MEETING DATE / January 10, 2018 / TIME / 7:08 p.m.
LOCATION / Upstairs Parkwood Office
X / Jose Luis Perez – President / X / Melissa Johnson - Concession Manager
X / Stanford Nwokenkwo - VP/Equipment Mgr. / X / Sheryl Rodriguez - Information Officer
X / Maria Ontiveros -Secretary / X / Jennifer Whitaker - VP of JR/SR Division
Emily Carrera – Treasurer / X / Kevin Whitaker - Ump-in-Chief/Coach Coordinator
Ashley Fowler - Player Agent / Emilio Ontiveros - Safety Officer

Meeting called in order by Jose Luis Perez, second by Stanford Nwokenkwo


  1. Finance
  2. Umpire Payment
  3. Concession Stand
  4. Marketing
  5. Opening Day
  6. Uniforms
  7. District Meeting
  8. Fundraising / Sponsors
  9. Board Member Meetings


Melissa stated that as of now the bank account balance is at $5,060.51 and that a check for $700 for sponsorship of a team provided by Triple B Services is to be deposited next week.

Umpire Payment

Kevin asked reason of why an umpire was paid (since it had been agreed that volunteer umpires were to be utilized in the fall season) and if a W9 had been completed to do so. Jose Luis and Stan explained that a W9 had not been filled because the umpire is one that had volunteered before. (Coach Dee)

Request for next meeting

Kevin explained that standard operating procedures (SOP’s) are to be in order for all board members (current and future) to understand regulations of how payments are to be made to umpires.

Jose Luis agreed and stated that going forward we are to request W9’s for all paid umpires.

It was suggested that because Kevin as Ump-in-Chief/Coach Coordinator should keep W9 files.

Kevin stated that he is working on getting SOP’s in place.

He also explained that a contract should also be provided to umpires in which it stipulates and specifies tax payments, individual insurance information, safety equipment regulations and Etc.,

Concession Stand

Melissa explained that the county is working on getting the mop sink installed by 01/11/2018 and that inspections are to be done as well. She informed that the purchase of 5 Managers Permit and 10 Food Handlers Certifications had been made. The details on how to complete either would be provided to volunteers.Then she advised that the Fire Marshall Inspection (FDA requirement) cost is $275.

Motion: Melissa requested funds for the amount of $275 for Fire Marshall Inspection

Vote: Unanimous Pass


Melissa explained that at committee meeting it was agreedthat a budget should be allocated for marketing expenses.Since Stanford was able to attain the approval to do distribute flyers at Aldine schoolsMaria created an informative flyer that would be used to do so. Melissa explained that when she and Maria stopped by earlier to the Parkwood officeto print out flyersafter a few jobs of printing the printer’s drum was low and the cost to replace is $140. Print paper was also running out and a case containing 10 packs of 500 sheets is about $32. She also brought up the idea of obtaining yardstick signs to further market the baseball registration dates.

Motion:Melissa requested allocation of funds for total of $430 for marketing needs as follows:

$140 Printer needs a new drum to be able to print flyers that are being distributed to schools.

$32 for a case of print paper.

$20 for a new door sign with correct times for registration information is needed.

$220 to purchase 100 double sided yard signs w/sticks via Uz Marketing local business.

Vote: Unanimous Pass for allocation of funds of $430

Opening Day

Based on Committee Meeting held on 02/09/2018 the following details were provided:

  • Opening Day date was moved to be held on March 24th of 2018
  • Picture Day is tentative however date suggested is April 7, 2018
  • Coach Meeting and Team Mom meeting (orientation, informational) scheduled for February 17, 2018
  • Based on Opening Day plans to have a DJ, moonwalks, games etc., it was projected that the expense could be up to $3,000 or more. Opening Day and Events committee is still gathering different vendor details, information and quotes to make decisions.

Melissa then proceeded to advise that the order for the fundraising candy form World’s Finest Chocolates had been placed. She ordered 150 cases to be delivered on 01/12/2018, in 30 days 02/12/2018 amount due to World’s Finest Chocolates is $6,750.


Jose Luis asked Maria to provide details for what vendor Homer’s Sportswear is willing to offer and then Sheryl could explain what vendor Wear Real had to offer.

Maria explained that pictures of shirts, pants, hats, belts and socks were sent via email and through the Board Members chat on Group Me. Homer offered to provide sponsorship in order to meet our budget of $47 or possibly less to meet our first budget of $40for full uniform. He suggested that if we could provide details ASAP (such as team names and a rough estimate on quantity of children per team) he could begin to stock up and make purchases of merchandise needed based on team colors. He guaranteed that he could get all uniforms ready within 2 weeks and continue to supply for late registers.

Jose Luis asked what type/style of shirt was he providing Maria explained the shirts are solid color dry fit shirts. The labor to include logo printing and the Little League patch was included already.

Sheryl then stated that vendor Wear Real is also able to provide full uniforms consisting of hat, jersey shirt, pants, belt and socks for cost of $40.50 for youth sizes and $45 for adult sizes. Sheryl stated that she would also be sponsoring Parkwood by taking on the expense involved in adding the Little League patch. However the team logos are designed a bit different because of copyright legalities. She also guaranteed that the vendor would only require two weeks to complete uniforms. She showed us sample shirts.

Motion: Jose Luis requested voting for uniform vendors.

Vote: Unanimous for Wear Real to provide the uniforms.

District Meeting

Luis and Kevin attended a district meeting in which several topics were discussed and stood out. They wanted to share certain topics that they felt should be considered by Parkwoodboard members and discussed in more details on future meetings.

  1. Procedures for when an incident takes place.
  2. Kevin suggested that Emilio Ontiveros - Safety Officer could draft something up explaining procedures on how to handle belligerent people when profanity or insults are made and what the consequences would be.
  3. Challenger Teams, which is a sports program in which special needs or disabled children are placed in team and are able to participate in the league as well. All board members present agreed that they like the idea of Parkwood also providing this option for our community members.
  4. Constitution and By-laws. Kevin stated that we must have one drafted. Melissa agreed and stated that we need to complete it at least 2 weeks prior season games begin. All board member also agreed.
  5. 2018 USA bat standard. Kevin explainedthat we all need to advise parents of this change.

Fundraising / Sponsors

Jose Luis stated that he is concerned that we have not been successful in obtaining sponsors. He asked that we all participate in providing details and requesting businesses of how they can sponsor Parkwood.

Board Member Meetings

Kevin suggested that because there is still a lot to be done before start of the Spring Season that we should meet more often. He suggested once every week either Tuesday or Thursday evenings from 7-8 p.m.

Motion: Jose Luis asked that we vote for option of days.

Vote: 5 of 7 voted for Thursday evenings.

Next meeting Thursday, January 18, 2018 at 7 p.m.

Meeting adjourned by Jose Luis Perez, second by Stanford Nwokenkwo.