Shepherds (All Meets)

Shepherds are responsible for taking swimmers to their assigned lanes before each event. Parents should make sure that swimmers are in their designated areas, with shepherds, at least 5 events before they are swimming.

Starter (Home Meets Only)

The starter is responsible for starting each event. They should call the event number, age group and gender, heat number and what stroke is being swum. The starter starts each race with two commands, “Swimmers take your mark” and then the horn or whistle signifying the start of the race. Must be at least 18 years of age - Have some swim team background – Basic stroke and turn knowledge - Attendance at training and any updates.

Timer/Recorders (All Meets)

The Timers/Recorders’ job is to start the watch at the horn or whistle in the beginning of a race and stop the watch when the swimmer completes their event. They will then ensure the swimmer in the lane corresponds to the heat sheet they have and record both final times on the Lane slips. Should a swimmer commit a Stroke or Turn Violation the official will write a Disqualifying Slip (DQ) with the swimmers name and violation appropriately.

Runners (All Meets)

Runners will collect the lane slips from each lane and take them to the computer operator. They should be put in order by event, then by lanes 1-5. The DQ slips will also be collected from officials or Timer/Recorder for each event, and given to the computer operators.

Stroke Judges/Officials (All Meets)

Stroke judges are to watch the events and determine if an infraction has been committed by a swimmer. Should an infraction occur the judge will fill out the (DQ slip) Stroke and Turn correction form, give it to the appropriate Timer/Recorders and notify swimmer of infraction. Any person interested in becoming an official must meet the following guidelines: must attend Stroke and Turn training for certification. Your certification has to be renewed every 2 years..

Concessions Manager (Home Meets Only)

They will be in charge of setting up the concessions area before our home meets. The concession manager is responsible for the picking up ice, ordering pizza (ask for napkins and plates,) and bringing a crock pot, ladle, can opener, and extension cord. The concessions manager will start the nacho cheese in the crock pot and putting the ladle with it. They will also need to put ice and drinks in the 6 coolers so they are cold. Most of the set up should be done by 4pm on the day of the meet. The nacho cheese needs to be started in a crock pot several hours before meet. Other volunteers will work concessions throughout the meet. Concessions manager will need to help clean up the concessions after the meet. Concessions Manager will also count the cash box after meet.

Concessions Purchasing (Home Meets Only)

This volunteer is responsible for ordering, purchasing, and delivering items to be used in the concessions stand. This must be completed by 4pm the day of the meets.

Concessions Stand Workers (Home Meets Only)

Workers will be in charge of running the concessions stand for half of the meet. Someone will be needed to grill hamburgers during the meet as well.

Swim Team Committee

CSRA Team Rep– Christina Troutman, 706-855-2892, ,

Attends CSRA Swim Team meetings, makes sure we follow all guidelines, handles the behind the scenes business and all day to day tasks.

Registrar– Christina Troutman, 706-855-2892, , Takes care of registration paperwork.

Meet Computer Operator –

Meet operator sets up the meet on the computer, creates heat sheets, reports, and other information necessary for the meet to run smoothly. Meet operator inputs data during the meet, run reports after the meet, submit reports to other team, the newspaper and CSRA Swim League.

Web Designer– Christina Troutman, 706-855-2892,

Create and update the website.

Meet Sign Up– Lisa Peeler, 706-868-0624,

Communicate with parents before every meet to find out who is and is not swimming: All Ages.

Treasurer– Julie Dennard, 706-993-1325

Handle the budget, bookkeeping, deposit money, and reimburse for purchases.

Volunteer Coordinator– Crystal Tully, 706-854-1527,

Make sure that every volunteer position is filled before every meet. Checks volunteers in at every meet. Handles volunteer problems.

Coaches– Nick Frizzi

Asst. Coaches–Joey Thornton, Rebecca Troutman, Leah Haney, Max DiPrete




Ribbons- Lisa Peeler



Our team swims Freestyle, Breaststroke, Backstroke, and Butterfly.

In the individual medley, the swimmer swims one or two laps of each of the four strokes in the following order: butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle. The swimmers 10 years old & under, swim one lap of each stroke. The swimmers 11 years old and up will swim 2 laps of each stroke.

Swimmers can be DQed or Disqualified for incorrectly swimming strokes, touching the bottom of the pool, touching the side or the ropes, taking too long to swim across the pool, in addition to many of the reasons.


Event Sign Up

·  Let Nick, head coach, know if your child will or will not be at the meet BY SATURDAY at noon, BEFORE THE MEET! If you do not let Nick know, your child will not be in the meet.

·  No changes will be made to the Heat Sheet after 5pm the day of the meet.

·  If there is a possibility that your child will not be able to be at the meet, let Nick know that your child can only be in individual events, not relays.

·  Relays require 4 swimmers. If one swimmer is not there, the entire relay is ruined for those swimmers.

Volunteer Sign Up

·  Talk to Crystal Tully about your worker assignment for the meet. She will call or email you. Respond to her to confirm that you will do your job.

·  All meets require 50+ volunteers, so everyone who has a swimmer needs to volunteer in some way.

·  Check your email! Convenient methods of communication are essential to meets running smoothly.


·Swimmers should be at the pool at 4:45pm for home meets and 5:00 for away meets.

·Check in with Lisa Peeler or Luzia Jewitt and then take your child to their designated Shepherd area.

·Parents write your child’s last name and age on their back with a permanent marker, if it is not already written there. (It is helpful if this is already written when the children arrive, especially for younger children.)

·Parents please write your child's events, heat, and lane (E, H, L) on their arm or leg. Shepherds can help with this. Things can always change.

·Swimmers will swim warm up laps for about 20 minutes.

·Shepherds will line kids up for their events and walk them to their lanes.

·After your child swims, they are your responsibility. Shepherds aren’t babysitters.

·Parents should make sure that the swimmers are back in their designated area at least 5 events before their scheduled events.

·After your child has finished all of their events, you may leave. Please do not leave before! That could ruin a relay for other swimmers.

·Before you leave, pick up all of the trash around you and put it in trash cans.

·At home meets, there is a lot of cleaning to do. Please help put chairs back, take out trash, put up grills, benches, starting blocks, or anything else that needs to be done.


Sunscreen chairs

Water / liquids (NO GLASS) permanent marker

Towels heat sheet (check email)

Chairs cash

Canopy Shade cooler

Snacks and drinks are allowed concessions are available



·  Are expected to supervise their kids at all times.

·  Should not be in the starting area unless they are an official or have volunteered to time.

·  Should direct any and all questions to their coaches and not the meet director or volunteers.

·  Should not set up or sit in any area that is roped off for volunteers


Morning Practices, Monday– Friday and Saturday

Age Groups / Time / Days
6 years & Under / 8:30 - 9:00 / Monday –, Saturday
7 & 8 and 9 & 10 / 9:00 - 9:45 / Monday - Saturday
11 -12, 13-14, & 15 -18 / 9:45 - 10:45 / Monday - Saturday

Evening practices Monday and Thursday

Age groups / Time / Days
6 years & Under / 5:30 - 6:00 / Mon and Thur
7 & 8 and 9 & 10 / 6:00 - 6:45 / Mon and Thur
11-12, 13-14, &15-18 / 6:45 – 7:45 / Mon and Thur


Please join us at the Rivershyre Pool on Mondays in June for fun, and fellowship! Please bring a side or dessert to share. The kids will have swim practice, and then everyone has dinner and family fun! This is for the whole family.