Minutes for January 26, 2016

Meeting Began 12:00PM

Members in Attendance: Leo Demski, Dave Harvey, Kelly Heim, Kerri Lesh, Aria Overli, Amanda Rankin, Derek Reaux, Shaun Richey, Kirk Schmitz, Kristen Tiede, Lauren Walkling, Dallin Webb, Kristina Wiggins (13)

Officers in Attendance: Amanda Williams, Marielle Black, Chris Maier, Teddy Rodrigue (4)

Notes from the President Amanda Williams

Welcome back from break

Ø  Our meetings will be held on Thursdays from noon to 1PM this semester. We will stick to this the best that we can. This month’s meeting had to be changed to Tuesday due to a conflict with a candidate lunch in our department.

·  Thank you to everyone who could come to today’s meeting.

Faculty Meeting

Ø  Notes from the last faculty meeting.

·  Dr. Ott really appreciated our enthusiasm as a group. She noted that she had never experienced a graduate group with as much enthusiasm as ours.

·  There was also kudos to Dr. Scott for being awarded sabbatical next year.


Ø  We have five officer positions in our club: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Editor-in-Chief.

·  There will be openings. Marielle is the only officer planning on running for a position. All of the other officers will not be seeking reelection.

·  There are two positions that are only available to PhD students, President and Editor-in-Chief.

§  Those who are interested in running for Editor-in-Chief can shadow Victoria to get an idea of the time commitment for the position.

Ø  We are going to set up a Special Election Committee to oversee the election process.

·  We are looking for 3 or 4 members who are not interested in running for office to be on the committee. We would like to get this going in the next couple of weeks.

·  According to our constitution, we should be voting in March.

Anthropology Day

Ø  Anthropology Day will be on February 18th.

·  The undergraduate club is planning on doing something in Hilliard Plaza. Our club has offered to help them out with the event. We will also be selling our shirts on that day. If you are interested in helping out with Anthropology Day, you should contact Amanda Williams, Marielle Black or Caulder Tempel.

Funding Chris Maier

Snack Room

Ø  We are still making about $30 a week in the snack room.

Ø  Some of the snack room items are being depleted. We will be doing restock shortly, probably after the candidate lunches.

Save the Date

Ø  A save the date has been made for the Boasian Bash and was shown to the members present at the meeting. The attending members were asked if they had any suggestions for the save the date. No suggestions were given so the attending members determined that the save the date was ready to be used.

Ø  It was noted that the save the date is not the same as the flyer for the Bash. There is not a flyer yet, but it will contain more information such as ticket prices.

Ø  It was also noted that the color scheme had been changed from last year’s save the date. This is to avoid any confusion between this year’s save the date and last year’s.

Funding Committee

Ø  The funding committee needs more help gathering donations for the Bash.

·  There are several donation lists that are being worked on and most of the lists only have one person working on them.

§  If you have the time, please consider helping out with the donation efforts!

·  If you’re willing to help the funding committee and/or you have some ideas about places to reach out to for donations, please send an email to Chris Maier or the our club email,

Ø  We are looking into maybe doing another fundraiser before the Bash to help pay for the event.

·  We would like to try and offer 3 scholarships this year instead of 2, but that will depend on if we manage to get enough money.

Ø  The officers have talked about doing Bash specific meetings that will include both the Funding and Professionalism committees. These two committees are working together to organize the Bash, so we figured it’d be a good idea to have combined Bash meetings.

Notes from the Vice President Marielle Black

Google Calendar

Ø  The Google Calendar is up to date on the candidate breakfasts, lunches and talks.

Ø  Everyone should have been invited to the club Google Calendar.


Ø  All of the photos on our webpage have been fixed now.

Ø  Marielle is currently working on getting all of the other stuff loaded onto the page.

·  The Newsletter will also be loaded onto our webpage.

Professionalism Committee

Ø  There are currently only 3 members of the Professionalism Committee.

·  Amanda Williams has recently offered to help Marielle Black and Caulder Tempel with the committee.

·  If anyone is interested in helping the committee, please contact Marielle Black.

Ø  The committee is looking at doing a couple of workshops this semester. Those workshops will be on the IRB, Stake Holders and Federal Funding.

Ø  If anyone has any professional contacts that will be helpful to the Bash, please let Marielle Black know.

Ø  The Professionalism Committee is also looking for members to help reach out to contacts. There have already been templates made for reaching out to people. All you would need to do is help with the effort.

Newsletter (Amanda Williams)

Amanda Williams talked about the Newsletter for Victoria Swenson, who was unable to attend the meeting today.


Ø  All members were asked to look over the Newsletter, if they have not already, and provide any feedback they may have for the next Newsletter.

·  We are specifically interested in the feedback of members and faculty.

Planned Changes

Ø  There was already some feedback given by the officers and the president of the undergraduate Anthropology Club. Based off of the feedback, Victoria made a list of things that will be different for the next Newsletter.

·  The next Newsletter will be shorter and will have a spotlight on only one student and one faculty/staff.

·  There will be a kudos section added that will focus on congratulating PhDs who have advanced to candidacy, people who have defended their dissertations/theses, and people who are getting scholarships/grants.

·  The Newsletter will continue to highlight field schools but it may focus more on ones that are associated with UNR.

·  The Newsletter will continue to do the feature on the artifacts (the faculty really liked it) but they are also looking for suggestions on ways to feature the other subfields.

§  Suggestions should be sent to Victoria Swenson.

Next Newsletter

Ø  People who are interested in helping with the next Newsletter should contact Victoria Swenson.

Ø  The next Newsletter may be published by the Bash, though the release date has not yet been finalized.

GSA Leo Demski and Dave Harvey

Ø  Dave will be resigning from the GSA.

·  Anyone interested in filling his seat will need to go to a GSA meeting and give a presentation on why they want the job.

§  Student representatives in the GSA make $250 a semester.

Travel Grants

Ø  The deadline for spring travel grants from the GSA is February 1st. Anyone who would like travel funding for conferences between February 16th and May 15th will need to make sure that their applications are in by February 1st.

·  Anyone who is attending a conference between may 16th and September 30th has until May 1st to submit an application to the GSA for travel funding.

Ø  Students can go to the GSA website for more information: www.unr.edu/gsa/awards-grants-and-loans/travel

GSA Info

Ø  Leo has been posting GSA info on Facebook and has been sending out emails through Jeannie. At the meeting, Leo asked if everyone has been getting the info he’s been sending.

GSA Events

Ø  The GSA is doing free breakfasts again. They are every Wednesday at 8:30AM in the Graduate Student Lounge.

Ø  The graduate students can now use the House Hold Items Program on Pinterest. This is a program where students can get furniture for their living spaces. The furniture can be delivered and there is even a pickup service for donated items.

Ø  The GSA is doing a blood drive on Thursday, January 28th, from 11:30 to 5:30. Appointments can be set up or you can just show up to donate. There will be Jimmy John’s there as a ‘thank you’ for people who donate.

Club Funding

Ø  Chris asked our GSA representatives if the club would get an email about the funding hearing that he’d need to attend for our club. Leo and Dave told him that there’d be no email and that he’d just have to attend the next GSA meeting.

Lecture Committee Amanda Williams

Lecture Series

Ø  The Lecture Committee has not yet had the chance to meet this semester. They are still currently going through the candidates for the next speaker in our lecture series.

·  There will be more to report for the next meeting.

Brown Bags

Ø  The spring brown bag schedule is set.

·  Andrew Hoskins will give our first brown bag on February 3rd.

·  The brown bags will be every other Wednesday until we get into April where we will have a gap between the presentations.

·  All of the brown bags are scheduled for noon in AB 531.

Ø  The fall 2016 brown bag schedule is still being worked on.

Service Committee Amanda Rankin

Food Bank

Ø  The first food bank volunteering event will be sometime in February.

·  The committee is currently trying to determine what days will be best for people. They are deciding between Monday and Wednesday afternoons (Friday afternoons will not be good for people this semester because that is when the TA sections are scheduled). Our food bank shifts will be from 1PM-4PM on the chosen days.

Winter Clothing Drive

Ø  Lisa wanted to make sure everyone got a HUGE ‘thank you” for their help with the winter clothing drive. It was a very successful event!

School Career Fairs

Ø  Dallin Webb and Teddy Rodrigue went to a career fair last Friday, January 22, at Lemelson Stem Academy.

·  Kudos to them for helping with this event!

Ø  There may be another career fair opportunity this semester. One of the schools we went to last year is no longer doing career fairs but we’re still waiting to hear from another school.

Voter Registration

Ø  Last Wednesday, January 20th, Aria Overli, Andrew Hoskins and Teddy Rodrigue did voter registration on campus as a service activity for the club.

·  They got 30 voter registrations!

·  Kudos to Aria for setting up this service activity!

§  Also, kudos to Andrew and Teddy for helping with the event!

Service Suggestions

Ø  If anyone has a suggestion for a service project, please contact Amanda Rankin.

Ø  There was some discussion about doing another clothing drive.

Ø  It was noted that the faculty like our service activities.

Questions, Concerns and Comments Amanda Williams

Ø  Amanda Williams asked if there were any questions concerns or comments before ending the meeting.

·  She also asked if there was anything that the members wanted her to bring to the next faculty meeting.

·  There were no questions, concerns or comments brought up.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:37PM