Great Lakes Sports Car Club December 1, 2016 Membership Meeting

Meeting called to order at 7PM by Pres. J. Erwin

John Erwin, Mike Thomae, Bruce Vollbrecht,Paul Rembas,Jim Radmann, Don Eichelberger, Jeff Jagusch sr, Jesse Jorgensen, Steve mente, Ken Kannard, Charles Duncan, Daryl Wessel, David Wessel, Matt Gerdisch, Tom miller, Gary Glojek, Glenn Farrell, Gary Pusch

Membership total 55

Treasury is Stable.

MC Board meeting report: GL has been asked to bring numbers to review from the June event at the Milwaukee Mile regards to paying sanction fees. If the event did not break even sanction fees are to be waved. If funds received from sponsors are included in event income, a small positive balance occurred. However, based on entry fees received, there was a loss. M. Gerdisch stated that the reason the event did not break even on entries is because MC as a group did not provide enough entries to make the event viable. B. Vollbrecht will rep. at the Dec BOD meeting and state that GL will not pay the sanction fees. A vote will be taken at the Dec. meeting on a proposal for a new website. The Sept. 2017 RA event will host the Pirelli Porsche Challenge with a fee of $20,000 paid to the sponsor club. They will have 3 sessions per day, and the hope is that MC will get a significant amount of publicity from the event. All 2017 events are posted on the Motorsports.reg calendar.

Old Business: Gl website transfer is waiting for J. O’hare to free-up time to do.

2017 race date picked by GL is August 26-7 at the Milwaukee Mile.

GL indoor kart event was Nov.29 at Veloce. Thanks to Jeff Jagusch Sr. for organizing. Overall winner was Jesse Jurgensen.

New business: GL banquet will be Feb. 18, 2017 at The Wisconsin Club ( information and registration info will be e-mail blast). Social at 6PM, dinner at 7, awards at 8PM. T. Miller will provide dessert. P. Bregant is picking up door prizes to be reimbursed by club.

Race committee had initial meeting for 2017 event: We must look outside of MC for entries to make event successful. Reps attended VSCDA annual BOD meeting: there is some interest in a shared event. P Rembas will meet with vintage Indy car ( mid-engine cars) group and investigate sharing a weekend at the Mile.

World of Wheels is Feb 24-6, 2017: LSCC has offered to share a booth.

David Wessel reported on a incident at the Loooong Race that ended up with 2 Miatas over the tire wall across from the pit lane. Fortunately the drivers were not injured, the cars not so good.

A motion was made by B. Vollbrecht to make the members with the top 3 point totals, inelligible for awards the following year. After discussion there was no second, so the motion failed.

Members were asked to provide any content to be posted on the GL website be sent to J Radmann. This can include articles, and stories of auto related experiences.

Daryl Wessel expressed concern that any credit card payment process used for events ( eg motorsports.reg) be confirmed to be “PCI” compliant. It was suggested that Bill Schley would be an expert to check this.

Motion by C. Duncan, second by Daryl Wessel to adjourn: passed at 8PM

Minutes transcribed and submitted by B Vollbrecht