because they have purchased paint and goals for our use. Wethers needs to be used only for games in order to give the fields a rest (no practice) The suggestion was for travel U9 and u10 games to be at Codorus and the older teams to play games at Wethers. No travel practice at Codorus or Wethers

4th-12th Intramural Coordinator (James Smiley)

Fall 2013 IM registration is lagging behind last year’s numbers. We have three weeks left of open registration and 5th through 7th is at 25, down from last year’s final count of 52. 8th through 12th is at 11, down from last year’s final count of 39. I have not counted 4th grade as they have been combined with the 3rd graders the last two years. Any thoughts from the Board? Are we looking at natural final push, or is there something pro-actively we can do? A suggestion was made to hand out flyers at the New Freedom parade.

Games Commissioner (Shawn Watkins)no report

Indoor Coordinator (open)

K-3rd Intramural Coordinator (Jay Dills)

IM reg. is in progress

Secretary (Judy Holloway)

Another discussion was had to determine if we can find a solution for the children who cannot play u14 travel due to their age. Several ideas were tossed around and the board is going to look into some options

Spring Soccer Coordinator (Cheikh Ndiaye)

I just would like to report that I have met Jeff Brady to go over a To Do List he used for the previous Spring IM seasons and the website administration for forming the team, divisions, jersey orders, etc. I will need Admin privileges to familiarize myself to the program management. He also said he is going to be around if we need him for anything.

Travel Coordinator (Scott Goble)

Try outs are complete. I would like to thank everyone who volunteered their time to help. A special thanks to Jay Dills, Tracy Derkosh, Scott Kaifer, Dean Fairbend, Vitto Pasko, James Dills, Nathan Palmer, Olivia Eckels, Brad Wright, John Simpson, Jim Seiling, Shawn Watkins, Dave Sweigerd and Brent Silliman.' Amy Watkins suggested that Scott build the teams on the website so that refunds can be handled.

Travel Registrar (Vince McAleer)absent –no report

Treasurer (Brian Wentz)Financials were presented. As of today our balance is $41,500.00 in cash

Uniform Coordinator (Amy Urffer)absent

Next week I am setting up the coaches on the new Angelo’s site so they will be able to use the ordering platform

Website Administrator (Amy Koval) absentno report

Past President (Mike Koval)t no report

Public Relations(Nathan Murray)absent no report

Special Event Coordinator (Jay Dills)

Update on 5k-Date was approved (Sept 7) by everyone but the Rail Trail Committee-discussions are in progress

Coaches' shirts flyers-prices were discussed. Scott Goble made a motion to buy the head coach a shirt from Homefield Advantage and Cristin Murray seconded it. Shawn Watkins amended the motion to allocate money for the purchase of coaches shirt every two years for that coach’s term (which is two years) (up to $40 this year) and Scott Kaifer seconded it. Motion passed

Equipment Coordinator (Angie Sparks)absent

This month I will be inventorying all materials and prepping for fall. I am using a template that Amy gave me for a coach’s contract. I am also familiarizing myself with the budget so I can ensure that coaches have all necessary materials.

Fundraiser Coordinator (Cristin Murray)

Concessions at Codorus-made $60 and $187 on two separate occasions

I will do a survey for travel parents to seek interest/suggestions in fundraisers

Soccer Clinician (Scott Kaifer)no report

Open Business-

New Business-

Meeting Adjourned: At8:55pm a motion was made by Shawn Watkinsand seconded by Scott Kaifer

Next Meeting is Wednesday, July 10that 7:00pm at the Shrewsbury Library